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ToyFair 2008 Review and Analysis – Transformers

ToyFair 2008 Robot Heroes Banner

Zac posted a listing of some of the various galleries from this year’s ToyFair in New York. This is one of the big events each year where toy companies like to reveal new product offerings for the coming year. Many rumors are confirmed. Others are quashed. Every once in a while there is also a pleasant surprise. Lets take a deeper look at what this year has to offer toy collectors .

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Botcon 2008 Exclusive Starscream and Razorclaw revealed and sold out

Botcon 2008 Exclusive Starscream SoldOut Post Banner

In an unexpected turn of events, the Botcon Exclusive box set has already sold out. While no official word of the sell out has been posted on the site, TFW2005 is reporting this as fact based on an email received from Botcon staff in relation to an inquiry about the box set.

That means for the second year in a row, the Exclusive Box set for the convention has sold out before the last figure(s) had been revealed. This is a surprise considering the rabid anticipation for last year’s set compared to the seemingly lukewarm reception for this year’s set.

The last two figures were revealed shortly after the reported sell out.

First up we have Starscream, whom we previously saw a prototype of here. Its nice to see he’s been given some more paint apps than the prototype shows. That being said, whenever I look at it, all I can think is that Starscream is wearing a Jetfire halloween costume.

Botcon 2008 Exclusive Starscream Alt mode Botcon 2008 Exclusive Starscream Bot mode

Lastly, we have been shown the mini-con, Razorclaw. Razorclaw is a repaint of Overbite from the Classics Mini-con Predator Attack team. That means there are still two more mini-cons from that team to be included in either the at-convention exclusive sets or the preregistration freebie. Rumored to be in the exclusive at-convention sets are a black version of Classics Rodimus with a beard in one set and a repainted Energon Megatron painted in black and silver with blue wings in the other set.

Botcon 2008 Exclusive Razorclaw Alt mode Botcon 2008 Exclusive Razorclaw Bot mode

Botcon 2008 Exclusive Grimlock and Jazz revealed and leaked Starscream prototype

Botcon 2008 Grimlock Post Banner has posted four new pictures revealing two figures in both modes from the convention exclusive box set for this year. I think Jazz’s colors and new head came out great. I wasn’t a big fan of the Cybertron Crosswise mold, though, so I’m not sure how excited I am about it.
Botcon 2008 Exclusive Jazz Alt mode Botcon 2008 Exclusive Jazz Bot mode

The revelation of Grimlock puts the kibosh on the photo from (?) of the black Grimlock as being the Botcon exclusive.

Botcon 2008 Exclusive Grimlock Alt mode Botcon 2008 Exclusive Grimlock Bot mode

Here is the photo of the rumored black Grimlock:
Black classics Grimlock proto

Also, it appears that a prototype of the Botcon repaint of Cybertron Voyager Class Starscream has surfaced. He appears to be modeled very much in the likeness of Jetfire. You can see the auction here with lots of pictures. I’ve included a few of them below.
Proto for botcon 08 starscream Alt mode Ebay Proto picture for Botcon 2008 Starscream Bot mode

Toy Fair 2008 Galleries

With agents all over the world, its kind of amazing no one from Powet.TV lives in New York City. So unfortunately, we miss going to Toy Fair. But so many sites are getting good photos up, we’ll just use this space to link to them all.
And you can use the comments section to add more links you may find or discuss what you love and hate about whats revealed this year. covers some specialty figures.
TFW2005 has extensive Hasbro coverage
ASM will be getting more photos through tomorrow of everything!
Toy News International has lots of pictures, and a huge focus on Marvel comics toys!
Wizard Universe has press and site photos
Any other sites you know with photos? Been there yourself? Leave a comment and we’ll keep Powet up to date.

Botcon 2008 Exclusive Goldbug revealed

Botcon 2008 Exclusive Goldbug Post Banner

Today we have for you the robot and vehicle images of Goldbug from the Botcon 2008 Convention exclusive box set of figures. We’ve already posted about Prime in robot mode here and his alt mode here.

Botcon 2008 Exclusive Goldbug robot mode Botcon 2008 Exclusive Goldbug alt mode

Goldbug’s face is colored like his G1 namesake in blue, but the rest of his colors liken him more to the G1 Deluxe Insecticons. Specifically Chop Shop’s general body shape and color scheme.

G1 Goldbug G1 Goldbug cartoon head G1 Deluxe Insecticon Chop Shop

Remember to check out for more information on the exclusives, the convention and all other things Botcon.

Images of G1 Goldbug and Deluxe Insecticons hail from TFU.INFO.

Botcon 2008 Exclusive Optimus Prime Alt mode revealed

Botcon 2008 Exclusive Optimus Prime Post Banner

In the current tradition of dragging things out as long as possible before every gets to see the full set, posted the alt mode of the already revealed ‘Shattered Glass’ Optimus Prime based on the Classics mold of Prime. This is the first figure revealed thus far in the Botcon Convention Exclusive box set of figures.

So far I have to say that I’m liking this figure. I love all the detailing in the vehicle mode from the ‘Til All are Gone!’ to the cracked windshield. The color scheme in robot mode reminds me of Black Zarak’s scheme, particularly with the splash of gold on the crotch. Maybe not so much with the pale red, but thats what it made me think.

Botcon 2008 Exclusive Optimus Prime Alt mode

Botcon 2008 Exclusive Optimus Prime revealed

Botcon 2008 Exclusive Optimus Prime Post Banner has revealed the first figure from the 2008 Convention Exclusive box set of figures. The figure is a repainted Transformers Classics Optimus Prime mold. The theme this year is called ‘Shattered Glass’ and takes place in a ‘mirror universe’ of sorts, where many things are reversed. In this case, the Autobots are the villains, while the Decepticons are the heroes. Optimus will lead the evil Autobots.

Botcon 2008 Exclusive Optimus Prime

I must admit, its a bit disappointing they only showed the robot mode for this figure considering the past two years, they revealed both modes.

Transformers Club announces first wave of Classics 2.0 and confirms club exclusives

Transformers Universe Onslaught Post Banner

Powet board member Tigerpaw has shared some info with us from the Transformers Collector Club:

At 7:44pm EST tonight, a listing of the first wave of the upcoming Universe/Classics 2.0 toys was posted in the Transformers Collectors Club Forums. Also posted was news that the Seacons re-issue, and club exclusive Nightbeat toy that have been rumored, are now officially a go, with hopes that they’ll be ready in time for Botcon. Pre-orders will be in March with the figures shipping in April.

Then at precisely 7:45pm, the Master Collector servers crashed from the ensuing rush of traffic.

At 8:20 or so, the servers came back up, and I finally got a look at the post. The rundown:

Wave 1 of Classics 2.0/Universe

Tankor (Octane)


A picture was posted of Sunstreaker but per club rules, it is not allowed to be reposted. It’s not known at this time whether pictures of the other figures will be posted or not.

We saw some design and proto images of Tankor/Octane at Botcon. Onslaught was revealed in the image above not too long ago. Since I’m also a member of the club, I logged in to see Sunstreaker and, although he looked mistransformed a bit, he appears to be a nice addition to the line.

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