Even in the 8-bit days, the theme of time travel in video games was all around us. For some, it was a story excuse to visit historical landmarks and offer. Other explored idea of what it meant to manipulate tiem Usually, they were some poorly-designed movie tie-in. But each one offered an unmentioned promise that someday, somewhen, the ultimate time travel game would arise. Now, if only someone would invent actual time travel and send that game back to us in time for this episode! Vinnk and Sean discuss their favorite (and sometimes not-so-favorite) time travel games, what they did right, what they could have done better, and spend probably too much time gushing about Presto Studio’s The Journeyman Project and bolstering the merits of the 1996 Doctor Who movie on Fox starring Paul McGann. But, mostly, it’s about games. And we somehow forgot to mention Shadow of Destiny… (Don’t worry; we’ll try to cover that in the show notes.)
Leave your own voicemail at 608-492-1923, or just share your thoughts in the show notes at FamicomDojo.TV: http://famicomdojo.tv/podcast/72
There are a lot of couples in video games, but is there romance? Mario and Peach, Luigi and Daisy, Link and Zelda, The Brooding Loner and the Star-crossed Japanese Flower Girl Who Loves Him, and — of course — Samus and the baby Metroid. Do any of these games do romance well, or is it just assumed? And how far is too far with player-to-NPC romance? Sean and Vinnk wonder if video games can truly ever be your Valentine as they discuss these problems, the likelihood of your characters ever finding true digital love, and the potentially unfortunate state of Princess Zelda’s armpit hair.
Can a movie based on a video game ever be any good? If their Rotten Tomatoes scores are to be believed, these films are never critical darlings. Some find fans in niche places, but many are just… you know… BAD. Vinnk and SeanOrange plumb their memories of video game movies to find out if either of them belong to the “so-SO-bad-but-I-still-love-it-even-though-geez-it-sucks” club!
Check out the show notes to see the trailers for these films, JewWario’s Mario Monologues, and more thoughts at FamicomDojo.TV: http://famicomdojo.tv/podcast/7
by Sean "TheOrange" Corse, filed in Games on Nov.30, 2009
…but should they have stayed hidden?
Resurrecting the Sands of Time series that inspired the upcoming Jerry Bruckheimer film, Ubisoft announced today that their next installment will not be a follow-up to the “new” Prince of Persia series. This change-up shouldn’t be much of a surprise, since it was reported almost two months ago that the name had been reserved for “game-related use”.
While a tie-in makes sense fiscally, will gamers (literally) buy it?
Read the press release, and reactions, after the jump:
The new theatrical trailer for the Prince of Persia movie has been released on YouTube for the world to see. The trailer looks pretty good; similar to Pirates of the Caribbean in terms of special effects and overall-feel. What I’m digging is the subtle influences from the game that they actually have put into the movie, such as honest-to-god wall jumping, and the activation of the Dagger of Time making the Prince (Jake Gyllenhaal) look something akin to the Dark Prince’s form from “Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones“. If the entire movie has such influences and easter eggs that were prominant in the games, there might actually be hope for the film.
by FakeTrout, filed in Games, Movies on Apr.16, 2007
IESB reports that the Disney movie based on the very popular series The Prince Of Persia has a director and a release date: Michael Bay, Summer 2009.
Before the comments below are flooded with cracks about game movies, (or Michael Bay movies), consider this: Jerry Bruckheimer is producing the film, and after 3 gigantic Pirates Of The Carribean movies for Disney, they’re both looking for something that can be that kind of a hit. After all, theres a lot more to work with here for characters, plots, and concepts than Pirates, which was merely a ride. I’ve been on that ride. Its a slow boat passing animatronic pirates. Its nothing special. Sands Of Time is one of the most exciting action games of the last console generation. Loads of potential there.