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Sweet Powet.TV entries by FakeTrout

Full Theatrical Trailer: Transformers Dark of The Moon

“You may lose your faith in us, but never in yourselves. From here, the fight will be your own..”

Transformers: Dark Of The Moon fires its latest salvo at the fanbase and mainstream audiences that lost faith in the series with Revenge Of the Fallen. Director Michael Bay will employ Shockwave to destroy Earth if he has to, but he will win those fans back.

What say you, Powet readers? Will you be there for the July 1 release or will you wait for the reviews? Will you see it in theaters, hold off for DVD, or skip it all together?

Powet Toys: Power Core Combiners Grimstone

I love me some Dinobots. I love them so much I bought this Dinobot named Grimstone that brought four friends with him. He’s… different.

Gears Of War 3 Beta Exclusive: Couches And Chickens Must Die

In this exclusive footage from the Gears Of War Beta Test currently underway on XBox Live, Powet.TV has learned of a popular returning feature from previous games in the series.

And because no sequel is complete without new unexpected features, we have a whole new target to run after on the Old Town map.

With furniture and wildlife destructible, will Delta Squad ever deafeat the Locusts? Pre-Order Gears of War 3 today!

Nintendo Officially Confirms Next Console

Here it is. The news we’ve been waiting for. I guess. This press release confirmed Nintendo will show a new console at E3 in Los Angeles this year.

This is of course, all it confirms. No price. No controller. No specs. No colors. No games. Just that they are working on it and will show what they have been working on.

If you don’t believe me, here is that same news in English.

Powet Alphabet: D is For Delay

Tom Delay

Delays are something geeks have to live with. As the hype for a movie, game, or book grows we get more and more excited and upon release its a moment of true excitement. We have to temper our expectations before we get that new thing in our hands, knowing that until its there, we have nothing and that it could be delayed or cancelled.

Delays are always with the best intentions. I mean really, if Portal 2 wasn’t ready for release in November 2010, then it wasn’t ready and it wouldn’t have been worth playing. And when it wasn’t ready in February 2011, it wasn’t ready and it wouldn’t have been worth playing. And now that its been released, some might say wasn’t ready and it its not worth playing, but that OK because they can patch it. [Read the rest of this entry…]

Transformers Dark Of The Moon Character Banners

Paramount and Dreamworks have cooked up 3 new banners advertising the pending released of the third live action Transformers movie, Dark Of The Moon. We see our old friends Optimus Prime and Bumblebee over a ruined Chicago backdrop, and also our first official image of Shockwave, the big bad villain of the movie.

The full trailer will run in front of Fast Five in theaters next week, but after it premiers online. Powet.TV will of course post it as soon as its officially available (or leaked to youtube).

Powetcast 52: Nothing To Win

Competition heats up as Erector meets hockey rage, time travel, and tron travel. The usual panel will also discuss Will Ferrell in The Office, Sonic Generations, and the return of a dear old friend…

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Direct Link: Powetcast 52: Nothing To Win

[Read the rest of this entry…]

The Dark Knight Returns Animated Feature In Production

Warner Bros has made many popular modern DC books into animated features over the last 4 years, and after getting their feet wet with fare like Under The Red Hood and New Frontier, they’re finally going to go for one of the biggest, baddest comics in their library: The Dark Knight Returns.

Returns tells the story of a 55 year old Bruce Wayne returning to his Batman identity after a decade’s absence. He confronts Harvey “Two Face” Dent, The Joker, and Superman at various points in the story, and takes on a new Robin as his partner. The series, written and and drawn by Frank Miller, is one of the most highly regarded in the DC canon, and helped lay the blueprint for the dark and gritty Batman that is best known today.

WB had a real misfire in their first animated production, re-writing and altering The Death and Return of Superman into a standalone 75 minute feature. Literally dozens of issues and hundreds of characters were cut from the story, and the movie still felt rushed. By comparison, choosing shorter stories (no more than 6 issues) to adapt has worked well for WB, and the bulk of The Dark Knight Returns should make into a fine animated feature. There are some thematic elements that may push WB beyond their usual PG-13 rating, but I certainly hope the original story makes it through unmolested.

Elements of The Dark Knight Returns were present in a Batman The Animated Series episode, “Legends Of The Dark Knight.” In it, 3 children share stories about what they know about Batman. One of the kids is a dead ringer for TDKR’s Robin, Carrie Kelley, and her tale depicts a 5 minute sequence almost directly lifted from the page of Batman fighting the Mutant gang. Michael Ironside provided the voice of Batman in this sequence, and would honestly make a fine choice to reprise the role in a full feature. See a clip at the bottom of this article.

An animated production of Frank Miller’s Batman: Year One is already nearing completion, and is expected to premeire at Comic Con 2011 in San Diego, with a DVD/Blu Ray Release following.

Tip via Joey O and [Bleeding Cool]

Didn’t read the original book? Its never too late to catch up on the classics.

[Read the rest of this entry…]

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