Magazines have themselves become a retro medium, but what if someone could use that to their advantage in a dying industry? Double-win if you can tie it to retro video games. That’s exactly what we have with our guests this week! Vinnk and Sean welcome co-founders Mike Kennedy and Mark Kaminski of Retro Magazine to talk about their Year 2 Kickstarter, and their favorite retro games. They also stick around for Future Retro and Pile of Shame to share some really interesting games we (or at least some of us) haven’t played before!
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Magazines have themselves become a retro medium, but what if someone could use that to their advantage in a dying industry? Double-win if you can tie it to retro video games. That’s exactly what we have with our guests this week! Vinnk and Sean welcome co-founders Mike Kennedy and Mark Kaminski of Retro Magazine to talk about their Year 2 Kickstarter, and their favorite retro games. They also stick around for Future Retro and Pile of Shame to share some really interesting games we (or at least some of us) haven’t played before!
Leave your own voicemail at 608-492-1923, or just share your thoughts in the show notes at FamicomDojo.TV:
What are your favorite scary games? How about just ones that remind you of Halloween, or are about traditional “scary” critters, but are just too darn cute to be scary themselves? Or, depending on what actually scares you, extreme isolation? Sean and Vinnk invite Sindra and David back to the podcast for this special Halloween episode! And we may or may not discuss the P.T. Silent Hills demo… JUMP SCARE!!
Leave your own voicemail at 608-492-1923, or just share your thoughts in the show notes at FamicomDojo.TV:
Vinnk and Sean return to video with the 8-bit classic Super Mario Bros., and the game glitch so famous that reputable magazine articles have been written about it.
But this is the Internet! We will show you how to perform this trick (with video), and explain why it works, and what other variations exist besides the well-known “Water Level of Death”.
Did you know that there was an episode of Famicom Dojo before there was a Famicom Dojo? Not just the one released on Zac Shipley’s channel, but one we never released for public consumption? Sure you didn’t! We know lots of stuff from back in 2006. Learn more from Vinnk and Sean as they talk about their memories of Famicom Dojo before there was a Famicom Dojo, how the name was chosen, and the revelation that even the first episodes took a super-long time to create! Oh, and we explain a bit more about our plans for the future of Famicom Dojo in 2013 and beyond.
Leave your own voicemail at 608-492-1923, or just share your thoughts in the show notes at FamicomDojo.TV:
Sean shares a couple of items from his MAGFest haul! This year he procured a Family Keyboard and Famicom Data Recorder from Mad-Gear. It’s a pretty cool, really strange peripheral that saved game data for a very small number of games before the Famicom Disk System came along and stole its thunder.
This will definitely be covered in a future episode of Famicom Dojo, but until then enjoy this quick hardware preview, and imagine the gaming possibilities with sequential magnetic tape!