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Sweet Powet.TV entries by FakeTrout

Godzilla Criterion Collection Blu Ray Coming January 2012

Criterion is best known for its restorations and re-releases of art films and lost classics. It is with some surprise but also welcoming cheer that they announce their next release will be the 1954 Japanese monster classic Gojira and its US reworking Godzilla: King Of The Monsters. Previous Blu Ray and DVD releases had many faults in the digital transfer and its assumed Criterion will do a frame-by-frame restoration.

This will be a must have release for any fan of monster movies or classic film. Its announced release is January 24, 2012. Read on for more details!

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IDW Infestation 2 Announced – Cthulhu Vs TMNT, D&D, Transformers, and more

IDW’s first crossover event, Infestation, was massively popular. By which I mean it sold a lot of books for the company. I’ve heard mixed reviews from fans of those other books, but I liked the Star Trek and Transformers tales enough anyway. I fully intend on buying the hardcover collection when it comes out soon.
IDW is never one to let a license opportunity go to waste, so they’re going to start Infestation 2 in January. The original book features dimension traveling zombies as the story thread holding the diverse worlds’ stories together. This volume with feature HP Lovecraft’s Old Ones. So get ready for Leonardo to cut some tentacles.
Actual story details are very slim right now, we just have the announcement from IDW. However, the creative team of Chuck Dixon and Guido Guidi have been announced for Transformers, and that book will be set in the duo’s famous “Hearts of Steel” universe. This alternate story line puts the Transformers at the dawn of the Industrial revolution and featured many popular characters a steam powered rail cars and battle ships.

Infestation 2 begins on January 25 2012 and will run weekly through April 11 2012.

Powetcast 107: Crisis Of Infinite Reboots

We already had our knee jerk reaction to the announcement, now comes the real deal: The Powetcast reacts to the new 52. The roundtable includes Zac Shipley, Captain Genius, Sean Orange, with special guest William West.

We’ll discuss our thoughts on the revamped DC Universe, theorize why some characters start from scratch and others don’t, and begrudgingly admit we all kinda like Rob Liefeld. We’ll also talk about the books that were worth reading and the ones we’re not going to continue on with #2.

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Direct Link:Powetcast 107: Crisis Of Infinite Reboots
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Star Trek: The Next Generation Coming to Blu Ray in 2012

Star Trek: The Next Generation has been running on TV no stop for the better part of nearly 3 decades. Always presented in its original 4:3 format and in standard definition. The series was shot on film, but episode masters were on video tape, and special effects were all done on video tape.

Paramount, at great expense no doubt, are digging in the archives, getting all the of the original film negative and recutting the entire series and remastering to HD. They’ll have to edit every shot just like it was originally presented, and sync up every music cue, and re do every digital effect like phaser fire and transporters. A similar job was done to the original series, but like many fans of my generation, Jean Luc Picard is my captain and I’m eager to re-watch this seminal series.

The release will start in January with a sample disc containing “Encounter At Farpoint” as well as “Sins Of The Father” and “The Inner Light”. The full first season will follow later in 2012, with subsequent seasons coming in the years ahead.


Harry Potter 1-7 DVD and Blu Ray Gold Box Deal

I don’t normally spam sale links here, so since I’m breaking my rule I want to make it worth while. You can get the first 7 Harry Potter movies on Blu Ray today only for $50 or on DVD for $30. Deathly Hallows Part 2 doesn’t release until November, but getting this movies now is an excellent deal and a nice way to catch up before the final chapter. Also a great deal for crossing off a few people on your holiday gift list.

“Tuff Tank” – Venture Bros & Cowboy Bebop Mashup

Our recent podcast about Cartoon Network’s “Adult Swim” made me think that my favorite 2 shows also have really incredible music. So I just tried reversing them. Venture Bros now has the “Tank!” theme from Bebop, edited slightly to it VB’s shorter intro. Cowboy Bebop has a chunk of the extended Venture Bros ending theme “Tuff” taken from the VB soundtrack released with the Season 3 Bluray.

Powetcast 106: Out Of The Pool

Hard to believe, but Cartoon Network has been running their “Adult Swim” lineup for 10 years now. In our roundtable, we discuss the best, the worst and the just plain weirdest shows that have run during the night time hours and its evolution from a once a week special to a nightly ritual.

In addition, aDam will talk about The Secret Circle, Genius loses his mind over Guardian Heroes, and Crazy takes his Toy Soldiers to war.

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Direct Link:Powetcast 106: Out Of The Pool
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Powetcast 105: I Dreamed A Dreamcast

A dozen years after Dreamcast’s launch, it is still one of the most revered and loved systems. Cult status doesn’t count for the NES or the Playstation, everyone had one of those, but if you got a Dreamcast in it’s all too brief 19 month life span, you should listen to this episode.
If you don’t know why we care then you DEFINITELY need to listen because you missed some great games, and it is not too late to play many of them!

Listen live on this page, or subscribe via RSS or iTunes.
Direct Link:Powetcast 105: I Dreamed A Dreamcast
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