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DCUC Metallo Wave returns has announced that Wave 5 of the popular DC Universe Classics line will be available once again on on May 17th. The first release of this wave was a store exclusive to Wal-Mart and subsequently incredibly hard to procure. The wave includes Black Lightning, The Riddler, Eradicator, Amazo and The Atom. Each of these figures comes with a Collect N’ Connect piece that assemble to form Metallo.

I’ll be sure to mention this in the MattyCollector day reminder for that month along with the MOTUC releases. DCU fans, let me introduce you to the Red/White Screen of Death courtesy of Digital River.

Special thanks to forum member Rabban for the tip!
Image from ToyReview’s photostream on Flickr.

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Reminder: MattyCollector Day for March – Moss Man, Stratos, DCUC Wave 12 and more

This is your monthly reminder, collectors! On sale today is MOTUC Moss Man. Both versions of Moss Man will be on sale, but I think the version with the flocked ears will be limited in quantity since those were from before the running change to remove the flock from the ears as fans demanded. Reissue Stratos will also be available for sale. MOTUC collectors finally get a fairly light month with just that figure and reissue.

Also on sale will be DCUC Wave 12 as a set. This is the wave with Darksied as the Collect ‘n Connect figure. The Dark Knight Movie Masters Scarecrow is also up for purchase.

Pictures of each of the products after the jump.
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2010 GI Joe Con and Club exclusive updates

I totally missed all of the announcements for JoeConCobraCon 2010, in addition to the Collectors’ Club updates. After a little reconnaissance, I’m happy to report back with my findings!

Intelligence can be found after the jump!
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Reminder: MOTUC Trapjaw, Battlecat and Reissue Man-At-Arms on sale today

This is your monthly reminder MOTU fans! At noon EST, Trapjaw will go on sale as the February Club Eternia figure (subscription). Along with him, a reissue of Man-At-Arms will go on sale as well. This month also brings us the first large scale beast in the form of Battlecat. These large scale beasts will be coming out once a quarter. Announced at ToyFair 2010 this past weekend, Tytus and Gygor will be following Battlecat over the next two quarters.

Images after the jump!
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Toy Fair 2010

Today marks the kick off of New York Toy Fair 2010 and I am just as eager as everyone else to talk about what is being revealed at the show.

Press releases and sneak peak photos were all over the web starting last night. All the info is after the break.
This post will be kept at the top of the page today since I will be adding updates and news as I find it throughout the day.

Warning: This post may get image heavy as updates continue to come in.
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MOTUC He-Man coming to Toys R Us… with Superman


The latest issue of Toyfare, 152, came out yesterday with lots of teasers and announcements as a precursor to this weekend’s New York Toy Fair. Word is racing across the internet that among the announcements was a MOTUC vs DCUC Comic 2-pack exclusive to Toys ‘R Us. The pack will reportedly come with DC Comics Presents #47 where Superman was pitted against the most powerful man in the universe. Pictures of prototypes for a (DC) comic accurate He-Man were leaked on ebay holding the mystery sword and shield accessories shown at the Gallery 88 art show. I’ve included the prototype photos below. The Superman to be included has been said will be the same as that included in the Gotham 5-pack

This is huge news because it will mean the first time any MOTUC figure will be released at retail. This 2-pack is supposedly the first of several. It would appear that there will be a Skeletor 2-pack, but not with whom he might come. Lets hope drums up more interest in He-Man and MOTUC so Mattel will increase their production numbers more and get these figures out to fans that want to buy them but refuse to get in line for Mattel’s shady subscription service.

DC_Presents_47 Comic_2Pk_Protos_HeMan_Skeletor_01 Comic_2Pk_Protos_HeMan_Skeletor_02 Comic_2Pk_Protos_HeMan_Skeletor_03 Comic_2Pk_Protos_HeMan_Skeletor_04 Comic_2Pk_Protos_HeMan_Skeletor_05

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Reminder: MOTU Classics Adora, Battle Armor He-Man and Reissue Beastman on sale today

A reminder to all Masters of the Universe Classics collectors that today 3 figures will be going on sale at noon Eastern Standard Time on Those figures are Reissue Beastman, Battle Armor He-Man with swappable chest plates, and for the first time ever in action figure form, Princess Adora!

Photos after the jump!
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Optikk, Evil-Lynn and new accessories for MOTU Classics on display at Gallery 88 art show


We’ve been gawking in the powet forums at much of the art that is surfacing from the “Under The Influence: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe” Art Show. There is truly some amazing art on display that pays tribute to the Masters of the Universe franchise. Thats not what this news post is about though. The show opening on Friday was supposed to also host the announcement of one of the Mattel SDCC exclusives, rumored to be a ‘celebrity’ exclusive (whatever that means), but it was not long before MattyCollector updated saying that they were not going to be allowed to show the figure. Fortunately for us, ActionFigureInsider reports the show did not disappoint and Mattel was able to bring some other surprises instead. Evil-Lynn was present and accounted for along with all of her accessories including the previously unseen Screech (repainted falcon; see DCUC Beast Boy, MOTUC Zoar w/ Teela) and a second orb for her staff. Evil-Lynn’s only prior appearance before this was in the exclusive picture in the latest issue of Toyfare.

MOTUC_ArtShow_Evil-Lynn MOTUC_ArtShow_Evil-Lynn_2

To see more of the surprises, read on after the jump
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