Shadow Beast bio can be found after the jump! Be sure to let us know your thoughts on Shadow Beasts and their peculiar affection toward Teela in the comments.
It seems we have some sad news on our hands from the Allspark News Staff. After inquiring about the release of the Challenge at Cybertron set, the Hasbro PR team finally came back with a response from the Transformers product team. This set will not be coming out in the United States and that it is an Asian market exclusive.
We�ve confirmed that the item in question is exclusive to the Asia market � not the U.S. Sorry for any confusion.
This set features Universe/Classics/Generations Hot Rod, Galvatron and Cyclonus with anime inspired color schemes and was believed to be coming state-side as a Target exclusive. It seems that is debunked…for now. It is not uncommon for PR teams to flat out deny a product’s release until such a time as they are prepared to make that announcement. Universe Powerglide is the most prominent example I can think of, where we were told a Japanese store exclusive repaint would not be coming here, but eventually did over a much longer period of time.
This week I take a look at Thrust. I had to read his TFWiki entry to find something interesting about him, but I mostly stuck to what I know.
I do mention Thrust from Beast Wars II as well as Thrust from Beast Machines, just to get some sake of continuity of character, or lack there of. For such a descriptive name, its been used on a few very different characters.
I briefly mention Dino Riders in this episode too.
Auto Assembly, a UK Transoformers convention released a statement saying that they had a partnership with Hasbro to give away 30 sets of the highly anticipated 3-pack featuring Classics Rodimus (Hot Rod), Classics Cyclonus, and Classics Galvatron. The set is called Challenge on Cybertron and currently was only known to be a limited exclusive to a convention in Hong Kong. The set will not be released in the UK, so this will be the only way to get it that market. The press release went on to mention that it is not even available in the US, where it will be a Target exclusive. That, right there, is the kicker because thats the first announcement of who the distributor will be for the US release.
You can all rest easy now and while you do check out some of the great pictures from the Animation-Comic-Game Hong Kong (ACGHK) event’s toy displays.
Today marks the kick off of New York Toy Fair 2010 and I am just as eager as everyone else to talk about what is being revealed at the show.
Press releases and sneak peak photos were all over the web starting last night. All the info is after the break.
This post will be kept at the top of the page today since I will be adding updates and news as I find it throughout the day.
Since the alphabet is the building block of our language, the Powet Alphabet is the building block of what makes us geeks.
The debut of the Transformers toy line in 1984 featured many different toys that were originally from several different toy lines in Japan (Diaclone, Micro Change). Soundwave, a robot that transformed into a micro-cassette recorder, was among the first figures in the Transformers line. Unlike most of the other Transformers in that first wave, Soundwave had a gimmick that went above and beyond just being able to transform and back. He was able to fit other Transformers that took the form of micro-cassettes in his chest.
This was a really well received gimmick and more Transformer micro-cassette figures would be released over the years that could fit in Soundwave and his Autobot counter-part Blaster. The truly unique aspect of these cassette Transformers was not so much in the fact that they could fit in the chest of another Transformer, but rather the variety and range of things, into which, these cassettes were able to transform all from the very same small form factor.
by Sean "TheOrange" Corse, filed in Games, Movies, Toys, TV on Jun.02, 2009
We just got off the plane from BotCon 2009 in LA, and now you have a new Powetcast! In the same room for the first time in years, our panel takes the opportunity to share Transformers news, delve into what they thought about this year’s convention and BotCons past, and how much everyone is looking forward to the Revenge of the Fallen.
Enjoy this special Powetcast for the week of June 1st, 2009! Tune in in two weeks for our regular news and features.
(Did you go to BotCon? Go to the Paramount Party? Leave a comment and tell us what you thought of this year’s convention!)