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SDCC 2013: WB announces Man of Steel sequel based on Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns


According to SlashFilm, at the very end of the DC panel, Zack Snyder took over to make an announcement about a Man of Steel sequel:

I’m gonna take the lectern from you, because some shit’s going to happen up here.
It’s official that we are going to make another Superman movie. And you say, Zack, what is the movie about? But you don’t want me to tell you that. You want to go and see the movie. But I can say that maybe there’s a single element that will be in the film that I could… help you out with. I was thinking about how to do that. I pored through the DC Universe to look for a way to tell this thing. We’re writing the thing now, but I came across a thing I found that’ll help you understand it.

The image in the banner came on screen and a voiceover was done:

I want you to remember, Clark, in all the years to come, in all your most private moments, I want you to remember your hand at your throat. I want you to remember the one man who beat you.

This line comes from the end of Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns. Snyder made it very clear that this will not be a direct adaptation, but will instead be used to help form a new story based on many cues from the source. Henry Cavill and the cast from Man of Steel are slated to reprise their roles, while the part of Batman has not yet been cast.

Press release after the jump!

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Famicom Dojo Podcast: To E3 or Not to E3 (2013)

Famicom Dojo Pocast 77: To E3 or Not to E3 (2013)

E3 is over, but did anything of substance happen aside from Sony stabbing Microsoft in the side and twisting the knife? Everything of substance occurred before or after E3, including Microsoft’s “Xbox 180” announcement about its disc DRM and “always on” connectivity. In this digital world, has E3 outlived its usefulness as a press-only event? Sean and Vinnk unpack the reasons why Microsoft reversed course, and struggle with which next-gen console to get to compliment the Wii U. And Sean finally realizes that maybe he shouldn’t have passed over the PS3 last generation.

iTunes Chicklet

Leave your own voicemail at 608-492-1923, or just share your thoughts in the show notes at FamicomDojo.TV:

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Free Comic Book Day – May 4th, 2013

FCBD 2013 LogoMay the 4th be with you this Saturday at Free Comic Book Day! Local Comic Shops around the world will be celebrating this unofficial holiday with free comic books, parties, costumes and all around love for comic book characters and stories. At least, thats what they do around here.

Some comic shops put a limit on the number of free books you can get, so its not always easy to choose what books you want on the spot with the crowds waiting for you to move on. And since FCBD is kind of a big deal around these parts of the internet, we decided to put together a guide for all the books that will be available this weekend.

Join us after the jump for the full lowdown!
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Announcement of annoucement for next XBox console announced


Credit: Image from Reddit user C-Ron (This is not official art!)

Major Nelson made a blog post revealing that May 21, 2013 will herald the reveal of the third generation XBox.

Here is the announcement of the announcement:

On Tuesday May 21st, we’ll mark the beginning of a new generation of games, TV and entertainment. On that day, we’ll be holding a special press event on the Xbox campus and we invite you to join us via the live global stream that will be available on Xbox LIVE and If you are in the US or Canada, you can also watch the broadcast on Spike TV.

On that day, we’ll share our vision for Xbox, and give you a real taste of the future. Then, 19-days later at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in Los Angeles, we’ll continue the conversation and showcase our full lineup of blockbuster games.

We are thrilled to pull back the curtain and reveal what we’ve been working on.

Rumors have been flying around that the next generation console will be called XBox Infinity due to some possible leaked logo images. We will know for sure on May 21st!

Botcon 2013 Exclusive Obsidian revealed


Due to a scheduling error, we are running a little behind in our week of Botcon reveals, so here is another! Obsidian!
Obsidian, like Strika, is another character from Beast Machines ported back to Machine Wars in his former Autobot glory. Obsidian uses the Hunt for the Decepticons Highbrow mold with a newly tooled head. He looks pretty great in robot mode, especially with those rotors on his arms like his Beast Machines design. The alternate mode is a bit more of a departure considering Obsidian was a helicopter in Beast Machines.

obsidianHEADweb obsidianBOTwebSM

Here is a side by side by of the toys for Strika and Obsidian from Beast Machines.


[Image Source]

Botcon 2013 Exclusive Strika revealed


Continuing our week of Botcon 2013 convention exclusive reveals, our third figure in the set is Strika. A bit of a surprise that this character was chosen since she was actually from Beast Machines, but I guess they are making some sort of connection because they both have ‘Machines’ in the title. Whatever works, I guess. She is shown here as an Autobot so this would take place before Beast Machines. She uses the Generations Warpath mold with a great deal of deco and a newly sculpted head.

strikaBOTweb strikaHEADweb

Botcon 2013 Exclusive Skywarp revealed


Due to all the craziness of Toy Fair and the news streaming out of it, we fell a little behind posting the Botcon reveals for this year’s convention box set. Kicking off with Saturday’s Top 5 Machine Wars themed article, we are having ourselves a bit of a Botcon 2013 themed week. We’ll continue posting the reveals as the week goes on until we get caught up. Today, we take a look at Botcon 2013 Skywarp.


Skywarp was a pretty plainly deco’d basic figure in the original Machine Wars line. He was mostly white with little other than the faction symbol to break up the color. The new Botcon figure uses the Revenge of the Fallen Dirge mold with a retooled head.

mwskywarp 400px-ROTFtoy-DirgeDeluxe

The Powet Top 5 – Top 5 reveals from Toy Fair 2013

Welcome to the Powet Top 5, where we explore the top (and bottom) 5 items we think are relevant to any of a variety of topics that span the imagination. Sit back, read, and respond.


Toy Fair 2013 has come and gone. As a gigantic snowstorm descended on the northeastern United States, a hurricane of toy news was felt all over the internet. There were so many great announcements and revelations during the show, its hard to put it all in perspective. Lets give it a shot anyway! Here’s a Powet Top 5 list of what I thought were some of the most impressive reveals of Toy Fair 2013.

Join us after the jump to join in the excitement!
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