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Maximum Letdown: Datura (PSN)


Datura stramonium, also known as moonflower and Angel’s trumpet is a genus of flowering weeds in the Solanaceae family of plants. This family also includes Tomatoes, Mandrake, Potatoes, and Tobacco. While it’s used to treat Asthma and nausea symptoms, it can be very harmful at larger doses, causing delirium, photophobia, amnesia, and even death. For this reason, it’s known by another name: The Devil’s Weed. Shockingly enough, unlike marijuana, it’s not illegal. You can grow it, cultivate, and even use it. However, only a complete moron would do so.

So why am I telling you this? Because apparently you have to be high as shit in order to play Sony’s 2012 PS Move title, and even then it still won’t make any sense.
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Avast! Play as a Ninja-Pirate in Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag

Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag, ninja pirating at its finest!

Six games later, it has finally finally happened: Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag mixes Ubisoft’s stealth assassin genre with a bawdy nautical theme, making what looks to be the best ninja/pirate crossover game to date. Will it be able to fulfill such lofty goals? Watch the trailer after the jump!

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BIT.TRIP Runner2 Out Today on Wii U eShop and Steam

BIT.TRIP Runner2 Releases

Runner2 is the follow-up by Gaijin Games to the original chiptune-inspired auto-runner game (cleverly named “Runner”), featuring CommanderVideo as an erstwhile nyan cat — or Robot Unicorn, except you don’t necessarily have to die. And you know they’re serious about you playing this game, because they didn’t have time to put a space between “Runner” and “2”!

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Famicom Dojo Podcast: Oh Yeah OUYA

The Ouya is making waves in the console world. Not many get a chance to be a part of history and fund a new console that could change the way we look at console gaming. But will it? Can it even make money? And what value is the experience if hackers are encouraged to do what they want?

Vinnk and Sean grapple with these questions, answer listener voicemail, and talk about the new Famicom Dojo episode The Neo Geo Affair, and the onslaught of videos that are being released every week for the rest of the summer!

iTunes Chicklet

Leave your own voicemail at 608-492-1923, or just share your thoughts in the show notes at FamicomDojo.TV:

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Powet Game News: June 2012

See the Nintendo Direct 3DS XL announcement and videos by Smosh after the jump!

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Famicom Dojo Podcast: It’s All About the Cheevos

It’s nice to feel like you’ve accomplished something in a game, but rather than bragging about your accomplishments, doesn’t comparing achievements instead make you judge your friends for not being as awesome as you are? Vinnk and Sean reminisce about what they did before achievements and tropies, and if they really enhance the gaming experience — or just feed into already-present addictive gaming behaviors. Also: our first listener voicemail!

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E3 2012: Is ‘Watch Dogs’ Next Gen?

Microsoft and Sony were very careful to announce ‘no new hardware’ before E3, and stuck to that promise. Nothing shown at either of their press events was for anything other than the devices that are already out on the market. The closest thing Xbox has to hardware launch right now is a Windows 8 tablet running Smart Glass.

But other publishers show games too.

Ubisoft wowed audiences and critics with a demo of Watch Dogs. Graphically amazing, but also implying a depth of gameplay and sandbox options above and beyond what their own Assassin’s Creed series is capable of. The demo was played on stage using an Xbox 360 controller, but Ubisoft confirmed later that it was a PC version of the game we’d seen.

Ubisoft clearly has a hit on their hands, and usually a game like this gets showcased at a hardware maker’s show. Why would Microsoft pass on Watch Dogs and take Splinter Cell? Easy, Splinter Cell shows a game running on XBox 360, and Watch Dogs won’t look like the demo we saw on Xbox 360.

Ubisoft says the release date for Watch Dogs is beyond 2012. If new hardware (aside from Wii U) does launch in 2013, Watch Dogs could be an important launch title. We’ve been assured that the game will come out on PS3 and XBox 360, but it isn’t hard to think back to 2005/2006 when games like Tomb Raider Legend and Gun launched on PS2 and Xbox with HD versions on PS3 and Xbox 360.

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Call Of Duty: BLOPS 2 The Future!

Call of Duty gets a lot of crap for being the same game every single year. Not really so. There were only 4 World War II games, and 4 games that were not in World War II!

Since Treyarch was so successful with ‘Black Ops’ it seemed natural to continue that story in the “Modern Warfare’ off year. I am shocked and kinda impressed they took the daring move of putting the fight in the near future. The war is against the United States’ own unmaned drones and smart weapons which have been turned against us. Looks cool. I’m sure it will play the same as all the others, but it looks cool.

I hope we get to play as the craggy, hairy, wrinkled guy.

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