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Sweet Powet.TV entries by FakeTrout

Gears of War 3 Beta Preview Video – Dedicated Execution

Gears Of War’s first two entries contained memorable single player and co-op modes that few other games could touch.

The online multiplayer for both left a lot to be desired, being riddled with balance problems and lag. Even when they were fixed, many in the community had moved on to other games. Epic is making a huge effort to insure Gears Of War 3 ships with a great multiplayer out of the box with an actual beta test this time around.

The unspoken truth of this preview video is that if they did a beta for Gears 2 as well, it might not have been unplayable shit for the first 2 months after release. Here is hoping Gears 3 might spin a little longer in the disc tray and have an online game worthy of its single player.

Street Fighter X Tekken Captivate 2011 Trailers and Screens!

The game was announced a year ago, and isn’t due until 2012, but even with only a handful of characters shown, Street Fighter X Tekken is looking well. Capcom has released 2 new trailers, one consisting of cinematics and another of gameplay, as well as a poster and 10 screen shots.

The SF character retain their look from Street Fighter 4, and the Tekken characters seem to be making the transition to Capcom’s gameplay and art style very well.

However, Tekken sukz and Street Fighter Rulz lol, so this game can finally put and end to that argument.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

FINISH HIM! Watch Over 500 Fatalities!

Youtube user BigBangBlitz has stiched together 115 minutes of back to back fatalities and finishing moves from dozens of games. Included are Killer Instinct, BlazBlu, Primal Rage, Samurai Showdown, and of course the most notorious: Mortal Kombat. If you weren’t desensitized before, you will be.

A perfect video if you’re looking to kill some time (ha!).

Powet Alphabet: O is for ONI (Halo)

The Halo series has its share of heavy military reference material. There is perhaps none more completely mystified on the human side than the Office of Naval Intelligce, or ONI (pronounced in fiction as “Oh-nee”).

There is no in-fiction date of formation for ONI, but it is likely an extension of the current United States ONI, originally commissioned in 1882. The modern US ONI has the stated purpose of tracking enemy and friendly ships throughout the globe in order to assess threats to the homeland, and is one of the oldest branches of the US intelligence community though handled by the armed forces.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

Spider-Man Edge Of Time Trailer

It was only a week ago that Edge Of Time was announced, now we have a look at the (early) game in motion.

They’re going to need to tighten the graphics on level 3, but at the very least Beenox has trimmed the game to the 2 most important Spider-man variations from Shattered Dimensions: Amazing and 2099. The time line jumping details haven’t been discolosed, but that last shot (see the image to the left) shows that at least one portion of the game will have Miguel O’Hara and Peter Parker meeting (morbidly).

The Governator Trailer

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s first post-politics project, his big return to the world of entertainment is… a children’s TV series. It was revealed last week, but I was sure it was an April Fools prank.

Now here is the cover of Entertainment Weekly and a completely ridiculous trailer where the action star turned governor turns into a super hero. Watch him talk to Larry King and fight Transformers to The Black Eyed Peas.

Powetcast 51: Randy Punch

Snap into the Powetcast! Zac, aDam, Crazy, Sindra, and Sean all return for the top news stories and a round table discussion on Sucker Punch, Wonder Woman, and female action heroes in general.

Oh Yeeeeaaaahhh!

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[Read the rest of this entry…]

Paul And Storm And Urbaniak And Wheaton Get Down On “Friday”

We we we so excited.

Master thespian James Urbaniak, best known to our readers and Dr Thaddeus Venture, has put the nail in the coffin of the “Friday” meme by joining comedy music professionals Paul And Storm on stage for a dramatic reading of teen scream Rebecca Black’s hit(?) song. Also joining is Wil Wheaton, who raps.

If for some reason you’ve not seen the original song and video, enjoy… [Read the rest of this entry…]

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