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Entries Tagged ‘dragon age’:

Famicom Dojo Podcast: RETRO Magazine

Famicom Dojo Podcast 110: RETRO Magazine

Magazines have themselves become a retro medium, but what if someone could use that to their advantage in a dying industry? Double-win if you can tie it to retro video games. That’s exactly what we have with our guests this week! Vinnk and Sean welcome co-founders Mike Kennedy and Mark Kaminski of Retro Magazine to talk about their Year 2 Kickstarter, and their favorite retro games. They also stick around for Future Retro and Pile of Shame to share some really interesting games we (or at least some of us) haven’t played before!

iTunes Chicklet

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Famicom Dojo Podcast: The Price of DLC

Famicom Dojo Podcast 095: The Price of DLC

Physical game releases, and increasingly their digital versions as well, often get a hefty price cut as the game ages, but the price of the DLC never goes down. Should it? Vinnk and Sean backtrack on some earlier positions to talk about DLC they like, grapple with their feelings on DLC in general, and what alternatives publishers can pursue without giving up a revenue stream that helps to increase the software development tail of a game and its engine.

iTunes Chicklet

Leave your own voicemail at 608-492-1923, or just share your thoughts in the show notes at FamicomDojo.TV:

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Powet Top 5: Top 5 Bastard Stepchildren of Famous Gaming Franchises (And why they weren’t all that bad)

Welcome to the Powet Top 5, where we explore the top (and bottom) 5 items we think are relevant to any of a variety of topics that span the imagination. Sit back, read, and respond.

Resident Evil 6 was panned by critics and fans alike.  But was it really that bad?

Resident Evil 6 was panned by critics and fans alike. But was it really that bad?

Everyone has that one member of the family they’d rather not talk about. You know the type, they just can’t seem to get their shit together. If they’re not at home all day watching Real Housewives/SportsCenter/Jerry Springer, then they’re out partying and getting inebriated. They’ve been in and out of jail like it’s got a revolving door, they couldn’t hold down a job if they had a 2-ton paper weight, and they’re having more babies than they really can afford.

Then there is that other type of family member that isn’t mentioned, but perhaps mom and dad are being a bit too hard on them. You know the type. They’ve made one bad mistake and are trying their hardest to turn their life around, but the older heads in the clan aren’t making it easy for them. Or maybe it’s the girl in your all white/Asian family that married a black man. Or maybe it’s the gay/lesbian/atheist/Muslim in your Evangelical Christian household. Or they’re a fan of Lebron James and the Miami Heat…..and your family lives in Cleveland.

Well, with video games, it’s kinda like that too. Every great franchise has at least one title that is horrible. Zelda: Wand of Gamelon. Mario is Missing. Street Fighter: The Movie: The Game. Mortal Kombat Advance. Every great franchise also has at least one game that’s not terrible, but for some reason it’s looked down upon compared to others in its franchise. You know, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories. Final Fantasy XIII. Silent Hill: The Room. Maybe they had some gameplay issues that bought it down. Or maybe we grown to expect too much of our favorite franchises. Or maybe jaded fanboys were all too happy to pick apart its flaws. Either way, this week’s top 5 celebrates those games that get a little more hate than they should.
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$20 Game of the Week: Dragon Age II (PS3, Xbox 360, PC)

So I’m gonna catch some serious heat for featuring a game which ‘hardcore gamers’ weren’t quite fond of, however, the important thing is that I enjoyed it, and if you give it a chance, you’ll enjoy it too. Dragon Age II is the successor the BioWare’s Dragon Age, a game that was a return to form to Bioware’s early fantasy epics such as Balder’s Gate. Dragon Age II takes the series in a slightly different direction from its precdecessor, and while it moves the saga along in unexpected ways, it turned off many of the series’ more hardcore fans.
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Famicom Dojo Podcast: Can’t Wait for 2012

What a year! 2011 brought its share of good games, bad weather (including a tsunami that devastated parts of Japan), and lots of changes for Famicom Dojo. Sean and Vinnk discuss what games they’re looking forward to in 2012, if the PS Vita is already a failure before it’s even been released in the US, and if the Wii U will be making its appearance before the end of the year.

[Listen to the episode after the jump…!]

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Dragon Age: Redemption Episode 6 – Saarebas

“What are you doing?” “Falling into the pit.” XD

See of you can spot an actual location from Dragon Age II! More after the jump: [Read the rest of this entry…]

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Dragon Age: Redemption Episode 5 – Mercernaries

The penultimate chapter reveals secrets hidden by one character, and the flight of another! Watch:

Just how they might wrap it all up in one more episode, after the jump: [Read the rest of this entry…]

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Dragon Age: Redemption Episode 4 – Nyree

(See if you can catch the Dragon Age 2 reference to Cassandra, “head of the Seekers”:)

Why it ain’t easy getting a hot meal in Thedas, after the jump: [Read the rest of this entry…]

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