Entries Tagged ‘MOTUC’:
by Crazy, filed in Events, Toy Fair on Feb.16, 2015
Toy Fair 2015 brings us the first year of Masters of the Universe Classics (MOTUC) without Scott ‘ToyGuru’ Neitlich at the helm. Little if any ado was made about the 2015 Club Eternia subscription being in its last year. Surprising considering the fanfare that Mattel put out during sign ups. Nothing out of the blue was announced aside from a new 200x (6 month) subscription. Probably the biggest news was the bonus item for the newly announced sub.
Read about it all after the jump!
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Tags: 200x, he-man, MOTU Classics, MOTUC, Skeletor, Toy Fair 2015
by Crazy, filed in Events, Toy Fair on Feb.07, 2013
I was surfing facebook earlier this evening when I saw a photo of a MOTU Classics Mantenna shared on the Masters of the Universe Classics facebook group and I did a double take. It sure looked like an official photo and legitimate photograph, but who can tell these days. We live in a world of Photoshop mockups. I put all the images from there into a gallery for everyone to see after the jump.
Can anyone verify if these are real?
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Tags: action figures, Batros, Castaspella, Comedian, DCUC, Fire, he-man, Huntress, Icer, Mantenna, MOTU Classics, MOTUC, New Adventures of He-Man, Shakoti, Toy Fair 2013, Watchmen
by Crazy, filed in Toys on Oct.12, 2012
He-Man turns 30 years old this year. To celebrate, MattyCollector is having a one-day sale today, October 12, 2012. For US$30 you can pick up the He-Man & BattleCat Party Pak. That is both figures for just 30 dollars. Keep in mind that BattleCat alone sells for $33 by himself. This great deal is definitely the time to pick these two figures up either for yourself or to stow away as a gift for the holidays.
As a side note, this is pretty telling that Mattel went back into production for both He-Man and BattleCat with a significant production run to be willing to sell them for this low of a price.
Tags: Battlecat, he-man, Mattel, mattycollector, MOTU Classics, MOTUC
by Crazy, filed in Events, Powercon, Toys on Sep.27, 2012
This past weekend was Powercon/Thundercon. Powercon is a growing convention based around the Masters of the Universe property. Its actually two cons in one. The other half is Thundercon, which is based around the Thundercats property, which rates a negligent on the relevance meter right now. As a result, all the news from the con centers around MOTU. Join us after the jump for some reveals, qc issues, and teasers.
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Tags: Castle Grayskull, Clamp Champ, Frosta, he-man, Karatii, masters of the universe, Mattel, mattycollector, MOTU Classics, MOTUC, New Adventures of He-Man, Octavia, Powercon, Procrustus, Randor, Skeletor, Snake Face, The Horde, Thundercon
by Crazy, filed in Events, News, SDCC, Toys on Jul.16, 2012
Mattel has hosted their annual Mattypalooza panel at SDCC 2012. We got a look at whats left for the year on MattyCollector.com, along with several sneak peaks of what is on the horizon for next year. See a pretty extensive summary with images after the jump, in addition to video of the panel itself!
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Tags: Club Black Freighter, Club Eternia, Club Infinite Earths, DC Universe Classics, Ghostbusters, Mattel, mattycollector, MattyCollector.com, Mattypalooza, MOTU Classics, MOTUC, Voltron, Watchmen
by Crazy, filed in Toys on May.15, 2012
Here is your friendly reminder about MattyCollector Day for this month, May of 2012. You can find all the releases for DCUC, MOTUC and much more along with a few pictures after the jump. The big names for MOTUC this month are Slush Head, Stinkor and The Mighty Spector, not to mention the Snake Mountain action figure stands. All items can be found on MattyCollector.com at Noon EST.
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Tags: masters of the universe, Mattel, mattycollector, Mighty Spector, MOTUC, New Adventures of He-Man, Slush Head, Stinkor
by Crazy, filed in Events, Toy Fair, Toys on Feb.12, 2012

Mattel actually posted most of their Toy Fair 2012 news right on MattyCollector.com. This made things a little easier to transcribe for those of us giving you the armchair coverage treatment.
The big announcements were essentially the additions of Spikor and Frosta to the Club Eternia Subscription, a Snake-man troop builder 2-pack and Geoff Johns’ 30th Anniversary character, Sir Laser Lot.
Read on after the jump for more info, pictures and the ‘updated’ schedule.
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Tags: Frosta, he-man, Mattel, MOTUC, NYTF, Sir Laser Lot, Spikor, Toy Fair 2012
by Crazy, filed in Toys on Nov.28, 2011
MattyCollector.com has posted their Cyber Monday ordering page here. There are a few whopper deals on there including as much as %50 off most available MOTU Classics figures. The Ghostbusters Ghost Trap has also come back in stock.
Tags: Cyber Monday, DC, Ghostbusters, mattycollector, MOTU Classics, MOTUC, Young Justice