Entries Tagged ‘Four Horsemen’:
by Crazy, filed in Toys on Apr.20, 2008
Mattel’s panel at
NYCC has brought us some great news for He-Man fans. Mattel announced an upcoming line for
MOTU spanning all previous incarnations of the property. That includes the classic figures from the 80’s, characters from the original mini-comics, the New Adventures of He-Man, the 2002 MYP MOTU relaunch series and She-Ra, Princess of Power. It was unclear if the She-Ra figures would be based on the series of the original figures.
Some quick details from He-Man.org:
- The line will be a 6″ Masters of the Universe collector’s line
- The line will be super-poseable, using high-end articulation
- It will be comparable to the DC Universe line that is currently being produced by Mattel and sculpted by the 4H
- Mattel stated this line is definitely going to be for the collectors, and not for children
- They will be shipped in even case ratios. Mattel said “You are not going to see six Skeletors and one Beastman”
- The first figure in the line will be King Grayskull, who will be a SDCC Exclusive.
- King Grayskull will have a chase variant that is colored to look like the statue of King Grayskull seen by Adam from the MYP Power of Grayskull episode.
- This collector’s line will contain “the entire pantheon of MOTU characters”, which will include characters from the classic MOTU toy line, the New Adventures of He-Man, MYP cartoon characters, characters from the mini-comics (a photo of the Green Goddess was flashed), characters from the unproduced Powers of Grayskull line (a photo of He-Ro was flashed), and POP characters (a screengrab of Force Captain Adora from SOTS was flashed)
I have included the lengthy notes from the Fan Q&A and He-Man.org’s exclusive Q&A after the jump.
I found it interesting to note that Mattel does not own the rights to any character in the Filmation series that was not a toy or in the original mini-comics.
[Read the rest of this entry…]
Tags: Animation, DC Universe, Exclusive, Four Horsemen, Mattel, MOTU
by Crazy, filed in Events, Toys on Mar.27, 2008
After a long series of delays and setbacks, the Four Horsemen have given us a long awaited updated on the status of the Exclusives from last year.
To bring everyone up to speed, the first factory gave everyone the run around trying to avoid being shut down. Eventually, they were closed their doors and neglected to let 4H in on the situation. Fortunately, with a little intervention from some friends over at NECA, the molds were salvaged and a new factory was hired. That is a very short description of what happened over a very long period of time. The figures were produced at the new factory and pre-production samples looked very very promising. The large shipment of figures was scheduled to be shipped March 20th, 2008. They are hopeful that they will be in with enough time to bring them to NYCC to sell at the booth the Four Horsemen will be sharing with Action Figure Express. Eric Treadaway mentioned that due to some order cancellations that there would be a good opportunity for singles and sets of the whole Anitherian Nine lineup available, though, he was not specific on details.
You can read it all here or look after the jump for the original text. The link also has some pictures the factory sent the 4H of Ramathor in production.
We’ve been following this series of figures for a while now:
Ramathor revealed
Variants Revealed 1
Variants Revealed 2
Variants Revealed 3
Variants Revealed 4
[Read the rest of this entry…]
Tags: Exclusive, Four Horsemen, NECA
by Crazy, filed in Toys on Oct.04, 2007
Action Figure Xpress will be offering an exclusive 2-pack of Masters of the Universe stactions (static action figures). The exclusive includes a hoodless Kobra Khan, one of the infamous snakemen and a new version of Faker, Skeletor’s evil robotic ‘impostor’ of He-Man. Faker looks like he may be a repaint of the recent SDCC exclusive classic colors He-man including the classic sword with a repainted or resculpted chest piece from Skeletor.
News came by way of He-man.org via the announcement made by NECA. These items are not yet up for pre-order, but I imagine they’ll be up soon.
Tags: Exclusive, Four Horsemen, MOTU
by Crazy, filed in Toys on Aug.29, 2007
Tags: DC, DC Universe, Four Horsemen, Mattel, Superman
by Crazy, filed in Comics, Events, Toys on Aug.03, 2007
Today brings us more news from the San Diego Comic Con concerning upcoming toy lines and exclusive figures. We’ll start pretty much where we left off yesterday. We’ll try to cover the following topics:
- Marvel Legends Icons and 2-Packs
- DC Universe/DC Superheroes
- Castlevania
So read on for more details…
[Read the rest of this entry…]
Tags: Batman, DC, Exclusive, Four Horsemen, Justice League, Marvel, Marvel Legends, Superman, X-Men
by Crazy, filed in Events, Toys on Jul.27, 2007
As with each year at the SDCC, news is flowing out about upcoming plans, events and merchandise. Due to the sheer volume of data, I’m just going to cover the toy news from the Preview night (yesterday) and Day 1 (today).
I will be covering news for:
- The 7th Kingdom (FANtastic Exclusives)
- Minimates (Marvel)
- Marvel Legends (Main line and supplemental lines)
So if you are interested in any of these, continue on below!
More coming tomorrow!
[Read the rest of this entry…]
Tags: Exclusive, Four Horsemen, Marvel Legends, Minimates
by Crazy, filed in Toys on Jun.12, 2007
This is it! The final two variants to Ramathorr, the Elephant swordsman have finally been revealed to complete the Anitherian Nine set.
SSejjhhorr and Ggruxx have stood to oppose Ramathorr and his Anitherian Guard. Hailing from the Mutant kingdom, these two figures feature an all new head sculpt and come with two battle axes and faux fur loin cloths.
The green Ggruxx will be an exclusive to ToyRocket, while the red SSejjhhorr will be an exclusive to Figures.com. Each site selling a variant from the set has set their own price point and production number for the figure. All are sure to be limited in quantity though.
Crowinghorse from figures.com mentioned on the FANtastic Forums that they had about 550 Ssejjhhorr’s made. That will probably be on the high end of production numbers for any of the exclusives, with the exception of Ramathorr.
You can check out the rest of the set by following these links:
Ramathorr, The Elephant Swordsman Revealed
Variants: Part 1
Variants: Part 2
Variants: Part 3
And for more on the FANtastic Exclusive concept itself you can check out this edition of PowetToys on last year’s set of exclusives:
Powet Toys: FANtastic Exclusive 2006
Gallery of the 2006 set
Tags: Exclusive, Four Horsemen
by Crazy, filed in Events, Toys on Jun.09, 2007
While we’ve known about the SDCC exclusive for about a month now and we had a
teaser of Jitsu, we finally get our first peek at the next wave of mini-statues for the Masters of the Universe line. Sculpted by the Four Horsemen and produced by NECA, this wave features Battle-Armor He-man, Mosquitor, and Jitsu. This keeps with the theme of doing one character from 3 of the 4 factions in each wave. (The Masters, Skeletor’s Council of Evil, Hordak’s Horde, and the Snakemen)
The representative from the Maters is a surprisingly good looking He-man mini-statue featuring the battle-armor based on one of the more popular gimmicked he-man figures.
Representing Skeletor’s Council of Evil is Jitsu. This master of the martial arts features an over-sized mechanical hand making him the perfect foil to Fisto.
Mosquitor represents the Horde. The original figure was a lot of fun and this really captures that.
As for the SDCC exclusive from the Four Horsemen and NECA this year for the MOTU property, we will be seeing a classics colors He-man, apparently using the same base mold that the Battle Armor He-man staction is made from. I’m actually far more interested in the Battle Armor He-man, but this makes a nice addition to the line considering there wasn’t a He-man figure until this wave (which is a good thing!). You’ll also note that he is holding the classic version of the power sword.
Tags: Exclusive, Four Horsemen, MOTU