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Wii DJ Breaks Beats With Waggle!

This week’s 1up Show has probably one of the best clips I’ve ever seen them do. This DJ turned a set of Wii remotes into scratching tools for his sets. Absolutely awesome.

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Guitar Hero III, Guitar Hero Encore Tracks

kramervanhalen.jpgWe’ve got not one, but TWO Guitar Hero sequels heading our way.

Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks The 80s will be out this summer and will be functionally identical to Guitar Hero II, just with an 80s theme. It will be released only to the PS2, but songs from the disc are likely to appear as downloadable content on Xbox Live for Xbox 360.

Guitar Hero III will hit PS2, PS3, Wii, and Xbox 360. The new guitar designs will be based on the Gibson Les Paul (my guitar!) and the Gibson Kramer (seen at left with celebrity endorsement)

Songs revealed so far after the break [Read the rest of this entry…]

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LEGO Star Wars coming to PS3, Wii, DS, and Xbox 360

Theres not much more about these games that hasn’t been said by myself or aDam, but if you missed out on them, Lucasarts is compiling all the gameplay from both LEGO Star Wars games into one monster title called LEGO Star Wars The Complete Saga. They’re throwing in some new stuff of course, and the DS game is going to be new from the ground up (which is good because the port of LSW 2 didn’t go over so hot).

PS3 and Wii owners will of course be happy to get the games for the first time on their platforms, but XBox 360 players might feel slightly cheated. LSW 2 came out on the system only last year, and added download content from the prequel trilogy for a price. Oh well!

No release date or price yet, but it should be soon, and even at $60 its reasonable cost for the mountain of solid fun for all ages game play.

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Geometry Wars coming to Wii and DS

One of the best reasons to buy Microsoft Points on Xbox Live Arcade is now heading toward’s Nintendo’s twin screen portable and waggle powered console.

I speak of course of Geometry Wars. Sierra Entertainment has licensed the frantic shooter from Bizarre Creations and will be adding a full single player campaign, co-op multiplayer, and connectivity between the DS and Wii. Titled “Geometry Wars Galaxies” it will be available as a stand alone release instead of a download title. The Geometry Wars Retro Evolved will be included in the package as well.

The original game is a pick-up-and-play masterpiece. Powet’s own Screwface Capone sang GW’s praises in his weekly column. Adding to the complexity of the game could destroy it, or it could make it better than I ever imagined. This is one port I’ll really have to play to appreciate. At the very lease, the asthetic hasn’t changed, the above screen shot from the Wii version looks pretty much identical to the XBLA one.

Thankfully, one feature will be retained from the XBLA classic: Online leaderboards! Nothing drove me to get better at this game more than knowing a friend had only a couple thousand points more than me. No other Wii game has been announced with this feature so hopefully it’ll spark developers to add it in for appropriate games.

Full press release follows
[Read the rest of this entry…]

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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption New Screens

Now that we’ve got a release date, Nintendo just released a new batch of screens for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. We’ve got a new logo, some random arm shots using that grapple beam, and one group shot of the other hunters.

metroidprimecorruption7.jpg metroidprimecorruption6.jpg metroidprimecorruption5.jpg metroidprimecorruption3.jpg metroidprimecorruption2.jpg

Hopefully some new gameplay video will show up soon.

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Metroid Prime 3 leads Nintendo’s Release List

metroid_prime_3_corruption.jpgI seriously doubted they could get the game out before fall, and was betting we’d see a November release.
Now the long awaited 3rd installement in the Metroid Prime series has a release date: August 20th. Which means I better get a Wii by August 19th.

Also on August 20th, Nintendo will publish a sequel to Brain Age on DS, and many more DS and Wii titles are on the way beyond that. Sadly the list has many licensed games from movies or cartoons, but on the bright side there are only 3 Megaman games!

Keep reading for the full release list!
[Read the rest of this entry…]

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Soul Calibur Legends Art and Logo

Its been less than 24 hours since we heard about Adventures in “Soul Calibur” but here are some art stolen from 1UP!


Soul Calibur is the universally accepted fighting game of choice at the Powet offices, and any expansion on that world is welcome. When we initially heard about this game, the word came down we’d play as Siegfried, but that killer artwork of Ivy makes me thing we’ll see lots of playable characters.

So now the question– Will this be the next Death By Degrees or Shaolin Monks?

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Adventures in “Soul Calibur”

TakiLike Soul Calibur, but not a big fighting-game buff? Seems there might be an upcoming alternative.

Soul Calibur Legends has been announced by Namco to be released for the Wii, and has been dubbed as an “adventure game” rather than the series usual forte with fighting. The player will travel through the 16th century, and will run into the Soul Calibur crew along their way. Sword-based combat will obviously utilize the Wiimote for the basics of Hack’n Slash. A release date has not, as of yet, been released to the general public, and will be anxiously awaited in the future.

If this type of gameplay seems familiar, it should. A similar type of “adventure combat” was used in fellow fighter series Mortal Kombat’s newest release Armageddeon, where the character ran around in “Konquest Mode” collecting items and fighting enemies, and would occationally enter into into a Combat Mode, where you would then fight your opponent one-on-one like you would in the regular fighting mode. Whether or not Soul Calibur means to do the same or something similar remains to be seen.

This week’s edition of Famitsu has an article on the new addition to the SC series, so check it out.

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