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Sweet Powet.TV entries by Sean "TheOrange" Corse

The Powet Top 5 – Things the DC New 52 Does Right

Many fans were hesitant, to say the least, when the New 52 reboot was announced (including us: listen to our podcast about it). Six months and six issues later, how is the DC Universe doing?

Here are the top five things the New 52 does right:

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Famicom Dojo Podcast: Romance in Video Games

There are a lot of couples in video games, but is there romance? Mario and Peach, Luigi and Daisy, Link and Zelda, The Brooding Loner and the Star-crossed Japanese Flower Girl Who Loves Him, and — of course — Samus and the baby Metroid. Do any of these games do romance well, or is it just assumed? And how far is too far with player-to-NPC romance? Sean and Vinnk wonder if video games can truly ever be your Valentine as they discuss these problems, the likelihood of your characters ever finding true digital love, and the potentially unfortunate state of Princess Zelda’s armpit hair.

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Famicom Dojo Podcast: Games of the Mundane

Video games aren’t just about blowing up bad guys, pretending to be a secret agent, or saving galactic civilization from moon-sized cuttlefish. Sometimes they’re about everyday, ordinary things, like stock brokering! Or newspaper delivery! Or making dinner! Vinnk and Sean discuss these more “mundane” titles, and how surprisingly fun they can actually be. Haven’t you ever wanted to be a lawyer? Or start your own football league? With the power of video games, this could be you!

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It’s FemShep Friday with the Mass Effect 3: Reinstated Trailer

FemShep fans, wait no longer! The long-promised trailer featuring the voice of Jennifer Hale and the character model that was chosen by popular Facebook vote back in 2011 has finally arrived. But so have the Reapers, and it’s time for this “grounded” Spectre to get back in the game!

Are you ready for galactic civilization to fall on 3-6-2012?

The Powet Top 5 – Reasons Nintendo Can’t/Won’t/Shouldn’t Go Third Party

When Nintendo reported two straight quarterly losses in early 2011, followed by a less-than-stellar initial release of its new 3DS handheld console, it didn’t take long for the naysayers to begin spelling the company’s doom.

This is a familiar dance. It started in the ’90s, when Nintendo’s veneer of dominance started cracking in the face of competition with the Sega Genesis. Or maybe it was the decision to abandon the CD format for the Nintendo 64 when Sega and Sony made the leap. Or perhaps it was because, even with the GameCube, no Nintendo console had sold better than its predecessor — that is, until the release of the Wii.

However, despite calls that Nintendo abandon its hardware ambitions — even with the new wrinkle of the ever-rising iOS platform — there are plenty of reasons why Nintendo would never, could never, and should never stop making TV or handheld consoles.

Here are the top five:

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Famicom Dojo Podcast: Rampant Speculation

The Wii U is set to launch by the end of 2012… but is it really? We’ve been seeing the same tech demo since E3 2011, but no actual titles running on Wii U hardware. Will Nintendo make the projected launch date, or is it all smoke and mirrors? Sean and Vinnk disagree about what this means, encourage Sony to get out of the hardware market since the PS3 has never gotten above third place in North America, the PS Vita’s launch has been a larger thud than the one for 3DS, and rumors that the Next Xbox from Microsoft will somehow ban used games. RAMPANT SPECULATION!

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Powet Game News: January 2012

Click “more” for the show notes!

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Famicom Dojo Podcast: HudsonSoft 16-Shot Salute

What is the amazing truth behind the Bungeling Empire, Sim City, Bomberman, and Choplifter? You’ll be surprised! No, really! It’s pretty surprising! But you’ll have to listen to the podcast to find out. Hint: they’re all connected by HudsonSoft, makers of the TurboGrafx-16, PC Engine, countless awesome 8-bit peripherals, and home of the honeybee — may they rest in peace. Vinnk and Sean reminisce about the company that they thought they knew, but clearly didn’t, and now will miss more than they thought possible.

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