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Reminder: Mattel 2010 SDCC Exclusives on sale at MattyCollector today

A reminder to fans of any Mattel products. Today at 12 Noon EST, will have all of their 2010 SDCC exclusive items up for sale. Here is the link to full order page for easier ordering. Here is a list of what will be on sale:
Orko w/ Prince Adam (this is not the color-changing orko)
Mo-Larr/Skeletor MOTUC 2-pack
DCUC Plastic Man figure (without the suitcase accessory)
JLU Starro the Conqueror boxed set (will not include Starro spores for 6 inch figures)
Cars Toon Tokyo Mater
Retro-Action Real Ghostbusters Peter Venkman
Toy Story 3 Disney/Pixar Collection Lotso
WWE Undertaker
Avatar Jake Sully vs Colonel Miles Quaritch Figures

SDCC 2010: Thor Movie Trailer

thor_concept_art_chris_hemsworth_01Update: Unfortunatly, the video is being removed at the request of Marvel/Paramount from various sources. Please refer to our Thor discussion thread at our forums to see if a fellow Powet member has a link if the above video goes dead.

This trailer was apparently played in the SDCC 2010 panel for the Thor movie. We’ve updated with a better source.

This is a very long trailer. Titanic long. Enjoy! Thor release May 2011 with Chris Hemsworth in the lead role. Also prominently featured in this trailer is Clark Gregg as Agent Coulson of SHIELD.

SDCC 2010: Live Action Blue Beetle Footage

BlueBeetle_IIA while back DC Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns teased onTwitter that a test reel of a proposed live action Blue Beetle series existed and that he might show it at San Diego ComiCon. Here a few days after the con, the footage is online. What do you think?

Johns did promise we’ll see Blue Beetle on TV soon. He’s writing another episode of Smallville, now in its final season, that will feature the Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle. The same episode will feature long time BB cohort Booster Gold. It is certainly possible with Smallville finally ending that CW may try to spin some of the great DC characters they’ve had on the series into their own shows.

As for what a Ted Kord Blue Beetle and Booster Gold show would be like, might I suggest…
[Read the rest of this entry…]

SDCC 2010: Sucker Punch

Zack Snyder is making a new movie. He directed that Dawn of The Dead remake, 300, and Watchmen. It looks like after tricking his geek audience into watching well oiled Spartans flex and fight for 2 hours, he’s going to deliver a movie full of fan service in the opposite direction.

Check out the trailer and these sexy posters. You’re a man right?

SDCC 2010: The Walking Dead TV Series

AMC Showed several minutes of the The Walking Dead, and even though this is shaky-cam footage, it looks extremely faithful to the comic series.
We may be looking at the best new show of the next year, geeks. A weekly zombie series!

SDCC 2010: Mattel’s DCUC, DCIH, Green Lantern Classics and more

There were lots of announcements on the DC front from Mattel. To see the full Mattypalooza panel that mostly focused on Ghostbusters, MOTU, and DC Universe, you can go here.

What was revealed at the panel for DC product in the Mattypalooza panel was almost entirely exclusive to

Mattel held a separate panel just for DC Universe Classics and Green Lantern classics. You can watch the actual panel here and look below for highlights. I found it amusing that the first thing said in the DC Universe panel was that there would be more reveals in five minutes of this panel than there were in all the Hasbro panels. It makes me sad that he’s not far off the mark.

Continue on after the jump for more details.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

SDCC 2010: Marvel Universe, Legends, Movie figures and more

Hasbro and Marvel held their panel for their various action figure lines and there were some surprises including a promise to return to Marvel Legends in a big way in 2012. I take back what I said in this post, but I hope we are back to full waves of single figures and not these 2-packs. Its certainly a way off, but any news is good news at this point.

In the meantime, lets look at some of the big reveals for everything else they had to talk about after the jump!

Image in banner and where watermarked are mirrored from MarvelousNews’ Gallery here.
More images will be added as things are put in display cases and pictures of those start coming in.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

SDCC 2010: Nolan North is Deadpool in Marvel VS Capcom 3

NolanNorthDuring a live stream of Marvel VS Capcom 3 with play-by-play annoucements, Capcom-Unity‘s Seth Killian let slip that veteran voice actor Nolan North performs the role of Deadpool. This is actually the first confirmation of any of the voice talent in the game.

North is one of the best known voice actors in games today, with notable roles as Uncharted’s Nathan Drake, Halo 3 ODST’s Romeo and The Prince of Persia himself. He was also Raphael in the acclaimed movie TMNT as well as literally dozens of other voice roles.

North actually played Deadpool once before in the Marvel Animated DVD “Hulk VS”

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