Disclaimer: Powet.tv, its staff, and its writers are in no way Anti-Christian or Anti-Religious. If your religious beliefs (or lack thereof), be they Christian, Jewish, Catholic, Muslim, Bhuddist, Scientologist, Wiccan, or otherwise, drive you to be a better person, then more power to you. My beef is, without getting too preachy or political, with those who use religion to justify hatred, those who wish to force their beliefs upon others, and more importantly, crappy video games, be they religious or otherwise.
Today is marks Hallmarks annual day to bask in the fruits of rampant consumerism. More importantly for Christians, today marks Jesus’ birthday. Our regular $20 GOTW and Lost Classics will return tomorrow afternoon, but today, Powet has a special Christmas gift for you. Though there is much debate on just how separate church should be from state it seems that religion should be kept as far away as possible from video gaming as possible. Not because of offensive material (most of these games carry good messages) mind you, but more so because of how bad many of them turn out. Powet will be taking a special look at religious-themed video games, more significantly, NES games by Christian gaming company Wisdom Tree. While Wisdom Tree and other designers of these types of games meant well, most of the games themselves were just plain awful.
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