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Sweet Powet.TV entries by FakeTrout

Superman Classic – A Fan Animated Short

Rob Pratt, an animator with Disney credits, has created a pretty brilliant little Superman cartoon. Its very short (about a minute) and the above video includes a message from Pratt about the production of the animation.

This is definitely worth watching, to see what one man can do with a little music for inspiration and little more than a pencil and a computer to do awesome hand drawn animation.

Cowboys And Aliens Superbowl Trailer

Director Jon Favreau couldn’t wait until the big game for everyone to see the spot for his next movie, so he jumped the gun and uploaded it to youtube himself.

Favreau announced on twitter the he didn’t want other countries to have to wait to see the clip, which helped Cowboys and Aliens ascend to trending status worldwide even during the Superbowls most exciting moments.

JJ Abrams’ Super 8 Superbowl Trailer & Details

We first got wind of the next film from JJ Abrams way back in summer 2010. We figured it might be some kind of monster movie or alien movie, and we still don’t know everything. We do get a vibe of classic Spielberg in the short clip, which is exactly what they were going for.

The LA Times has an interview with Abrams where he finally spills some details about the movie and how it started as two movies and became one.

The buzz for Super 8 is already reaching a fever pitch, with some saying it rivals the spots for Thor, Captain America, and Transformers 3.

Does this wow you more than Red Skull, Loki, and a full Decepticon invasion?

Thor and Captain America Superbowl Trailers



What say you, true believers? Are you excited for the next chapters in the Avengers movie saga?

Transformers: Dark Of The Moon Superbowl Trailer

The invasion has begun. promised we’d get the Superbowl trailer right away and here it is.

Leave us a comment! Is the destruction of Chicago and a head-on Ironhide crash transformation enough to overcome a lackluster TF2?

Transformers Super Bowl Ad #1: Chevy’s Bumblebee

Well its not the trailer we’re expecting, but the ad Chevy will run during this Sunday’s game is online and it does feature our favorite yellow Autobot.

A real trailer for Transformers: Dark Of The Moon will run during Superbowl XLV and be available online immediately after. As we’ve done in year’s past, Powet will link the best movie and TV previews of interest by Monday morning.

I’d usually put a link to a Bumblebee action figure at the end of a post like this but there just so many of them now I don’t know which one to include.

Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Final Boss is…


The creators at Capcom had to have a big villain worthy of bringing the long dormant Marvel VS series back into gaming, and it wasn’t Dr Wily. This game play video courtesy youtube user Bunnyspatial shows the planet crushing Galactus and many of his attacks straight from the game. The player loses, of course, and we get a chance to see what happens if you don’t win before the continue screen.

Are there any shock character reveals left? I don’t know, but even if the surprises are spent, we still haven’t played the game yet, and that is certainly still worth looking forward to.

Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate Of Two Worlds will be out on February 15. Pre-Order the Special Edition now to get one month of Marvel Digital Comics, 12 Art book, 12 page prologue comic, and access to the first DLC pack of Jill Valentine and Shuma Gorath a month before other players.

Sony Announces The Next Generation PSP

Late last night (or right in the middle of the day in Tokyo), Sony announced the next generation PSP. Yes, it has two thumbsticks, you can stop crying now.

What you can’t see immediately: The display is 960 x 544 pixels (thats 16×9 widescreen) with OLED lighting (great for outside or natural light), and capacitive multi-touch screen. Oh, theres also atouch pad BEHIND the screen too. Six-axis tilt sensors like the PS3 controller. Built in Wifi, Built in GPS, and built in 3G support: You’ll be able to download games anywhere. Front and rear facing cameras round out the cool features, though the power of the processor is said to rival current home consoles.

Games will be available on the Playstation store as well as on flash cards (like the DS). UMD is officially dead, but you’ll still be able to buy games in a brick and mortar store if you want.

Speaking of games: Uncharted, Killzone, WipEout, Resistance, Lost Planet, Metal Gear, Yakuza, and Call of Duty were all mentioned as in development. Nothing is official, and we’ll post video as soon as we have it (blurry shaky cams are all over youtube, but no quality video from Sony yet)

Read on for a gallery of photos of the device, and see official specs. Leave us a comment! What do you think? Obviously this blows the previous PSP out of the water, but will it compete with 3DS if the price is right?
[Read the rest of this entry…]

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