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TGS 2011: Day 2 Report

Day 2 of Toyo Game Show was just about as awesome as Day 1. I played a LOT of fighting games, including BlazBlue which I had just played for the first time. At a tournament. In public. With the editors of big magazines like Famitsu. Oh dear…

We don’t have a video up yet of that fateful event, but if you want to hear more just listen to the Famicom Dojo Podcast for details!

Also, this Angry Birds tshirt was given to us by two of the developers (whom we happened to randomly meet outside of the show). Check out the TwitPic! It’s for an expansion to the game that’s all Japan and Ninja-themed to help them break into the last market where their game is not completely dominating the sales charts. Will you buy it?

TGS 2011: Mass Effect 3

Quick rundown:

  • The Squad points system has been overhauled to offer more focused specialization for each power: area of attack vs. focused and powerful
  • Apparently there is no one brave/stupid enough to go up against the Reapers (due apparently to indoctrination), but the return of this “fertile female” to the Krogans means they will join Shepard in the fight.
  • Since no one is currently against the Reapers, that means all the Cerberus troops you fight against are allied WITH them somehow — not too surprising given the end of Mass Effect 2.
  • Liara is totally wearing her Lair of the Shadow Broker outfit! Lazy? Or just continuity?
  • Heat sink packs are still littered about this game. Oh well!
  • Play controls haven’t changed much, but I often find myself rolling out of cover when I just want to stand up. Is there a better button for this?
  • All of the usual biotic powers work the same way as the last two games, so warping the armor of the final piloted Cerberus mech was really no problem.

No, really! I turned to Vinnk after I was done and asked him if he was scared for me facing off against that huge machine.

All too easy.

VERY much looking forward to this in March 2012!

TGS 2011: Day 1 Review

We give a quick rundown of the first day of Tokyo Game Show 2011, what was cool, what videos we’ll be releasing in the near future, and what we’re looking forward to in Day 2!

Listen to the Famicom Dojo Podcast to hear more about the first two days of Tokyo Game Show 2011:
from FamicomDojo.TV

Famicom Dojo Podcast: TGS 2011 – You Might Get a T-shirt

Instead of being productive these last few days, all we did was play video games. Well, that’s not entirely (or even slightly) true. Find out all about our first 2 (of 4) days at the Tokyo Game Show. We will talk about games we played, people me met, sights we saw, and a new life philosophy that will make you a better person (or at least maybe get you a T-Shirt)

[Listen to the episode after the jump…!]

Pre-TGS 2011 Nintendo 3DS Presser Highlights

While SeanOrange is off in Japan giving us the first hand account of whats happening at TGS this year, we are left to our own devices to provide you with arm chair coverage of the news and announcements trickling out from the land of the rising sun. Rather than do an article for every news item, I figured it would be easier to group these into one related post.
Just before the Tokyo Game Show this year, Nintendo held a press event that focused mainly on the Nintendo 3DS. We have tried to pull together most of what went on during the event here.

Continue reading after the jump for all the details.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

TGS 2011: Luigi’s Mansion 2 3DS trailer

Luigi’s Mansion 2 is coming to Nintendo 3DS and this trailer gives us a sneak peak at what we can expect.

TGS 2011 Day 0: Akihabara Haul

We’ve been at TGS for almost two days now, and we’re SO INCREDIBLY BUSY (and have been having such a great time) that we haven’t been able to get up a lot of our coverage on a day-to-day basis. But if this is any indication of the kind of time we’re having, then the rest of the show must be amazing, right?

So please enjoy our PRE-show video before we get into the swing of things. Day 1 video diary forthcoming!

[Read the rest of this entry…]

Miyamoto Demonstrates Skyward Sword Controls

It’s going to be a Zelda-riffic year for the original Legend’s 25th anniversary!

(Not really Tokyo Game Show-related, since Nintendo doesn’t attend the show, but you know that they had their event in response to it.)

In the following Video, Zelda creator Shigeru Miyamoto demonstrates how to the Wii MotionPlus to control Link in the new, long anticipated Skyward Sword Wii game.
(Or, at least he does at about the 6:15 mark.)

I’m kind of glad that Nintendo has released a game to finally take advantage of the Wii MotionPlus — especially because that means everyone can get one at little extra cost with the game — just sad that it took SO LONG…

For more on 8-bit Zelda, listen to Sean, Vinnk, and Phil Bond discuss Zelda II in the Famicom Dojo Podcast

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