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Entries Tagged ‘Mega Drive’:

Steam Sega Genesis Games get a User Interface and……..Mods?


Ever since the end of the 16 bit era, Sega has been making it’s back catalog of Sega Genesis titles in any way they can, starting with the Sega Smash Pack on Dreamcast, compilations on PS2, Xbox 360, and PS3, re-releases on digital platforms such as android, iOS, and Xbox Live, and more recently Steam. Speaking of Steam, the genesis re-leases were simply bundles of titles with not much of an interface. It was pretty lacking compared to say, Sonic’s Mega Genesis Collection. However, this changed as of a few weeks ago thanks to D3 entertainment. If you own any of Steam’s Sega Genesis games (which include everything from Comix Zone and Streets of Rage to Eternal Champions and Crackdown), you now have access to SEGA Genesis & Mega Drive Classics collection. Upon firing it up, you’ll find yourself in a 3-D room full of 90s Genesis memorabilia, including a couple of issues of Sonic’s comic book. You can adjust any of the options and launch a title by picking it off your shelf. The room’s day and night cycle is controlled by your clock. Not to shabby. However the real treat is that SGMDC now supports the Steam Workshop, Steam’s mod database. That’s right, now you can legally romhack Genesis games. You’ll find everything on the workshop from versions of Sonic featuring Mario and Kirby, Japanese versions of certain games, and what may very well be the greatest Sega mod of all time, “Streets of Rage II except enemies make weird Tim Allen noises when they die”. There is already a selection of Sega games on Steam right now, hopefully this means we’ll see more. Maybe even some Sega CD games, or even Sega Saturn titles!

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Lost Classics: Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow (SNES, Mega Drive, Windows, Game Boy)

Last week’s Lost Classic was based on a Disney license, so here is another one. Maui Mallard was one of the last good platformers of the 16-bit era. As it was released during the final days of the era, it was largely ignored on the SNES and Game Boy and the Genesis version only saw a European release.
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TGS 2011 Day 0: Akihabara Haul

We’ve been at TGS for almost two days now, and we’re SO INCREDIBLY BUSY (and have been having such a great time) that we haven’t been able to get up a lot of our coverage on a day-to-day basis. But if this is any indication of the kind of time we’re having, then the rest of the show must be amazing, right?

So please enjoy our PRE-show video before we get into the swing of things. Day 1 video diary forthcoming!

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Famicom Dojo Podcast: A History of Console Region Locking

Region locking is nothing new. It hasn’t taken many different forms, but wasn’t always deliberate either. Many handhelds were exempt from this scheme for the longest time (including the Game Boy and DS series), but with time all things change. SeanOrange and Vinnk discuss the very state of affairs that necessitates the existence of organizations like Operation Rainfall, how they came to be, and where they might go from here.

iTunes Chicklet Direct Link: Famicom Dojo Podcast 09: A History of Console Region Locking

Get a complete rundown of console region lockouts in the show notes:

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Famicom Dojo Season 2: What Nintendon’t

Famicom Dojo

Blip.TV Version

YouTube Version [HD]
Direct Link: Famicom Dojo Season 2: What Nintendon’t

Video Netcast Version
iTunes Chicklet Subscribe to Famicom Dojo on iTunes
Direct Link: Famicom Dojo S2 – Episode 01 – What Nintendon’t (Including “Train Your Game”)

Complete show notes at FamicomDojo.TV:

[Read the rest of this entry…]

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