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$20 er….Free game of the week: Mega Man Revolution (PC)


A while back I featured another fan-made Mega Man project, Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch. SInce all seems to be quiet on the blue bomber front as of late, here is another fan-made Mega Man title. Unlike MM8DM, Revolution is more of a traditional Mega Man game in the 8-bit style. It’s a follow up to the storyline of Mega Man 8, as it involves teh evil energy which was a plot point of that game. Other than that, it’s the usual Mega Man style gameplay, there are 8 robot masters, you have to take them on in a certain order, you gain their weapons upon their defeat, and when the 8 robot masters are gone, you take on Wily. Fans of the series wouldn’t have it any other way. Download it from here.

Google kicks off April Fools Day with Pokemon for Google Maps

Google has unveiled their best April Fools joke yet. With the new job role of Pokemon Master, they have updated Google Maps to be one giant game of Pokemon. You can explore real world maps and find Pokemon to catch. There are 150 Pokemon available in all. As you catch them you can see them in your Pokedex, which can be found by going to the search box. An option will appear to either let you go to the Pokedex or the Pokemon Center. This intrepid explorer has found a Pokemon Center in San Francisco, Tokyo and Sydney so far. Have you found others? Let us know in the comments. I’m up to 75 Pokemon so far with hopes to get all 150 by the end of the day. Keep us updated on your progress!

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$20 Game of the Week: Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty (PC)


For the sequel to one of the greatest real-time strategy franchises of all time, Blizzard decided to do something big and somewhat controversial: split the game into 3 parts, one for each of the three factions. Wings of Liberty deals with the Terran faction, while the recently released Heart of the Swarm deals with the Zerg. However, just because WOL deals with only one faction, it is by no means incomplete, as the tale of Jim Raynor is a story deep enough to stand on its own, and the RTS gameplay, refined over the years since the original Starcraft’s release, stands the test of time.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

INJUSTICE: Gods Among Us gets Ultimate in new trailer

Warner Bros. and DC’s Mortal Kombat style game, INJUSTICE: Gods Among Us, has gotten itself a ‘Game of the Year’ edition. Dubbing it the Ultimate Edition, this version will feature all of the downloadable content, in addition to the base game, available on disc. It also mentions the new availability for PS4, PSVita and PC, not to mention a mobile version of the game on iPhone and iPad, coming soon to Android.

This edition of the game is currently available as of November 12th on Amazon.

$20 Game of the Week: Tokyo Jungle (Playstation 3 Network)


Tokyo Jungle is one of the more unique games lurking around the Playstation Network. It’s weird and sometimes repetitive, but how many games have you played that let you play as a Pomeranian? Well, this title not only lets you take control of a Pomeranian, but you also get to play as dozens of other animals. Tokyo Jungle was released as a retail disc in Japan. However, it came over here as a downloadable title, and is better off for it. While it is a good package, it’s not something most gamers would pay full price for.
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Nintendo announces 2DS coming in October

In what initially seemed like an April Fools’ announcement in the middle of August, Nintendo has announced a new handheld; The Nintendo 2DS. The 2DS will compete on value with a lower price point. To drop the price, the 3D functionality has been removed along with the hinge, one of the speakers. It will be close in size to a regular 3DS laid flat. The device still has two cameras, a speaker, headphone jack, sd card, wi-fi, street passes, access to the Nintendo eShop and the ability to play all DS and 3DS games. The 2DS will retail for about $129 and is scheduled to drop on October 12th. Both red and blue versions will be available while the front panel will be either white or black.

[Source: Engadget]

$20 Game of the Week: Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition (PC, Xbox 360, PS3)


When Bethesda Software released Fallout 3 in 2008, it became one of the biggest and best RPGS of this past console generation while resurrecting the classic Role Playing Game franchise from years past. Obsidian Entertainment, whose development team consists of people who previously worked on the classic fallout games released this follow up. More than a simple spin-off and not quite a sequel, New Vegas is an RPG that uses the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 3 to tell an all new story.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

Strider is Coming Back!

Capcom is bring the ninja of the future back next year thanks to Killer Instinct developer Retro helix. Simply called Strider, the game will be released on Xbox 360, Xbox One, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, and PC, likely as a downloadable title. The game will be a 2.5d ‘Metroidvania’-style game and looks to include all of Hiryu’s signature acrobatics. I’d say more, but why? Just check out the gameplay footage above.

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