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Sweet Powet.TV entries by Sean "TheOrange" Corse

Microsoft Attempts to Corner Used Games Market with Xbox One

Watching the Xbox One unveiling, one could be forgiven for thinking that Microsoft doesn’t seem to see itself as a games publisher, or the Xbox One as a gaming console. During the event, Microsoft made a big deal about how the company wanted to change the way gamers related to their TVs, but said nothing about wanting to change their relationship with game retailers as well.

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How I Met Your Mother Made Me Realize This Game of Thrones Theory Is Ridiculous

How I Met Your Mother Lannister Honeypot

There’s a pretty crazy fan theory going around about Robb Stark’s wife on Game of Thrones called “The Lannister Honeypot”. Since the HBO series is sufficiently different from the source material, the theory is plausible enough to be enticing.

But after watching an episode from the middle of this season’s How I Met Your Mother, I’m convinced “the Lannister Honeypot” is utterly bunk.

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NBC Renews Community for Fifth Season


…and cancels Whitney, the sophomore comedy that is partly to blame for Community’s late start, making Community and Parks and Recreation the only veteran comedies on the schedule next fall. The fourth season has proved the show can survive without Dan Harmon, but what will it be like without Chevy Chase?

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It’s Spock on Spock in this “Fascinating” Audi Commercial

It’s Star Trek the original series versus the JJ Abram Trek universe as Leonard Nimoy and Zachary Quinto try to outdo each other in this automobile ad that has something for Star Trek fans of any stripe. More after the jump!

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Famicom Dojo Podcast: The Next Xbox

Famicom Dojo Podcast 73: The Next Xbox

The Wii U might seem like it’s in trouble, but even if the least bad of the “always on” rumors for the next Xbox prove true, will Microsoft be the worse one off this generation? Is this company that only entered console gaming this side of the millennium trying as hard as it can to apply the digital download methodology of gaming to physical media, or is it just a bunch of baseless fanboy fears and rampant speculation? Sean and Vinnk run down three possible scenarios for what to expect when the new Xbox is finally announced later this month, each one making Microsoft look worse than the last. We started this podcast worrying about the effect that digital DRM games would have on the medium at large, but we never thought the event horizon would occur so soon. Or maybe it won’t. We’ll find out soon enough!

iTunes Chicklet

Leave your own voicemail at 608-492-1923, or just share your thoughts in the show notes at FamicomDojo.TV:

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Rich Guy Zach Braff Kickstarts Millions For New Indie Flick

Zach Braff Wishes He WASN'T Here.  Weren't here... weren't not... well, you get the idea

Even though he’s made more in his career than most of his contributors will make in a lifetime combined, CBS Schoolbreak Special one-time guest star Zach Braff has successfully raised the more than the requested $2 million dollars to complete his new indie film that he terms as a spiritual successor to his decade-old feature film Garden State.

The erstwhile SeanOrange doppleganger admitted in his video that he was inspired by the $4 million success of the Veronica Mars movie Kickstarter campaign, a film which unlike Braff’s new film has major studio backing.

“‘You would think a big star like me would just have $2 million squirreled away for just such an occasion… but really, I don’t,’ Zach Braff in no way said, but at least I’d imagine he’d say it,” said Sean “The Orange” Corse. Sean embarked on a failed YouTube campaign in 2008 to call out Braff for growing the same kind of patchy, fuzzy beard-like facial hair for the final season of what Corse terms as “the ‘Real’ Scrubs”.

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Justin Severson Classes Up Revision 3’s downLOADED

Our very own, very dapper Justin paid a visit to Revision3’s downLOADED to chat about the respective demises of LucasArts and Roger Ebert, airlines charging you for being too fat, and some other stuff that’s pretty interesting. (Promise!)

Also, here’s a video of him stuffing Teddy Grahams into his mouth:

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Famicom Dojo Podcast: It’s About Time

Famicom Dojo Podcast 72: It's About Time

Even in the 8-bit days, the theme of time travel in video games was all around us. For some, it was a story excuse to visit historical landmarks and offer. Other explored idea of what it meant to manipulate tiem Usually, they were some poorly-designed movie tie-in. But each one offered an unmentioned promise that someday, somewhen, the ultimate time travel game would arise. Now, if only someone would invent actual time travel and send that game back to us in time for this episode! Vinnk and Sean discuss their favorite (and sometimes not-so-favorite) time travel games, what they did right, what they could have done better, and spend probably too much time gushing about Presto Studio’s The Journeyman Project and bolstering the merits of the 1996 Doctor Who movie on Fox starring Paul McGann. But, mostly, it’s about games. And we somehow forgot to mention Shadow of Destiny… (Don’t worry; we’ll try to cover that in the show notes.)

iTunes Chicklet

Leave your own voicemail at 608-492-1923, or just share your thoughts in the show notes at FamicomDojo.TV:

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