The Wii U might seem like it’s in trouble, but even if the least bad of the “always on” rumors for the next Xbox prove true, will Microsoft be the worse one off this generation? Is this company that only entered console gaming this side of the millennium trying as hard as it can to apply the digital download methodology of gaming to physical media, or is it just a bunch of baseless fanboy fears and rampant speculation? Sean and Vinnk run down three possible scenarios for what to expect when the new Xbox is finally announced later this month, each one making Microsoft look worse than the last. We started this podcast worrying about the effect that digital DRM games would have on the medium at large, but we never thought the event horizon would occur so soon. Or maybe it won’t. We’ll find out soon enough!
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Even in the 8-bit days, the theme of time travel in video games was all around us. For some, it was a story excuse to visit historical landmarks and offer. Other explored idea of what it meant to manipulate tiem Usually, they were some poorly-designed movie tie-in. But each one offered an unmentioned promise that someday, somewhen, the ultimate time travel game would arise. Now, if only someone would invent actual time travel and send that game back to us in time for this episode! Vinnk and Sean discuss their favorite (and sometimes not-so-favorite) time travel games, what they did right, what they could have done better, and spend probably too much time gushing about Presto Studio’s The Journeyman Project and bolstering the merits of the 1996 Doctor Who movie on Fox starring Paul McGann. But, mostly, it’s about games. And we somehow forgot to mention Shadow of Destiny… (Don’t worry; we’ll try to cover that in the show notes.)
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Rayman Legends is ready to ship for Wii U, but now won’t be released until multi-platform versions are ready. Wii U sales are down, but if games aren’t coming out that people want to buy, who’s to blame? Nintendo is offering a Wii U bundle with Ubisoft’s ZombiU (and Nintendo Land, AND a Pro Controller), but is it too little too late? Vinnk and Sean try and suss out Ubisoft’s strategy, and discuss what Nintendo can do today to get people to buy Wii U without dropping the price. (*COUGH*Wii U Virtual Console!*COUGH*)
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Be careful about bringing your beer to a Destructoid room party! They might claim they don’t know you, and then keep your beer! Sean tells Vinnk about his time at MAGFest, the fun panels he attended, the cool people he met (and re-met), the awesome videos he watched — like JewWario’s trailer for his new FamiKamen Rider series, and how Sean would go to a Destructoid room party again (even if he has to bring more beer to get in). Discussion about the MSX also re-ignites the debate of what can or can’t be considered a game console.
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Sean shares a couple of items from his MAGFest haul! This year he procured a Family Keyboard and Famicom Data Recorder from Mad-Gear. It’s a pretty cool, really strange peripheral that saved game data for a very small number of games before the Famicom Disk System came along and stole its thunder.
This will definitely be covered in a future episode of Famicom Dojo, but until then enjoy this quick hardware preview, and imagine the gaming possibilities with sequential magnetic tape!
by Sean "TheOrange" Corse, filed in Games, News on Jan.23, 2013
Miiverse integration with smart phones is finally arriving! After being teased in a Nintendo Direct video after E3 last year, Nintendo will be exposing the hooks for Miiverse integration on non-Wii U devices this spring. But that’s not all!
by Sean "TheOrange" Corse, filed in Games, News on Jan.23, 2013
Gamers have been asking for it since the Wii U launched, upon the disappointment of discovering they cannot play Wii Virtual Console games on the Wii U GamePad: when will Virtual Console games be integrated with the Wii U? The answer? This spring (at least in Japan). But it will cost you.
Rarely do games place you in the role of the villain. Either it’s too difficult, tongue-in-cheek and therefore not serious, or being a villain is ultimately too unpalatable to pull off except for the briefest moments. Vinnk and Sean take a look at the games that try to bridge this gap, whether or not they were successful, and just which ones are worth playing — even if it’s juts for laughs. Also, we DIDN’T forget the most obvious example, we just saved the best for last!
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