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Sweet Powet.TV entries by Chozoman

Microsoft and Bungie End Exclusivity Deal

Billy Boy gets creamed againSeems as though last weeks rumors were true, and Bungie has indeed split from Microsoft to pursue other opportunities. The Microsoft press release reads:

“REDMOND, Wash. � Oct. 5, 2007 � Microsoft Corp. today announced a plan for Bungie Studios, the developers of the �Halo�� franchise, to embark on a path to become an independent company. Microsoft will retain an equity interest in Bungie, at the same time continuing its long-standing publishing agreement between Microsoft Game Studios and Bungie for the Microsoft-owned �Halo� intellectual property as well as other future properties developed by Bungie.

The critically acclaimed Xbox 360�-exclusive �Halo 3� achieved $300 million in global sales in its first week. Released on Tuesday, Sept. 25, �Halo 3� is the fastest-selling video game ever and already one of the most successful entertainment properties in history.

�Our collaboration with Bungie has resulted in �Halo� becoming an enduring mainstream hit,� said Shane Kim, corporate vice president of Microsoft Game Studios. �While we are supporting Bungie�s desire to return to its independent roots, we will continue to invest in our �Halo� entertainment property with Bungie and other partners, such as Peter Jackson, on a new interactive series set in the �Halo� universe. We look forward to great success with Bungie as our long-term relationship continues to evolve through �Halo�-related titles and new IP created by Bungie.�

�This exciting evolution of our relationship with Microsoft will enable us to expand both creatively and organizationally in our mission to create world-class games,� said Harold Ryan, studio head for Bungie. �We will continue to develop with our primary focus on Microsoft� platforms; we greatly value our mutually prosperous relationship with our publisher, Microsoft Game Studios; and we look forward to continuing that affiliation through �Halo� and beyond.�

Bungie Studios will remain in its current location in Kirkland, Wash….”

What this means for Microsoft competitors Sony and Nintendo remains to be seen, but this is big news any way you slice it. More info as it becomes available.

Hate Movie Theatres but Love Movies? Transformers has you Covered!

SHUT UP!Sticky floors, overpriced snacks, pre-pubesant pukes yakkin’ it up…It may all be a thing of the past, and Michael Bay’s “Transformers” is leading the charge!

Check out this tasty tidbit from

For an entry fee of $49, you could be watching Transformers… on opening day… in your undies with a cold beer on Pay-Per-View. Incredible news, and well overdue in my opinion. If theatre managers can’t foster a clean, quiet atmosphere for viewing a film, an alternative would be created that could. As expected, movie theatre insiders are up in arms, but as Galvatron said in the original Transformers: The Movie, “We all must die sometime.”

Update: Michael Bay’s site Shoot For The Edit has squashed this as completely false. In Bay’s own words: “Total Bullshit

Update 2: Curses! Foiled Again! – Chozoman

Contra 4 Announced for Nintendo DS

The Code
Finally, the triumphant return of the Grandpappy of action/shooter/platformers, (and more importantly, a return to sweet, sweet 2-D). Set to be released sometime in 2007, players will take control of one of four characters, (including the unfortunately named Lance Bean), and blast their way through horizontally side scrolling levels as well as vertically between the DS’s duel screens. Check out the official press release after the jump.

With E3 a scant few weeks away, we can expect to see the game in motion soon.

One more thing…grappling hook!
[Read the rest of this entry…] Updates with Remixed Metroid Tune

screw-attack.pngFor those who know, has been updating daily with interesting little snippets of information and gameplay details about the anticipated Wii release of Super Smash Bros. Brawl. These updates have been occurring for a number of weeks. So why make a fuss about today’s update? Well, because they have added a short music clip that remixes one of my favorite songs in all of video-game-dom, (it’s a word, look it up).

Check out the remix of Ridley’s Theme right here!

May it brighten your day as much as it has mine.

RUMOR: Nintendo Power Magazine, No More?

Nintendo Power #1

IGN’s Matt Casamassina posted a rumor stating Nintendo may cease producing the publication known as Nintendo Power by September, 2007. If the rumor turns out to be founded, it would mark the next step in what looks to be a massive restructuring of Nintendo’s internal teams. Last week Nintendo announced that the bulk of its Advertising and Marketing Departments would be moving to either New York or San Fransisco.

Sources close to IGN state that massive layoffs are currently taking place and that other employees have been told to begin looking for other employment.

“Nintendo Power” has been Nintendo’s official internal publication since 1988, and despite its reputation of being a propaganda instrument, the magazine recently went through a major retooling and became quite level-handed.

Check out the initial report here

I, for one, will be sad to see the mag go the way of the dodo. They offered decent swag from time to time and has remained a staple among the Nintendo faithful for almost 20 years.

**REMINDER** Saturday May 5th is Free Comic Book Day

May 5th, 2007
May 5th, 2007 marks the sixth time the comic book industry will come together to celebrate the spirit of specialty Comic Book Shops around the world. The titles being given away this year are extremely solid and include selections from every major comic publisher, as well as a number of issues from smaller, independent artists. The sheer number of styles and genres available may make choosing individual comics incredibly difficult. Transformers the Movie Prequel # 1, Amazing Spider-Man Swing Shift, and Justice League of America # 0 are just a few of the almost 30 titles that will be available, so remember to call your local shop and ask if they will be participating in this year’s festivities.

Check out the “Free Comic Book Day” website here

Full list of “Free Comic Book Day” titles

The modern day comic book is one of the few original American art forms. They have been a mainstay of popular culture for close to 70 years, and the lifeblood of the industry is still the neighborhood specialty shop. Show support for your favorite shop by stopping in this Saturday and picking up a free book, (and buying another for yourself).

This reminder brought to you by your Friendly Neighborhood Bloggerman! ‘Nuff said!

Miyamoto Makes Time Magazine’s Most Influential of 2006…

Shiggy…but just barely. Shigeru Miyamoto comes in at #92 in Time Magazine’s list of the most influence people of 2006. Who can blame them for including the Father of Modern Video games? As one of the main creative forces behind the phenomenally popular Wii, Miyamoto has secured a spot on the list by making video games less threatening and more accessible to everyone, (especially to the senior set, they can’t seem to get enough of the system at assisted living communities).

Although ranked #9 by the public, the fact that a game maker was even included on the list during the newly revived, post Virginia Tech, video game “witch-hunt” really says something about the power of the medium.

Read the feature here

The Future of Cinema Has Arrived…didn’t you know?

When Disney’s “Meet the Robinsons” achieved the largest digital 3-D opening in history, people witnessed what could become the future of cinema. Joshua Greer, the President and Co-founder of Real D had this to say during a recent interview with IGN,

“…what’s really happening now with the filmmakers that are being turned on to 3-D is we’re seeing a new creative renaissance. And at the end of the day it’s about the story, but even more importantly how you tell the story, and what’s happening with these filmmakers is the way they’re thinking about 3-D now, as opposed to being just a gimmick, but actually as a storytelling device, is really, frankly, going to reinvigorate the experience of cinema again. So 3-D in and of itself, if we do our job right, in the next 10 years it’ll be as ubiquitous as colour or sound. It’s not like anyone goes out now looking for a black and white television. It’s just a natural part of the world.”

The technology is quite interesting, and seems to be well within the reach of any major multiplex. I’m not sure how much I like the idea of having a box full of special, ‘Real D’ glasses from every movie I’ve seen, but if they have come this far in the last 10 years, who knows what the future holds. If Real D can engineer a version of this tech that does not require migraine inducing specs, Viva la Revolution!

I’m still of the mindset that this new medium is going to need a mainstream blockbuster in order to thrive and become a viable format. Attn: Peter Jackson, I believe a re-release of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy is in order.

Additional “Real D” enhanced movies:
Lions 3D – Spring 2007
U23D – Fall 2007
Sea Monsters – October 2007
Beowulf – November 2007

For the full feature, click here.

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