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Powet Top 5 – Top 5 Gaming Gorefests (Where the Blood Helped Make the Game Even Better)

Welcome to the Powet Top 5, where we explore the top (and bottom) 5 items we think are relevant to any of a variety of topics that span the imagination. Sit back, read, and respond

Hotline Miami is one of this year’s best…..and bloodiest titles.

Many people tend to be opposed to violence in video games, and for good reason. With technology improving on a yearly basis, there is potential to show increasingly gruesome and realistic action, making these people even more squeamish. However, I am not one of them. While there are several games that use blood and gore as a crutch for poor gameplay, there are many good games that have utilized gore to make them better. Here are 5 examples, none of which are for the faint of heart.

Note: This article was planned before the senseless massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School two weeks ago, and in no way is it intended to make light of the shooting or disrespect the victims or their families.

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Powet Top 5: Cartoons That Didn’t Need Remakes/Sequels

It seems to be that so many cartoons were so beloved in the 1980’s and early 1990’s, that dollar signs could be seen in the eyes of many a television executive in terms of potential goldmines that needed to be further tapped. Granted, many of us remember these original series fondly through the grace of nothing more than nostalgia-tinted glasses, but whatever the case was a lot of the cartoons we grew up with were blessed with awesome. (either cheesy awesome that we didn’t care about much as kids, or through actual honest talent in writing and execution.

And thus, several show saw “comebacks” in the mid-to-late 1990’s and early 2000’s, either as reboots of their original series of sequels, that meant to bank on said nostolgia value and gain the same acclaim that the previous installments gained from much of us.

Sadly, a lot of them failed. Some, miserably so. Either it was because new concepts were being tried that failed, or that concepts that were popular and worked with shows that were made around a certain medium tried the opposite approach and came off looking half-assed at best and utter crap at most. And then there were some that just should have stopped while they were ahead.

These are a few of those.
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Maximum Letdown: Taboo – Sixth Sense (NES)

Taboo Sixth Sense was one of the first apps for the Nintendo. Unfortunately, this was decades before everyone and their mom had a smartphone. Therefore an app back in the NES days basically meant an overpriced piece of shit that was lacking in gameplay. It’s based upon a rather fascinating concept: The Tarot. Sadly, there was little else to it. Oh, and you won’t believed who this game was developed by! Click after the jump to see the twist ending!
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$20 er…….Free Game of the Week: Street Fighter X Mega Man (PC)

25 years ago, Mega Man made his debut on the NES. Over the years he became one of gaming’s most iconic characters, and the games he starred in have became synonymous with classic platforming action. This year is the blue bomber’s 25th anniversary. although Capcom has been a bit lax with the series as of late. Thankfully a fan created this title merging Mega Man with another iconic Capcom franchise: Street Fighter. Instead of giving it the cease and desist treatment, Capcom swooped the game up and decided to release it free on the website. SfXMM is a classic Mega Man style title, but instead of WIly’s 8 robot masters, you fighter 8 Street Fighters. The game is typical Mega Man: you’ll select what order by which to complete the stages, make your way through various hazards, and fight the level’s boss at the end. The music is composed of Street Fighter anthems, remixed 8-bit style. While the stages are a bit shorter than other Mega Man games, and there is no save feature, this is an excellent fan-project and a great celebration of two of Capcom’s biggest franchises. Plus, we’re getting it for free, so I’ll withhold any complaints.

Top 5 Geeky Gifts For the Holidays

Welcome to the Powet Top 5, where we explore the top (and bottom) 5 items we think are relevant to any of a variety of topics that span the imagination. Sit back, read, and respond.

Figuring out the perfect gift is hard. Today, we’re gong to take a look at five gift options across the spectrum of price, media, and franchise. What do these ideas all have in common? They’re perfect for the geeky one in your life, and they’re all totally awesome. 

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Lost Classics: Kung Fu Heroes (NES)

Kung Fu Heroes is an NES port of an arcade game called Chinese Hero. Either playing alone or with a friend, players take control of Jacky and Lee as they try to rescue the princess. Each level takes place on a singular screen as you beat up waves of enemies and find hidden bonuses. It isn’t a very complex game, but it is fun and colorful, even if the characters are depicted somewhat stereotypical. It’s the first installment of Culture Brain’s “Super Chinese” video game franchise, or as we know it over here, Ninja Boy. Unlike later installments of the game, it contains no RPG elements. Even so, I can think of worse 8-bit titles to spend an afternoon with.

$20 Game of the Week: Shin Megami Tensei – Strange Journey (Nintendo DS)

Strange Journey is a completely different direction for the popular RPG franchise, and at the same time it takes it back to it’s classic dungeon-crawling and exploitation heavy style of the classic SMT: Nocturne. Taking place in a sci-fi setting in the near future, you take control of a soldier who was sent to investigate a black hole in the Antarctic. When you get there, you discover that the place is full of demons. Thanks to a special device however, you can communicate with some of them, and convince them to fight alongside you in true SMT fashion. The plot is dialogue heavy, but it will keep you hooked. Whether you’re new to the franchise or a diehard fan, Strange Journey will present an interesting new twist for the SMT franchise, while still giving gamers plenty of the RPG demon-collecting gameplay the series is known for.

The Powet Top 5 – Top 5 Mustaches in Science Fiction Movies

Welcome to the Powet Top 5, where we explore the top (and bottom) 5 items we think are relevant to any of a variety of topics that span the imagination. Sit back, read, and respond

Now that Movember has come and gone for 2012, I figured a look back at some of the best mustaches in science fiction film was warranted. Initially, this seemed a daunting task to come up with five, but as I started talking to others, more and more candidates came to light. Its almost a shame I had to limit the list to five. But five there are. Join us after the jump for the Top 5 mustaches in science fiction film!

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