In what initially seemed like an April Fools’ announcement in the middle of August, Nintendo has announced a new handheld; The Nintendo 2DS. The 2DS will compete on value with a lower price point. To drop the price, the 3D functionality has been removed along with the hinge, one of the speakers. It will be close in size to a regular 3DS laid flat. The device still has two cameras, a speaker, headphone jack, sd card, wi-fi, street passes, access to the Nintendo eShop and the ability to play all DS and 3DS games. The 2DS will retail for about $129 and is scheduled to drop on October 12th. Both red and blue versions will be available while the front panel will be either white or black.
Vinnk and Sean return to video with the 8-bit classic Super Mario Bros., and the game glitch so famous that reputable magazine articles have been written about it.
But this is the Internet! We will show you how to perform this trick (with video), and explain why it works, and what other variations exist besides the well-known “Water Level of Death”.
Did you know that there was an episode of Famicom Dojo before there was a Famicom Dojo? Not just the one released on Zac Shipley’s channel, but one we never released for public consumption? Sure you didn’t! We know lots of stuff from back in 2006. Learn more from Vinnk and Sean as they talk about their memories of Famicom Dojo before there was a Famicom Dojo, how the name was chosen, and the revelation that even the first episodes took a super-long time to create! Oh, and we explain a bit more about our plans for the future of Famicom Dojo in 2013 and beyond.
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E3 is over, but did anything of substance happen aside from Sony stabbing Microsoft in the side and twisting the knife? Everything of substance occurred before or after E3, including Microsoft’s “Xbox 180” announcement about its disc DRM and “always on” connectivity. In this digital world, has E3 outlived its usefulness as a press-only event? Sean and Vinnk unpack the reasons why Microsoft reversed course, and struggle with which next-gen console to get to compliment the Wii U. And Sean finally realizes that maybe he shouldn’t have passed over the PS3 last generation.
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by Sean "TheOrange" Corse, filed in Games, News on Jun.01, 2013
Because it’s not already confusing enough that Nintendo has two barely-different SKUs out there in most territories, Nintendo of Japan will be releasing a white variation of their 32 GB Premium Wii U model on July 13th of this year.
EA has thrown its stake in the ground, and determined that it does not need or care to support Nintendo on the Wii U. No Frosbite engine, no current development on Wii U, and a senior developer who openly tweeted that Nintendo’s console platform was “crap”. So much for that “unprecedented partnership”! Vinnk and Sean make the obvious comparisons to Dreamcast (which was the last console EA totally shut out), speculate on the future of proprietary, company-branded game console hardware, and try to determine if Nintendo even needs EA in this generation… or any other.
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Before being outsourced to other developers and turned into a first person shooter, Metroid was one of Nintendo’s most celebrated franchises of both the 8 and 16-bit era. Come to think about it, it’s still one of Nintendo’s most celebrated franchises even after being outsourced to other developers. Its exploration heavy gameplay has made it a hit among gamers, and its heroine Samus Aran is one of the most recognizable female protagonists in gaming. Super Metroid represented the series at its best. [Read the rest of this entry…]