Entries Tagged ‘Skeletor’:
by Crazy, filed in Events, Toy Fair on Feb.16, 2015
Toy Fair 2015 brings us the first year of Masters of the Universe Classics (MOTUC) without Scott ‘ToyGuru’ Neitlich at the helm. Little if any ado was made about the 2015 Club Eternia subscription being in its last year. Surprising considering the fanfare that Mattel put out during sign ups. Nothing out of the blue was announced aside from a new 200x (6 month) subscription. Probably the biggest news was the bonus item for the newly announced sub.
Read about it all after the jump!
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Tags: 200x, he-man, MOTU Classics, MOTUC, Skeletor, Toy Fair 2015
by Crazy, filed in SDCC, Toys on Jul.29, 2014
Mattel hosted their Mattypalooza panel at SDCC this weekend and there was a bevy of news announced. One of the big announcements is that 2015 will be “The Final Year”. Its not clear if thats the final year of the Club Eternia subscription, or the entire line, but we share the reveals, new subs, upcoming figures and more after the jump. Join us to find out what is in store!
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Tags: Club Eternia, Club Etheria, he-man, masters of the universe, Mattel, mattycollector, MattyCollector.com, Mattypalooza, MOTU Classics, Skeletor
by Crazy, filed in News, Toys on Apr.30, 2014
MattyCollector has updated their facebook page with packaging previews of New Adventures Flogg, Intergalactic Skeletor and Extendar.
Join us after the jump for the pictures, along with some notes on accessories and features for each figure!
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Tags: Extendar, Flogg, masters of the universe, Mattel, mattycollector, MOTU Classics, New Adventures of He-Man, Skeletor
by Crazy, filed in News, Toys on Nov.13, 2012
has announced that Castle Grayskull has met the minimum order number needed to go ahead with sculpting a real model to eventually go into production next year. With little more than some basic design sheet images and a foam mock-up, fans put their money where their mouths were by pre-ordering the colossal playset at the steep cost of US$250. Had the minimum quantity not been met, the project would not have gone forward much like the Young Justice figures planned for next year that could not muster the pre-order minimum. Had Castle Grayskull not gone forward, it likely would have stifled the waning enthusiasm for the line further.
Now that sculpting can begin, Mattel is hoping to have something preliminary to show off at NYTF in February of next year. Pre-orders have opened back up for Grayskull and will remain open until January 4, 2013 at 9AM PT. Fans can now look forward to voting in the Spring for what characters will appear on the box art, which will be done by the same artist who painted the box art on the original Castle Grayskull, Rudy Obrero.
If you have not yet pre-ordered Castle Grayskull, you can do so here.
Tags: Castle Grayskull, he-man, Mattel, mattycollector, MOTU Classics, Rudy Obrero, Skeletor
by Crazy, filed in Events, Powercon, Toys on Sep.27, 2012
This past weekend was Powercon/Thundercon. Powercon is a growing convention based around the Masters of the Universe property. Its actually two cons in one. The other half is Thundercon, which is based around the Thundercats property, which rates a negligent on the relevance meter right now. As a result, all the news from the con centers around MOTU. Join us after the jump for some reveals, qc issues, and teasers.
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Tags: Castle Grayskull, Clamp Champ, Frosta, he-man, Karatii, masters of the universe, Mattel, mattycollector, MOTU Classics, MOTUC, New Adventures of He-Man, Octavia, Powercon, Procrustus, Randor, Skeletor, Snake Face, The Horde, Thundercon
by Crazy, filed in Powet Toys, PowetToys NewsCast, Toys on Jul.04, 2012
Tags: Derpy Hooves, Enterprise, Lambor, laserbeak, Marvel Legends, Masterpiece, Minimates, MLP, MOTU, MOTU Classics, red alert, SDCC 2012, sideswipe, Skeletor, soundwave, Star Trek, tfc toys, Transformers, Uncanny X-force
by Crazy, filed in Powet Top 5 on May.26, 2012
Welcome to the Powet Top 5, where we explore the top (and bottom) 5 items we think are relevant to any of a variety of topics that span the imagination. Sit back, read, and respond
Starting at the end of 2008, Mattel started the collector line known as Masters of the Universe Classics (MOTUC). The line was meant to be a modern interpretation of the vintage figures. It was intended to celebrate all iterations of the franchise including the vintage MOTU series, Princess of Power (PoP), New Adventures of He-Man (NA), and the modern 200x Mike Young Productions interpretation of the series. A lengthy all-inclusive story was plotted out to give the line a cohesive story to tell in the bios for each figure. The subsequent story told thus far has had a some twists that really threw us for a loop. Here is my top 5 list of revalations for the MOTU Classics bios.
I am including each of the relevant bios for each point, but I tried not to overwhelm you all with too much reading.
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Tags: Duncan, Eternia, Evil-Lyn, Flipshot, Gar, he-man, hordak, Horde, Icarius, Keldor, King Hsss, Man-At-Arms, masters of the universe, Mattel, mattycollector, MOTU Classics, Optikk, Serpos, Skeletor, Sorceress, sy-klone, Teela, Thunder Punch He-Man, Ultimate Battleground
by Crazy, filed in Comics on Apr.09, 2012
DC Comics has announced plans for a new limited series featuring the He-Man and the Masters of the Universe property from Mattel. James Robinson will be writing the story while, Phillip Tan and Ruy Jose handle the pencils and inks, respectively.
In the new series, Robinson reintroduces the Masters of the Universe® to comic readers with Skeletor having won a major victory and rewriting the world of Eternia where he now rules from Castle Grayskull and the Masters have no memory of their former glory. Adam is a simple woodsman haunted by dreams of a heroic warrior, wielding a powerful sword in battle. He is found by a mysterious sorceress who tells him his dreams are of the way the world should be, that he is Eternia’s champion He-Man. Adam sets off on a quest to regain his power and reawaken the Masters of the Universe.
The series is set to start in July and run for six issues.
Tags: Comics, DC Comics, he-man, masters of the universe, MOTU, Skeletor