Since the alphabet is the building block of our language, the Powet Alphabet is the building block of what makes us geeks.

One of the many ways one becomes a geek is by absorbing the minutiae and esoterica of any particular medium. Comic books are perfect for this, with multiple titles and weekly stories that span months and even years. But what happens when you become a lifetime comic book geek? Then you have to keep track of stories that span generations.
Blackest Night, DC’s most recent (and most recently successful) crossover event, is the ultimate fan wank for longtime readers of the DCU. Death may be a revolving door in comic books, but for some 2nd and 3rd string characters it is rather more permanent. Blackest Night brings back nearly every “permanently” deceased character for the last 20+ years since 1986, and provides and explanation for why the first-stringers can’t seem to stay dead.
Find out how this great strength of story for long-time fans is also this event’s greatest weakness, and what we can come to expect from a universe where the near-absolute authority of the Green Lanterns seems to be drawing to a close.
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