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Powet Monthly Digest – February 2010

A lot of stuff gets posted to, and you might have missed a lot! If you’re new to the site, or just haven’t been around in a while, take a look at all of the amazing stuff.

February was a short month. Combine that with most of the staff either caught in snow, preparing for life changing events, or gearing up for a big spring full of conventions, and this was a light month. We still managed to get several great text features from Will, Crazy, and Sindra; three hilarious and informative podcasts, and kicked off a new season of videos. Enjoy, and don’t forget to share on your favorite social media sites using the links below! The more clicks we get there, the more we know you appreciate what we do, and we’ll keep doing it!

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PowetToys: Collectors Edition – Tampography/Pad Printing

And now for something completely different.

PowetToys Collectors Edition is a new spin-off series to the PowetToys reviews. I wanted an educational video series on the industry and collecting as a whole. This is my attempt in this endeavor. Let me know what you think in the comments!

ITWTransTech Pad Printing 101

Reminder: MOTUC Trapjaw, Battlecat and Reissue Man-At-Arms on sale today

This is your monthly reminder MOTU fans! At noon EST, Trapjaw will go on sale as the February Club Eternia figure (subscription). Along with him, a reissue of Man-At-Arms will go on sale as well. This month also brings us the first large scale beast in the form of Battlecat. These large scale beasts will be coming out once a quarter. Announced at ToyFair 2010 this past weekend, Tytus and Gygor will be following Battlecat over the next two quarters.

Images after the jump!
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Toy Fair 2010

Today marks the kick off of New York Toy Fair 2010 and I am just as eager as everyone else to talk about what is being revealed at the show.

Press releases and sneak peak photos were all over the web starting last night. All the info is after the break.
This post will be kept at the top of the page today since I will be adding updates and news as I find it throughout the day.

Warning: This post may get image heavy as updates continue to come in.
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Shocker Toys introduces Mallows

Shocker Toys sent out a press release introducing a new offering called Mallows. The marshmellow themed line seems to be a cross between Hasbro’s vinyl-like Mighty Muggs offering and some of the posability and customizability of Stickfas. They intend to include multiple licenses into the line including My Pet Monster, MadBalls, Sushi Pack, Dragonball Z and Indie Spotlight. Blank Mallows will be offered as well. MSRP is looking to be around US$10.95 to US$11.95.

I know there are some My Pet Monster fans on here and I was a big fan of the Phantom in its Phantom 2040 iteration. It will be interesting how this turns out with the wide array of licenses being applied.

You can see the press release and color flyer after the break.
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MOTUC He-Man coming to Toys R Us… with Superman


The latest issue of Toyfare, 152, came out yesterday with lots of teasers and announcements as a precursor to this weekend’s New York Toy Fair. Word is racing across the internet that among the announcements was a MOTUC vs DCUC Comic 2-pack exclusive to Toys ‘R Us. The pack will reportedly come with DC Comics Presents #47 where Superman was pitted against the most powerful man in the universe. Pictures of prototypes for a (DC) comic accurate He-Man were leaked on ebay holding the mystery sword and shield accessories shown at the Gallery 88 art show. I’ve included the prototype photos below. The Superman to be included has been said will be the same as that included in the Gotham 5-pack

This is huge news because it will mean the first time any MOTUC figure will be released at retail. This 2-pack is supposedly the first of several. It would appear that there will be a Skeletor 2-pack, but not with whom he might come. Lets hope drums up more interest in He-Man and MOTUC so Mattel will increase their production numbers more and get these figures out to fans that want to buy them but refuse to get in line for Mattel’s shady subscription service.

DC_Presents_47 Comic_2Pk_Protos_HeMan_Skeletor_01 Comic_2Pk_Protos_HeMan_Skeletor_02 Comic_2Pk_Protos_HeMan_Skeletor_03 Comic_2Pk_Protos_HeMan_Skeletor_04 Comic_2Pk_Protos_HeMan_Skeletor_05

Powet Monthly Digest – January 2010

A lot of stuff gets posted to, and you might have missed a lot! If you’re new to the site, or just haven’t been around in a while, take a look at all of the amazing stuff.

Videos, podcasts, and tons of text features! Theres so much to hear, see, and read, you might end up missing what happens in February, and then you’ll have read next month’s digest…

So enjoy, and don’t forget to share these links with friends, family, and enemies!

[Read the rest of this entry…]

Will the Star Wars Role-Play AT-AT take on the Millenium Falcon?


Forget the iPad and the State of the Union, the rumor mill has been busy hyping up a supposed release of an in-scale (to the action figures) AT-AT. According to a report on, the massive toy was spotted at the UK Toy Fair (a strictly no photo event).

Rebelscum reader Boba Fatt sends in a report on the highly-anticipated BAT-AT: “Damn, it’s HUGE!”

According to this eyewitness account, it looks like a Turbo Tank on legs, with an interior similar to the inside of the Turbo Tank, but with 2 levels, opening doors, a gun rack, and an underside hatch for Luke to slice into. There are 2 strings that come out of a side panel like on a rescue helicopter. The neck seal is rubber, and the head holds 6 figures inside, including General Veers. Plus, the rear opens for a Blizzard Force speeder bike. Still no photos yet, but this matches all previous reports.

The photo at the top of this post is a supposed photo of the walker, but there is no way to get a feel for the scale. This report puts things in perspective. The Turbo Tank mentioned is the one in the picture below.

Skeptic rebels continue to smugly call them “Great, big, fat gray targets.”

Info from
Hype provided by

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