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Sweet Powet.TV entries by Sindra

Powet Alphabet – M is for Mindless Self Indulgence

You know those certain types of bands that sing a certain type of music that’s so damn catchy, despite whatever your musical tastes are, you can’t help but nod your head in beat with the rhythm? Lady Gaga is many a person’s guilty pleasure for that fact alone, so we all know it happens.

That’s pretty much what Mindless Self Indulgence is – though much more palatable and a bit less shame-inducing. (for me, anyway)
[Read the rest of this entry…]

“Geek & Gamer Girls” Song Proves Geek is Chic

The very attractive girls from Team Unicorn collaborated together to make a song with music video on just how acceptable it’s become to be a geek and a gamer these days. “Geek & Gamer Girls” (a parody of Katy Parry’s “California Girls”) stars the 4 lovely ladies as well as some generous face time from Seth Green, as well as cameo appearances by Katee “Lady Starbuck” Sackoff and the comic book master himself, Stan Lee!

Konami Code. Han Shot First. How many geek references can you find?

EMBED-Geek and Gamer Girls Song – Watch more free videos

See boys? We geek girls do exist.

Resident Evil 15th Anniversary

On March 22nd 1996, Capcom released the game titled “Biohazard” to Japanese audiences, and started a franchise that has spanned 15 years. Re-titled “Resident Evil” in the United States due to copyright constraints, the series that came to be known as one of the staples of survival-horror gaming has produced over as many games as years it’s been alive, with 2 more on the way.

One of them, Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D, was a game we were able to take a look at at PAX East.

Check out what has gone on in this series that has spanned a decade and a half after the cut!
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Powet @ PAX East – Cosplay Extravaganza

Although it’s usualy anime convention who get the attention as far as cosplay goes, PAX East had its fair share of good cosplay this year.

For the most part……..

You can see what I mean, especially after reading my cosplay article.

Powet @ PAX – Shoot Many Robots Footage

Another one of the more fun indie games that we saw during our jaunts through the PAX East Expo Hall was one created by Demiurge Studios titled “Shoot Many Robots”, where you do just that – stomp, romp and riddle holes into every robot you encounter.

Demiurge has lent talent to the production of Mass Effect, Borderlands, Brothers in Arms, and Rock Band, amongst others – so it’s no surprise that is game looks fun as heck. Described by the booth exhibitor as “BorderSlug” (the bastard child between Borderlands and Metal Slug), Shoot Many Robots pits P. Walter Tugnut (the “P” stands for Pickles – no wonder he sticks with “Walter”) against an invasion of robot guns with legs, chainsaws with legs, and so on.

It’s slated for a release in 2011. Perhaps a XBox 360 “Summer of Arcade” release? We’ll find out!

Powet @ PAX – A Look at Mortal Kombat

Warner Bros was a solid presences at this year’s PAX East in the grandiose Expo Hall, sporting their large logo just above an equally large dragon logo that is the mainstay of the Mortal Kombat series – WB’s product through NetherRealm Studios.

I managed to mosey my way over to the collection of arcade cabinets that had been customized to accommodate the new game, due out in April. Competition was tough for spots to play the games, that had several cabinets back-to-back, and although I didn’t get to play myself and taking video of gameplay was forbidden, I managed to watch a significant amount of matches and garner information and pictures.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

Powet @ PAX – SkullGirls Footage

For the first day of gathering intel on the floor of the PAX East Expo Hall, I managed to sneak some footage of one of the more interesting games being featured – SkullGirls

SkullGirls caught our eye due to it’s interesting style of gameplay and art. Looking like a cross between Marvel vs. Capcom and Guilty Gear, SkullGirls features some very crisp 2D art done by none other than Alex Ahad of Scott Pilgrim game fame. Developed by Autumn Games, it features young women duking it out with symbiotic skulls on their heads. It looks cooler than it sounds, so judge for yourself.

More PAX Coverage:
Powet @ PAX � First Photos

Powet @ PAX – First Photos

PAX East is upon us! Even though some Poweteers ended up stranded for various timeframes due to poor weather in Boston, some of us managed to brave through the rain and arrive to the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center (relatively) intact!

Upon first entering, it’s clear that despite the radical move from the Hynes Convention center that Pax East was at last year (and originally was slated at for the next few installments), the BCEC is much better at accommodating not only the droves of gamers from all over, but also the scores of vendors, media outlets, and industry guests that are here to show off their wares at the much larger Expo Hall. Whereas last year’s PAX East overshot attendance expectations and seemed cramped, this years looks like it will shape out to fare much better in its roominess.

Enjoy the first photos from the convention under the cut as the beginning of our adventures at PAX! More will be coming through the weekend!

Here’s hoping that rumor about $12 for a hot dog and drink turns out to be untrue.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

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