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Entries Tagged ‘NECA’:

SDCC 2014: NECA unveils license for Blizzard’s Heroes of the Storm

SDCC-2014- Figures-com-NECA-Blizzard-Heroes-of-the-Storm brings us news that NECA announced they have the license for Blizzard’s Heroes of the Storm game. While they had nothing to show, aside from a placard with some art on it, they will be doing at least one wave of 6-7 inch figures. It is not clear who will be in this first wave, but the art does feature characters from the different Blizzard properties that appear in the game including:
Illidan Stormrage (Warcraft)
Stitches (HotS)
Nova (Starcraft)
Tyrael (Diablo III)
Arthas Menethil aka The Lich King (Warcraft)

Heroes of the Storm is Blizzard’s answer to League of Legends and DOTA2 featuring characters from their many properties including StarCraft, WarCraft and Diablo.

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The Powet Top 5 – Top 5 reveals from Toy Fair 2013

Welcome to the Powet Top 5, where we explore the top (and bottom) 5 items we think are relevant to any of a variety of topics that span the imagination. Sit back, read, and respond.


Toy Fair 2013 has come and gone. As a gigantic snowstorm descended on the northeastern United States, a hurricane of toy news was felt all over the internet. There were so many great announcements and revelations during the show, its hard to put it all in perspective. Lets give it a shot anyway! Here’s a Powet Top 5 list of what I thought were some of the most impressive reveals of Toy Fair 2013.

Join us after the jump to join in the excitement!
[Read the rest of this entry…]

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NECA’s Duke Nukem packaged and ready to go

NECA Toys tweeted today a final image (seen above) of their forthcoming Duke Nukem figure in its final packaging. The figure will be available this May.

The Duke in packaging and ready to ship. Available this May. Come Get Some!!

Its looking pretty great and about time that Duke Nukem gets an action figure.


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Toy Fair 2011: NECA debuts Gremlins 2, Gears of War, Bioshock, Duke Nukem and more

We continue our Toy Fair 2011 coverage with a look at NECA’s display. They have expanded their video game and movie licenses to include Gremlins 2, Terminator 2, Nightmare on Elm Street, Gears of War, Bioshock, Duke Nukem and more.

Nearly all the images from this post come from ASM’s NECA gallery. Check out their Toy Fair 2011 coverage for lots more photos and close ups!

[Read the rest of this entry…]

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New York Toy Fair 2011 News Round-up

This is the main event for the toy industry every year. For weeks now, companies have been blitzing us with reveals and teasers in a PR campaign to gain position in the minds of the public. I’ll be attempting to cover as much news as I can this weekend. This post will be preserved as an index for all Toy Fair related news. As I write and update articles, this post will be updated with a link to each story.

Toy Fair 2011: NECA debuts Gremlins 2, Gears of War, Bioshock, Duke Nukem and more
Toy Fair 2011: Mattel’s DC products; DCUC, Young Justice, JLU, Batman Legacy Line
Toy Fair 2011: Barbie and Ken back together again
Toy Fair 2011: Thundercats from Bandai
Toy Fair 2011: Masters of the Universe Classics (MOTUC)
Toy Fair 2011: Optimus Prime gets a parking ticket
Toy Fair 2011: BifBangPow! teases new Venture Bros. figures and more
Toy Fair 2011: GI Joe SDCC 2011 Exclusive Starscream Skystriker with Cobra Commander
Toy Fair 2011: Hasbro Event Presentation

Pre Toy Fair Announcement and News
Toy Fair 2011: Pre Toy Fair reveals for Hasbro�s Transformers
Toy Fair 2011: Pre Toy Fair Announcement of Walking Dead action figure line
Toy Fair 2011: Bandai press release for upcoming Thundercats products

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PowetToys: Collectors Edition – Tampography/Pad Printing

And now for something completely different.

PowetToys Collectors Edition is a new spin-off series to the PowetToys reviews. I wanted an educational video series on the industry and collecting as a whole. This is my attempt in this endeavor. Let me know what you think in the comments!

ITWTransTech Pad Printing 101

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Toy Fair 2010

Today marks the kick off of New York Toy Fair 2010 and I am just as eager as everyone else to talk about what is being revealed at the show.

Press releases and sneak peak photos were all over the web starting last night. All the info is after the break.
This post will be kept at the top of the page today since I will be adding updates and news as I find it throughout the day.

Warning: This post may get image heavy as updates continue to come in.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

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FANtastic Exclusive 2007 Update

FANtastic Exclusive 2007 Box of Ramathorrs Post Banner

After a long series of delays and setbacks, the Four Horsemen have given us a long awaited updated on the status of the Exclusives from last year.

To bring everyone up to speed, the first factory gave everyone the run around trying to avoid being shut down. Eventually, they were closed their doors and neglected to let 4H in on the situation. Fortunately, with a little intervention from some friends over at NECA, the molds were salvaged and a new factory was hired. That is a very short description of what happened over a very long period of time. The figures were produced at the new factory and pre-production samples looked very very promising. The large shipment of figures was scheduled to be shipped March 20th, 2008. They are hopeful that they will be in with enough time to bring them to NYCC to sell at the booth the Four Horsemen will be sharing with Action Figure Express. Eric Treadaway mentioned that due to some order cancellations that there would be a good opportunity for singles and sets of the whole Anitherian Nine lineup available, though, he was not specific on details.

You can read it all here or look after the jump for the original text. The link also has some pictures the factory sent the 4H of Ramathor in production.

We’ve been following this series of figures for a while now:
Ramathor revealed
Variants Revealed 1
Variants Revealed 2
Variants Revealed 3
Variants Revealed 4
[Read the rest of this entry…]

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