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Sweet Powet.TV entries by FakeTrout

Watch 52 Seconds Of Marvel’s Thor

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Here is Chris Hemsworth as Thor Odinson, just a couple seconds after waking up on Earth it appears. Natalie Portman as Jane Foster, Stellan Skarsgård as Professor Andrews, and Kat Dennings as Darcy also appear in the clip.

For being a god of thunder, Thor shows remarkable weakness to electricity.

Five Reasons Sucker Punch Is Better Than Avatar

Over the last 2 years, I’ve been dogged by the fact that I though Avatar was an overrated turd, and now I’ve got the ideal underrated gem to compare it to. Both rely heavily on their visual effects to tell a story and I’ll spell out five reasons why I think Sucker Punch is better than Avatar.

[Read the rest of this entry…]

Wonder Woman Set Pictures, The Costume Has Changed!

On the left, we have the first on set picture of Adrianne Palicki in the Wonder Woman costume. As you can see, the costume has change significantly from our first look. The shiny pants are gone, and the boots are now red. The stars on the legs were there before, but are a little more visible thanks to a change in the material.

The photo on the right is the same costume worn by someone who is clearly Palicki’s body/stunt double. Or maybe she’s making a weird face. Either way, she’s jumped up on top of that car, so we can look forward to Wonder Woman doing that in the pilot.

What do you think? Is this an improvement on the costume, like the old way better, or still think another direction was needed? Leave a comment below!
Photos courtesy SFX.CO.UK

Cartoon Network Expands DC and WB Animation

This post includes a press release as that will take you the rest of the day to read, but here are the basics…

Cartoon Network historically has had huge success with shows based on DC Comics characters (JLU, Batman Brave And The Bold) as well as Warners Bros Animation (Looney Toons, Ben 10), and so they’re ordering several new series as well as renewing some successes.

The hotly anticipated Green Lantern The Animated will follow in the footsteps that Batman The Animated series did in 1992 by bringing a character to the small screen following a big movie opening. Differing from previous DC animated presentations is that this GL series will be entirely computer animated, unlike the past 19 years of Batman, Superman, and other series.
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corp will join the renewed Young Justice and Batman Brave and The Bold as part of the “DC Nation” block, which the press release implies may see other DC properties down the line. Safe bet on some of the DC direct to video movies over the last 3 years such as New Frontier and Under The Red Hood airing in these slots as well.

Thundercats is also now officially being announced as part of Cartoon Networks falls schedule from Warner Bros Animation. WB will also relaunch Looney Toons in a “contemporary” animated style. CN is renewing Ben 10 and Scooby Doo as well.

In related news, Cartoon Network has ordered a series based on the How To Train Your Dragon series of books and CG movie.

Rounding out the announcements: “LEGO Ninjago” which is a cartoon series based on ninjas made out of LEGO.

You may now read the press release.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

Duke Nukem Forever Delayed, One More Time!

The game most of us thought would never come out finally had a release date and was nearing completion.

May 3rd was the big day for Duke Nukem Forever, after over a decade in development with multiple studios and publishers. Now, Gearbox Software is pushing it back one more time to June 10 in the US.

There are no words. Another delay shouldn’t surprise us. Here we are. I’m still going to play it when it comes out, whenever that day eventually comes.

Powet At Pax Podcast

Live from the Boston Renaissance Waterfront Hotel, Room 509!

This episode features Powet regulars Zac, aDam, Crazy, and Sindra along with fellow travelers Robbie and Keith.

We’re light on show notes this episode since we didn’t have a set format, but I will say all the music in this episode comes from Metroid Metal

Listen live on this page, or subscribe via RSS or iTunes.

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Joseph Gordon-Levitt Is (not) The Holiday Killer in Dark Knight Rises

update: this story is false.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt (and the rest of the cast of Inception) has been heavily favored to join the cast of Christopher Nolan’s next Batman movie. Now with Tom Hardy in place as Bane and Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle, JGL will join the cast as Alberto Falcone.

You may recall Carmine Falcone was played by Tom Wilkinson in Batman Begins, and his empire was shattered by Batman and Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight. Alberto Falcone is his son in the Batman fiction, and may be entering the story to reclaim the family business.

However, Nolan has borrowed from The Long Halloween before, and its likely that Alberto won’t just be another mob boss but will instead be The Holiday Killer. Holiday was a serial killer whose first murder occurred on Halloween, (then Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc) and continued until the following Halloween with the murder of Carmine Falcone.

As of The Dark Knight, Carmine is still being held in Arkham, after a dose of Scarecrow’s psychotic drugs. Its unknown how this might fit in with Bane or the possibility of Catwoman, but both of those characters are tied heavily to Gotham’s organized crime.

As casting news begins to slow down and filming not to far off, the full story is still hard to decipher. The Dark Knight had twists audiences didn’t expect that didn’t come from set reports and no script was leaked in advance. If The Dark Knight Rises can continue this momentum and use the wealth of characters to give the story life and depth rather than crowd it, we might have the first super hero movie series with a good third act.

Source: Variety

TV’s Wonder Woman Costume, Logo, and Villain

The pilot episode for NBC’s Wonder Woman show is being filmed currently, and with it lots of official and unofficial news. Firstly is the logo for the show, snapped off the back of one of the chairs on set courtesy WonderWomanTV. This may be a temporary logo, and might not even be used in the show’s titles.

Now the costume….
First of all, I’m just going to say that Adrianne Palicki As Wonder Woman is ridiculously hot. Of course any attractive woman in a costume that tight with that much cleavage was going to be hot.

Is the costume accurate? Well its certainly nothing like what Lynda Carter wore, showing off less leg and a lot more shine. Seriously, is this made out of plastic? The pants aren’t a huge deal honestly, but they probably should’ve gone black instead of blue for the final version of the outfit. Likewise, red boots. In fact, the Jim Lee version of Wonder Woman would have worked great for a prime time show, leather jacket and all. But yeah, the costume hits all the basic notes of a Wonder Woman costume, including the tiara, the bracelets, and of course the bust.

Its about Smallville quality and easily more impressive than The Cape, though not quite as cool as Dina Meyer’s Batgirl from BoP. Its seriously bright, and if the tone of the show matches the outfit, then we might be headed for disaster. On the other hand, David E Kelley got NBC to pick up yet another super hero show after a string of disasters, so I hope there is something to this. And maybe when she’s not in a photography studio, the outfit won’t look so over-saturated.

As a bonus, we also have a look at Elizabeth Hurley as the show’s villain, who is yet unnamed. Also, since she’s just wearing normal clothes, we don’t have any leads. In fact, this could very well just be a photo of Elizabeth Hurley walking in LA. Photo from Superhero Hype!

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