Magazines have themselves become a retro medium, but what if someone could use that to their advantage in a dying industry? Double-win if you can tie it to retro video games. That’s exactly what we have with our guests this week! Vinnk and Sean welcome co-founders Mike Kennedy and Mark Kaminski of Retro Magazine to talk about their Year 2 Kickstarter, and their favorite retro games. They also stick around for Future Retro and Pile of Shame to share some really interesting games we (or at least some of us) haven’t played before!
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What are your favorite scary games? How about just ones that remind you of Halloween, or are about traditional “scary” critters, but are just too darn cute to be scary themselves? Or, depending on what actually scares you, extreme isolation? Sean and Vinnk invite Sindra and David back to the podcast for this special Halloween episode! And we may or may not discuss the P.T. Silent Hills demo… JUMP SCARE!!
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In the ever-shifting landscape of video game development, there are major players and the scrappy underdogs. Kickstarter has given smaller studios a bigger voice, but back in the day before the Internet was a thing, which companies set themselves apart? And which ones have fallen apart since? Sean and Vinnk talk about their favorite publishers and developers of today, the classics of yesteryear, and ponder whatever the heck happened to them. Some evolved, some, disbanded, and some should be put out of their misery. Did your favorites make the list?
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The Wii U exclusive Zombi U is a sequel (of sorts) to Ubisoft’s first game, but many people already want it on other platforms. Some people won’t play Bayonetta 2 as long as it’s on Nintendo’s new console, even though Nintendo was the company that published it. Rayman Legends looks amazing, but — again — is only available on the Wii U. Do these hopers hope agains hope, or are their predictions as futile as that of an impending apocalype purportedly predicted by Mayans thousands of years ago?
Sean and Vinnk examine exclusivity: console games, DLC, games developed by second parties that made their way to a competitor’s console, or stuff that third-party developers swore would never be released on other platforms, but somehow made their way their anyway.
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