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Super Smash Brothers Brawl Pushed to March 9

The latest update from the Smash Bros creator Masahiro Sakurai is quite unpleasant.

Due to delays in the completion of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, we’ve had to change the release date of the game to Sunday, March 9th.

I deeply apologize to the people who have looked forward to playing the game for so long and ask that you hold on just a little longer. Thank you for your patience.

Ok, so the update was pleasant, its just the news thats bad. Put a new mark on your calendars kids. You’ve got an extra month to collect your Mario Galaxy stars, practice Rock Band drumming, and find Drake’s Fortune.

Read: Smash Bros . DOJO!!

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Motion Control Super Mario Bros

Don’t get too excited, this isn’t an actual game, more proof of concept.

An unidentified Japanese programmer made a version of Super Mario Bros thats controlled by your hand using a webcam. Watch Mario stumble through 1-1 twice before calling in for help.

Also completely not real: New Duck Hunt

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Nintendo Wavebird discontinued

Wavebird flies away post banner

Get them while you can, Nintendo fans. It appears the big N has decided to discontinue the popular wireless wavebird controller for the Gamecube (and Wii compatible). Fellow poweteer, Zac Shipley points us to this article which points to this article telling us of the sad news.


I haven’t heard of any plans to offer the WaveBird Wireless Controllers in stores again (I did some checking, and we are still shipping the original Nintendo GameCube Controllers to stores). If you’re unable to find the original Nintendo GameCube Controller locally, you can still order this item from us. – Nintendo customer service rep

And yes, my sole reason for posting this was to have an excuse to make that Duck Hunt graphic. You may still find Wavebirds on, but prices vary.

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Super Mario Galaxy Secrets!

Fellow Powet Soldier Extra Zero showed me this video. Its a compilation of undocumented abilities and tricks in Super Mario Galaxy. Highlights include how to get a fast start in a race with Cosmic Mario and how to make your butt-stomp home in like Sonic’s spin jump in Sonic Adventure! Also, be wary of the “Spoiler Alert” as everything after that in the video contains stuff for after you complete the game and go for the final star.

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Ghostbusters Game Footage

THanks to G4TV, we have the first footage of the Ghostbusters game we only found out about 2 days ago.

Also new online is the official website, though it opens with a teaser trailer with no in game footage. It does however have some great screen shots of Slimer, Ray, and Mr Stay Puft.

The site also reveals some of the game’s story. You’ll be playing as a new recruit who will team with the original Ghostbusters team to take on the latest outbreak of the dead, undead, and recently dead.

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Ghostbusters Game Confirmed

GameInformer has revealed the cover of their next issue to include the mega-ton announcement of the ultimate untapped 80’s license: Ghostbusters.

Of course this is more than just a game cash-in. Harold Ramis and Dan Aykroyd are writing the games script and along with Bill Murray will reprise their roles as Dr. Egon Spengler, Dr. Raymond Stantz, and Dr. Peter Venkman. Of course this is no huge surprise since Aykroyd let slip to the Edmonton Sun back in February that Vivendi Universal had secured the rights and he was going to be involved. Around that same time we heard of an All CG Ghostbusters movie, but its hard to say if they were talking about the same thing or if that third movie is still happening.

Now lets get Sigourney Weaver, Annie Potts, and Ernie Hudson. And lets pull Rick Moranis out of retirement to bring back the brilliance of Louis Tulley.

It goes without saying that a sand box game where you roll around NYC taking calls to bust ghosts would be the ideal game style, but they’re not saying anything just yet. The actual story will have more info, and Game Informer subscribers will be able to access some of this material by logging on to the site this Friday.

UPDATE: Variety reports Ernie Hudson (Winston Zedemore), Annie Potts (Janine Melnitz) and William Atherton (Walter Peck) have all been cast. In addtion, Brian Doyle-Murray will play an unspecified charater.

Variety also specifies some of the developers. Terminal Reality will handle the PC, 360, and PS3 versions. Red Fly Studio will develop the PS2, Wii, and DS versions.

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Soul Calibur Legends Gameplay

Look! Soul Calibur!

OK so thats Ivy and Mitsurugi slicing their way through various ninjas, dragons, and cement walls. When can I play?

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Guitar Hero III: Final Track Listing

So you’re bored at work on this Monday morning and humming “Suck My Kiss” by Red Hot Chilli Peppers and wondering when you’ll be able to expand upon this by duplicating the song’s rhythm on a fully plastic guitar. I’ve got good news for you then. That song is included in Guitar Hero III’s full song lineup. Xbox 360 Fanboy posted all the songs with links to youtube videos.

The much talked about demo, which is available on Tony Hawk’s Proving Ground, in Official Xbox Magazine, and as a torrent, will be available for Xbox Live members tomorrow.

Continue for the alphabetically organized song list. Cheer for the artists, jeer for the “as made famous by” listings. [Read the rest of this entry…]

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