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Entries Tagged ‘Terminator’:

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Season 2 Review

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - Cameron
A review of the 2nd season of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, now out on DVD and Blu-Ray.

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Powetcast Episode 17: Cobra Commander’s Moustache


More and more, the games Powet plays are $10-$15 add-ons and episodic content. Is this trend wide-spread? Is the era of expensive, disc-based gaming over?

Also, news of the video game world at GamesCom and BlizzCon, reviews of Ponyo, District 9, the new Professor Layton (out today), and more! Also introducing special guest Shaun Hatton of Toronto Thumbs and the 4 Color Rebellion network!

Audio Netcast Details
iTunes Chicklet Subscribe to the Powetcast on iTunes
Direct Link: Powetcast Episode 17: Cobra Commander’s Moustache

(Do you still buy games on discs? Love Steam and downloadable content? Leave a comment below!)

Show notes after the jump!

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T2 Blu-Ray Endoskull Collector’s Set Review

Limited Edition Terminator 2 Judgement Day Blu-Ray Endoskull
A review of the insanely expensive Limited Edition Terminator 2 Judgement Day Blu-Ray Complete Collector’s Set Endoskull.

If your money is burning a hole in your wallet, buy this ridiculously expensive version:
If you love T2 and just want the movie and a great set of features for a cheap price, the single disc can’t be beat:

[Read the rest of this entry…]

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Powetcast Episode 12: E3 and the 80s

powetcast Last time we went to BotCon. As soon as we stepped on the plane to go home, E3 started. Catch up on all your E3 news here! Also, reviews of Terminator, Conan O’Brien on the Tonight Show, and much more!

(What did you think of the E3 announcements? Leave a comment below!)

Audio Netcast Details
iTunes Chicklet Subscribe to the Powetcast on iTunes
Direct Link: Powetcast Episode 12: E3 and the 80s

Show notes after the jump!
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When’s Your Judgment Day?

derekKyle Reese and the T-101 sent back to protect Edward Furlong had it at August 29th 1997. By the movie version of continuity Sarah Connor ultimately lived to see this day without an attack but as Kristina Lokenator and Arnie #3 showed up, Judgement Day would still take place on July 25th 2004. Then comes what’s had geeks real exited for the past 2 years, the event of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, which ignores the 2004 Judgment Day, but also ignores the original 1997 date and once again pushes Judgment Day back to April 21st, 2011, which is only two years from today. Get that bomb shelter stocked with canned goods!

Terminator PosterIt’s a well thought out date, to be sure. With the events of the first episode taking place in September 2007, this gives the show more than enough time to come to a reasonable conclusion, be canceled, or again postpone Judgment Day by April 2011. This has already been suggested by a number of things. The April 2011 Skynet was Andy Good’s Turk. Andy’s out of the picture, and the Turk has taken a drastically different course. Derek is a stranger to Jesse who has lived a number of things differently than he has, and though she refuses to give him a date for when her Judgment Day is, it seems plainly obvious that it’s not the day Derek and Kyle remember as seen in the season 1 finale.
[Read the rest of this entry…]



Terminator: Salvation Teaser Trailer and still

Because we haven’t had enough coverage of Christian Bale this week, a Teaser trailer for the new Terminator movie coming out in 2009 surfaced this week over at io9. In addition a still of Christian Bale portraying John Connor was released with Bale aiming a large automatic rifle at a disabled terminator’s head. Still can be seen above. Click for the full-size picture. Teaser is below from a youtube mirror.


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The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Linda Homilton as Sarah ConnorOn the anniversary of Judgement Day, The Movie Blog brings us news that the franchise seems to be getting ready for a TV property, following the life and times of Sarah Connor after the events of the second movie. David Nutter, of the Smallville pilot, will be directing.


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August 29th 1997 – Judgement Day

There is no fate but what we make for ourselves.

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