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Better pictures of Masterpiece Rodimus Prime surface

Yesterday, we posted some of the first images of the Masterpiece Rodimus Prime unpainted prototype. There were only a three pictures and they left more questions than answers. Today, a TFW2005 poster, posted new images of the unpainted prototype that give a better idea of what this toy is going to be like. I have mirrored them below.

The trailer pictures seem to confirm my underwhelming initial impressions. The robot looks fantastic, with what appears to be a rotating face gimmick to show Hot Rod’s face, similar to the gimmick on the Masterpiece Starscream mold. Overall, the figure looks entirely too short though. We don’t know for certain yet, but he looks much shorter than the Masterpiece Optimus Prime mold and that is a disservice to Rodimus as another Prime. Let us know what you think in the comments!

Pictures are after the jump!
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Transformers Generations Jazz, Thunderwing, And More Show Up In China

The next wave of Transformers Generations has been talked about but little seen. No photography was allowed during the Botcon panel that mentioned many of these figures, and Hasbro’s SDCC 2010 panel left a lot of new stuff out.

Now thanks to a presentation at CybertronCon in China, we have our first look at many new figures. Included in this gallery are Deluxe figures Jazz, Pereceptor, Scourge, Thunderwing, and Tracks. Legends class Optimus, Megatron, Starscream, and Goldbug (Gold Bumblebee) are present, as well as Scout Windcharger, Voyager Lugnut and Grapple. Also included are new PowerCore Combiners representing Constructicons and Dinobots.

Images via TFCLUB.

Rodimus, Cyclonus, Galvatron Classics 3 pack will be a Target Exclusive

Auto Assembly, a UK Transoformers convention released a statement saying that they had a partnership with Hasbro to give away 30 sets of the highly anticipated 3-pack featuring Classics Rodimus (Hot Rod), Classics Cyclonus, and Classics Galvatron. The set is called Challenge on Cybertron and currently was only known to be a limited exclusive to a convention in Hong Kong. The set will not be released in the UK, so this will be the only way to get it that market. The press release went on to mention that it is not even available in the US, where it will be a Target exclusive. That, right there, is the kicker because thats the first announcement of who the distributor will be for the US release.

You can all rest easy now and while you do check out some of the great pictures from the Animation-Comic-Game Hong Kong (ACGHK) event’s toy displays.

Press release after the jump

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First images of Masterpiece Rodimus Prime MP-09

Word had it that we would be seeing some of the first pictures of Masterpiece Rodimus Prime this weekend because it would be on display as an unpainted prototype at a large Transformers convention in China called Transformers CybertronCon. Sure enough, the convention is being setup right now and some helpful fans in attendance snapped some pictures. You can see those pictures and many more from the convention setup here. Check out that thread because there are some other neat things on display including a gold lucky draw Brave Maximus among other things.

As for Rodimus, the pictures of the robot look fantastic. The trailer is leaving me a little disappointed. I was really hoping they would do more with it than just make it bigger, but there isn’t much to go on just yet with these photos. We’ll know more as we get it.

Masterpiece_Rodimus_Proto_01 Masterpiece_Rodimus_Proto_02 Masterpiece_Rodimus_Proto_03

SDCC 2010: Mattel’s DCUC, DCIH, Green Lantern Classics and more

There were lots of announcements on the DC front from Mattel. To see the full Mattypalooza panel that mostly focused on Ghostbusters, MOTU, and DC Universe, you can go here.

What was revealed at the panel for DC product in the Mattypalooza panel was almost entirely exclusive to

Mattel held a separate panel just for DC Universe Classics and Green Lantern classics. You can watch the actual panel here and look below for highlights. I found it amusing that the first thing said in the DC Universe panel was that there would be more reveals in five minutes of this panel than there were in all the Hasbro panels. It makes me sad that he’s not far off the mark.

Continue on after the jump for more details.
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SDCC 2010: Marvel Universe, Legends, Movie figures and more

Hasbro and Marvel held their panel for their various action figure lines and there were some surprises including a promise to return to Marvel Legends in a big way in 2012. I take back what I said in this post, but I hope we are back to full waves of single figures and not these 2-packs. Its certainly a way off, but any news is good news at this point.

In the meantime, lets look at some of the big reveals for everything else they had to talk about after the jump!

Image in banner and where watermarked are mirrored from MarvelousNews’ Gallery here.
More images will be added as things are put in display cases and pictures of those start coming in.
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SDCC 2010: Icon Heroes – Thundercats

Icon Heroes was present at SDCC to show off their new Thundercats line of mini-statues. has a small gallery of what was on display from Preview Night. They had the Lion-O staction, both the SDCC Exclusive and regular version on display along with the new Thunderclaw vehicle staction. It comes with another Lion-O mini-statue as a driver and is in scale to the rest of the line, meaning it is quite large. I have included a size comaprison photo from the company’s site for reference with the Thunderclaw next to the regular release Lion-O 6 inch mini-statue. Also on display was a fully painted Jackalman staction and an unpainted prototype of Lynx-O. I like what I’m seeing from this line. Its unfortunate they were unable to obtain the actual toy license for this property instead of settling on a mini-statue license.

IconHeros_LynxO IconHeros_LionO IconHeros_JackalMan IconHeros_ThunderclawIconHeros_Thunderclaw_scale

All pictures, unless otherwise mentioned, are mirrored from

SDCC 2010: Star Trek Toys and Replicas

Star Trek is a perennial brand that is usually ever present at Comic-Con, but there wasn’t a whole lot on display.

Diamond Select Toys

Retro Cloth Figures and Klingon Bird of Prey
DST had some figures on display from their Star Trek Cloth Figure line, TOS Pike, the Salt Vampire, Nurse Chapel and what looks to be the Orion Slave Girl.

sdcc2010_dst_ST_ClothFigs DST_Klingon_Ship

Roddenberry Replicas
This is a new company that I’ve never heard of before but they have a wide offering of replicas mostly based on the original Star Trek series.
Michael Crawford has an excellent gallery of this booth’s offerings here.

Hallmark had all their holiday ornaments on display including a few Star Trek ones.
You can see a full gallery here.

sdcc2010_hallmark_ship_MCW sdcc2010_hallmark_Kirk_MCW sdcc2010_hallmark_mindmeld_MCW sdcc2010_hallmark_amoktime_MCW

Vinyl figures
Some exclusive Star Trek inspired Vinyl figures were on sale at the show. More on that here.

Thats about all I could find for Star Trek. Pretty poor showing this year.

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