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KEEP PLAYING – Splatterhouse (Old & New)

Lost Classics: Nintendo Power (Gaming Magazine)

This past month, Nintendo Power announced that it would not be continuing its groundbreaking gaming magazine, Nintendo Power. The magazine, which has been in print for 24 years, will end with its December 2012 issue. For many gamers, myself included, this will be the end of an era. Although I had stopped reading it long ago , I remember it as one of the best gaming magazines ever created. I had a subscription since 5th grade and kept reading it all the way through the middle of my sophomore year in high school when I got my Playstation. Every month in between, I remember eagerly waiting beside my mailbox for my book to come through. The extras were awesome as well. When my mother first bought me a subscription, it came with 4 free guides: A book about Game Boy, A book about the then-upcoming SNES, Mario Mania (A game about all things Mario) and the NES Atlas (A guide with the maps of all the levels in games such as Ninja Gaiden and Mega Man). Even today, it remains the gold standard in printed gaming journalism, even if it’s obviously biased towards Nintendo.
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PowetToys: Transformers Fall of Cybertron Optimus Prime

PowetToys reviews the Transformers Generations figure for Fall Of Cybertron Optimus Prime with some helpful comparisons to his predecessor, War for Cybertron Optimus Prime.

KEEP PLAYING: Rewind – Disney’s Aladdin

This episode of Rewind centers around of the the best Disney games created for the 4th generation of consoles and handhelds – Disney’s Aladdin. In a day when Epic Mickey and Kingdom Hearts put Disney high up on the gaming food chain, does this older gem stack up for it’s age?

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PowetToys: Transformers Prime RID Wheeljack and Dead End

Today, we take a look at Transformers Prime Robots in Disguise Wheeljack from Wave 1 and his repaint Dead End from a later wave.

NOTE: The articulation in the joint below the shoulder and at the elbow are both hinge joints. I misspoke when I said they were swivel joints.

Famicom Dojo: GameCube Menu Secrets

Sean and Vinnk demonstrate some tricks with the GameCube System Menu — a couple of which have been known since the system launched (and involves pushing buttons, as you will see), and one more recently discovered with the aid of a video editor and a NinDB user with a penchant for earworms.

(More on the origins of these secrets and what they mean after the jump!)

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Total Recall movie review

Total Recall movie review - A guy with three hands

Here my three hands on impression of the new Total Recall film starring Colin Farrel, Kate Beckinsale, Jessica Biel and of course Kaitlyn Leeb as the prostitute with three boobs.

Famicom Dojo: All the Pokemon I Know

Vinnk tells us about all the Pokemon he knows, although… it’s not really that many.

Find our more about 1337band after the jump!

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