Earlier this week, DC released the first trailer to next year’s animated movie, Justice League Dark. Inspired by the comic of the same name, JLD features Batman teaming up with a series of DC’s supernatural heroes including John Constantine (voiced by Matt Ryan, who is reprising his TV role), Deadman, and Swamp Thing against a supernatural threat. The film will be available Digitally on January 24th, and will be available on DVD and Blu-Ray on February 7. The film will be rated R for “some disturbing violence.”
Hot on the heels of the last DC Comics/Boom Studios crossover, Gotham Academy/Lumberjanes, DC and Boom Studios announced that DC’s flagship heroes will be teaming up with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. The adventure begins when Zack gets flung into the DC Universe via teleportation accident, and the other Rangers must disembark to save him. Interestingly enough, this Justice League looks like it includes both Cyborg and the John Stewart Green lantern. The crossover will be a six issue miniseries starting this January. Between this, the upcoming movie, and the recently announced video game, now is a good time to be a Power Rangers fan.
Puhleeze. Who wants a Hideo Kojima produced Silent Hill game written by Guillermo Del Toro and starring Norman Reedus anyway?
A few weeks ago, a potential classic, Silent Hills, was cancelled, and all trace of it was removed from the Playstation Network Store. What would have been a potential game changer for both the franchise and the survival horror genre in general is yet another case of what could have been. Although no definite reason was given for it, if you’ve kept up with the drama over the past few weeks, it’s evident that business politics, internal conflict, and the pending departure of Hideo Kojima all played into the cancellation. Sadly, Silent Hills isn’t the first high profile cancellation, nor will it be the last. Gaming’s history is rife with games that could have been classics being canceled due to a variety of reasons. I’ve done 5 previous installments on this subject alone.
Note: The PS4 version of this title is free for the rest of January 2015 for PS+ members.
Created by NetherRealm studios (the same people behind 2011’s blockbuster Mortal Kombat reboot), Injustice is the first good DC comics game that doesn’t have Batman in the title, nor involves legos. Injustice’s plot, gameplay, features, and character selection makes it the perfect game for both DC comics fans and fighting game aficionados alike. The Ultimate Edition sweetens the pot by adding all the dlc that was previously released from the game. That means you get all the extra costumes, extra characters, and Star Labs missions that were previously released.
Four months ago, after the success of the Captain America: Winter Soldier’s opening weekend, Marvel announced that Captain America 3 would be produced and released on May 6, 2016. This is the same date that DC’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice film was slated. This was widely seen as shots fired across DC’s bow, whose film franchise plans depend widely upon the success of Batman v Superman. If DC has any hope of replicating Marvel’s film franchise success, it needs Batman v Superman to do well, as it will introduce, not only a new Batman (portrayed by Ben Affleck), but also Wonder Woman (played by Gal Gadot) in a lead up to what is widely speculated to be a Justice League movie.
Today, in a move that has suprised few, DC and Warner Bros. have announced a new release date, March 25th, 2016.
Additionally, Warner Bros. announced 9 more theatrical release dates for as yet unnamed films. See them and more speculation after the break! [Read the rest of this entry…]
As I type this, it’s a few days removed from America’s birthday. Which means leftover fireworks, leftover hot dogs, and public pools. More importantly, it’s the middle of summer. Which means the temperature is getting higher, and with those temperatures, tensions are getting higher. Eventually, with those high tensions, this will happen:
But why get into a real life brawl and risk ending up on worldstarhiphop.com when you can engage in some digital fisticuffs instead? This special edition of $20GOTW/Maximum Letdown takes a look at some of the best and worst fighting games of the recent and distant past, so click below and check it out. [Read the rest of this entry…]
A new trailer has surfaced for DC Entertainment’s new game INJUSTICE: Gods Among Us. This game is being done by Netherrealm, the same studio behind Mortal Kombat. This fighter features some of DC’s most well known characters including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Lex Luthor and many many more. This trailer gives us a little more insight into the story of the game. It has a very Crime Syndicate feel to it where all the heroes are more or less villains. The game will be coming out on April, 16th 2013.