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Brawl News: More Characters revealed.

brawl060706.jpgDirector Masashiro Sakurai revealed to a french gaming site that 1-2 non-Nintendo characters will be included in the new Wii version of Super Smash Brothers.
In addition, Bowser Jr, Wind Waker Link, and Ridley from the Metroid series are now confirmed fighters. He also confirmed Samus Aran and Zero Suit Samus are different characters.
In subtraction, The Ice Climbers, Mr. Game & Watch, and Young Link won’t make the cut Brawl. Young Link is obviously replaced by the “Celda” Link.
Sakurai also mentions he wants a roster of about 40 characters, so with 14 confirmed characters from the announce trailer and today’s news, theres still a LOT room for new and returning characters. If I were a betting man, I’d be placing chips on Pac-Man and Sonic…

link: 1Up: SSB Brawl Roster Changes

UPDATE: Many, many sites are picking up on this story now, but apparently its completely fabricated by a member of the GAF. That said, these are still 3 really likely candidates…

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Joystiq poll results in favor of Wii & 360

Peter Moore hit the nail on the head. Over 30 Thousand Joystiq readers voted on what consoles they’ll likley end up buying and the vast majority plan on getting a Wii and 360. Wii on its own scored very strongly as well.
This is hardly a scientific poll, but I’d say the PS3 has a real upward battle against the competition.
Link: Poll results: (Reevaluated) next-gen combo platters

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New Super Mario Galaxy screens

Super Mario Galaxy Title ScreenIGN has posted 6 pages of Super Mario Galaxy screen captures. Many of them seem to be from the boss fight previously seen that surfaced around the time of E3.

Super Mario Galaxy Screen Grab 4 Super Mario Galaxy Screen Grab 3  Super Mario Galaxy Screen Grab 2 Super Mario Galaxy Screen Grab 1

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Wii $250

wii.jpgOn May 25, Nintendo announced Wii would not exceed $250.
Today, they made it official: Wii will be $250 exactly.

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E3 – One Week Later

The biggest gaming event of the year is apparently so big, news from it is still being reported on.
First, look how fast the Wii ejects!
The big hit of the show was not the Wii, but the GameCube! The devkit for the new Nintendo system is based so closely on the prior generation that demo units for the Nintendo Booth were made up of just a stock black gamecube with a couple modifications to utilize the controller!
Kotaku also sat down with Miyamoto for a good 25 minute interview and he address all the next-gen hot topics.
IGN and GameTrailers have also compiled best-of-E3 lists that kinda surprise. I mean obviously Halo 3, Smash Brothers, etc took a lot of the glory, but those games weren’t playable and had only a small actual showing. IGN hands the award to Bioshock, a game I totally missed last week. GameTrailers says Assassin’s Creed, which was announced for PS3, but anyone who got to play will be quick to tell you that they were holding an Xbox 360 controller to do so (Ubisoft says they haven’t announced a 360 port yet, but considering its already running on a 360, I’d say its a safe bet!)
Last, and least surprisingly, Karima Adebibe (the rookie model currently cast as Lara Croft) tells CNN how she handles the smell and numbers of fanboys at E3.

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Suggest a Smash Brother

snake0bx7cd.gifMasahiro Sakurai has set up a special web page for fans to suggest new characters and music for Super Smash Brothers Brawl.

Since the page in Japanese, Advance Media Network has set up instructions for English speakers to submit their ideas.

I’m pretty sure they’re getting all the Sonic mail they can handle, so I’m gonna suggest Simon Belmont, Mega Man, and King Hippo.  This game needs more Captain N characters!

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