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Sweet Powet.TV entries by FakeTrout

Full Movie Trailer for Zack Snyder’s SUCKER PUNCH

Zack Snyder, director of 300, Watchmen, and soon Superman, will release his next film on March 25, 2011.

The official movie synopsis says its about a girl trying to escape a lobotomy in a mental institution, but the imagery in these trailers is so gonzo its hard to tell if I’m reading about the right movie. Sucker Punch does appear to be a dazzling experiment in fan service, though not quite as exploitative of females as men were on display in 300.

Songs used in the trailer are “When The Levee Breaks” by Led Zepplin and “Panic Switch” by Silversun Pickups. Early reports about the soundtrack suggest a film closer to Moulin Rouge, where existing music and dance choreography is inserted within the films narrative.

Full HD variation can be downloaded from Apple.

Bonus Features Denied

So I rented the movie Get Him to the Greek from Netflix. I was a big fan of Forgetting Sarah Marshall, but missed this quasi-sequel in its theatrical run. I think renting a movie before purchasing is a perfectly acceptable and legal way of watching a movie, and allows me to make an informed decision before deciding if I like a movie enough to re-watch it often enough to warrant owning it.

Netflix is often times presented with bare-bones discs, which is fine if you just want the movie. After the movie was over, the DVD returned specifically to the special features menu. Seeing a slate of deleted scenes, I thought I’d continue the laughs and opted to “play all.” I was presented with a message: “This disc is intended for rental purposes and only includes the feature film. Own it on Blu-Ray or DVD to view these bonus features and complete your movie watching experience.”

Universal Pictures, it seems, was content to load only the movie on the disc, but not change the menus so that selecting ANY option other than the movie will show the above message. This is really obnoxious and annoying and I’m wondering how many movies I’ve rented from Netflix with similar messages I never accessed.

I’d like to mention that I’m not really against a bare-bones DVD release for renters, but to keep all the menus in tact and waive this “PLEASE BUY THE MOVIE” message up front is fairly strange, and almost abusive to the viewer. Why do I feel like a criminal when I pay my Netflix bill? You guys sold them the DVD! I could’ve downloaded a pirate copy and seen no such message!

Sadly, the tactic worked, as the movie was hilarious and I’ll probably buy it to watch any expanded features. Still, there is a nice way to do things and I’m not sure Universal did it.

Superman: Earth One Video Review

Watch my video review of DC’s latest reboot and 21st century re-imagining of Superman; Illustrations by Shane Davis, written by J. Michael Straczynski.

Superman Earth One is available at local comic book stores today, and will be available from other booksellers and retailers on November 1, 2011.

You can purchase Superman Earth One here. Or read Secret Origin, or Birthright, which also proclaim to be 21st century reboots of Superman. Seriously, is the origin story the only one worth telling?

Reach adds Noble Map Pack in November

You knew it was coming. Halo 2 and Halo 3 successfully doubled the available maps for multiplayer, and the Halo prequel game Reach will add three new maps for Multiplayer (including Invasion) on November 30, 2010. It’ll set you back 800 MS points ($10) and also add 250 gamerscore points.

And to reveal these, Bungie has packed an excellent trailer. No just because it has some amazing gameplay footage on the new maps, but it also has a fantastic new variation of the classic Halo theme with all the action. Seriously, the music is great, and composer Marty O’Donnell knows it, so expect to see an MP3 available on soon.

Powet Alphabet: Q is for Quotes

Since the alphabet is the building block of our language, the Powet Alphabet is the building block of what makes us geeks.

Boy us geeks sure like to quote stuff. Take any random message board, comment section or chat room(do people still use those?) and you’ll see conversation frequently interrupted statements like “War not makes one great!” or “Why does it say paper jam when there is no paper jam!?” or “I’ve got better things to do tonight than die”

Yes, quotes are part of our language. It might be a lazy way of communicating, but quotes allow us to shout our interests at others. [Read the rest of this entry…]

Powet Toys: War For Cybertron Megatron Video Review

I don’t know if you recall, but I hated War For Cybertron Optimus Prime. Does Megatron fair any better? Let hope so.

The 8-Bit chip tune cover of Lion’s Transformer theme can be found here.

If you wish to support these video reviews or take my advice, you can purchase these products:

Transformers Generations 2011 Lineup – Jazz, Kup, Wheeljack, And More!

Over the last week a shocking number of images of the next class of Transformers figures, “Reveal The Shield” have been appearing on various Japanese retailer order pages and fan sites.

There’s almost too much to talk about here, and so much has been stated on our forums! If you haven’t seen these yet, go ahead and take a look. All of these figures will be appearing in the US next year, though some of what you see may look slightly different since these photos are from Japanese retailers and their product colors sometimes vary.

Jump ahead for a huge gallery!
[Read the rest of this entry…]

8-Bit Invades NYC in Short Film “PIXELS”

Film maker Patrick JEAN has created a really amazing short film showing favorite 8 Bit game characters on the loose in New York City.

Thanks to Carlton Cuse for the link

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