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Articles >> Powet Alphabet >> ‘Z is for…’

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Powet Alphabet: Z is for Zombrex

Since the alphabet is the building block of our language, the Powet Alphabet is the building block of what makes us geeks.

In most cases of zombie media, once you’re bitten by a zombie (either of the viral type or otherwise), you’re pretty much screwed. Zombie plagues break out because generally, there are no vaccines or cures once you’re infected, and infection sets on rather quickly and zombification causes carriers to spread the plague like wildfire. Usually, if you don’t die immediately due to sever wounds, you’re left to degenerate over a period of time until the infection finally kills you and you become the walking dead, if another person doesn’t do you a mercy and take you down before you turn.

The introduction of Zombrex in the Dead Rising series changed that.
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Powet Alphabet: Z is for Zack The Lego Maniac

Since the alphabet is the building block of our language, the Powet Alphabet is the building block of what makes us geeks.

Most of us are geeks about stuff like Legos. But this kid? Zack? He’s a Lego Maniac!

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Powet Alphabet: Z is for The Zeta Project

Since the alphabet is the building block of our language, the Powet Alphabet is the building block of what makes us geeks.

What comes to mind when you think of the DC Animated Universe? Batman? Superman? Justice League? Well that’s just the boring junk that’s based on a comic! The real deal is the spinoff of a spinoff that is “The Zeta Project”! A love story about a robot who befriends a teenage girl with a rebellious spirit who, with access to unlimited cash, runs across the country escaping the feds.


The Zeta Project is a spinoff of Batman Beyond, and because of this the first appearance of the main character of Zeta was in a Batman Beyond episode named simply “Zeta”. In this episode, Terry ends up in the middle of a manhunt between Government agents and an artificial intelligence robot named Zeta. Batman quickly discovers the robot’s motivations to be pure. Zeta’s assignment was to kill an innocent man, and this caused him to rebel against his programming which he considered wrong. To the Government, a robot which no longer follows it’s orders is assumed to be compromised, and from this misunderstanding comes our main plot.


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