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Entries Tagged ‘Voltron’:

Powet Top 5: Gripes with Voltron Force

The original Voltron cartoon was a childhood favorite for so many of us growing up. For some, it was their introduction of large robot fighters in general, to be accompanied by several others of the time. As with the general 80’s English dubbing of the Japanese GoLion series, Voltron was still rife with action, drama and mecha being the crap out of each other, as well as featuring characters that may have fit a couple of eventual stereotypes but still had personality.
Years later, we dealt with the supposed sequel series, Voltron: 3rd Dimension, whose main purpose wasn’t so much as to continue with the storyline and development that the original series left off with, but rather to simply show off how “unique” it was by being completely 3D rendered and computer generated. The plot and characterization suffered in turn, even though several of the voice actors from the original series had returned to reprise their characters. (Oh Michael Bell, you will always be my first audible animation love)

So after that disappointment, and over a decade going by, when Nickelodeon announced a new cartoon dubbed “Voltron Force”, it was a glimmer of hope for a lot of us oldschool fans. And for the first few episodes, it held the promise of erasing Voltron 3D’s disgrace and forging the path to continue everything as they had been with the original series. However, after the first half of the first season, you might start to notice some things that don’t really add up, or certain inconsistencies start piling up and can no longer be ignored in favor of compromising “Oh, it’ll get better, I’m sure”.

Not so much.

Spoilers, FYI.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

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SDCC 2012: Mattel’s Mattypalooza Panel – MOTU Classics, DC Universe, Watchmen, Voltron, Ghostbusters

Mattel has hosted their annual Mattypalooza panel at SDCC 2012. We got a look at whats left for the year on, along with several sneak peaks of what is on the horizon for next year. See a pretty extensive summary with images after the jump, in addition to video of the panel itself!

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PowetToys Newscast for February 2012

This month brought us New York Toy Fair, so what better way to celebrate than going over some highlights of the show.

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Toy Fair 2012: Mattel’s Voltron

Image from

The Voltron display was about as disappointing as the Thundercats display from Bandai. Mattel had the 5 lions from the Voltron Force subscription on display. Nothing from the new Voltron Force series was displayed aside from placards promoting the show.

Continue after the jump for a few shots of the subscription lions and pilots.

[Read the rest of this entry…]

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Voltron Video Game Trailer

THQ is bringing retro flavor to Xbox Live Arcade and Playstation Network this November with “Voltron: King Zarkon Returns” video game.

Interspersed with footage from the original series, gamers will find themselves able to play either online in seamless 1- to 5-player co-op or offline in 1- or 2-player co-op. Players will select a Lion based on a number of strengths, resistances and elemental attacks, and will battle it out on Planet Arus against familiar Robeasts.

Voltron: Defender of the Universe will be available on Xbox LIVE Arcade (800 Microsoft Points) and PlayStation Network ($9.99).

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Reminder: Last day to purchase MattyCollector subscriptions for 2012


A reminder to anyone interested in any of the Mattel subscriptions on Today is the very last day you can purchase any of the subs. All subscriptions ordered (even if at different times) will have their shipping combined.
This will be your last chance to participate in the following subs:
Club Eternia (Masters of the Universe)
Club Lion Force (Voltron)
Club Ecto (Ghostbusters)
Club Infinite Earths (DC Universe Classics)

Currently the Club Infinite Earths sub is sitting just under 60% of the needed number of subscribers for the line to launch. We will know by midnight whether we have seen the end of the DC Universe Classics line.

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SDCC 2011: Mattel’s Mattypalooza panel

This was the big one for a lot of those following at home. Mattel had some big announcements to make including Ghostbusters, Voltron, DC Universe and most especially Masters of the Universe (MOTU). ActionFigurePics actually got video of the whole presentation (seen above). I will not attempt to summarize in neat bullet point form the contents of the panel after the jump. Get ready because there were some big announcements!

[Read the rest of this entry…]

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Club Lion Force Voltron transformation video

Mattel posted the above video on youtube to show off the features and transformation of the new lions, pilots and accessories they plan to offer on

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