Entries Tagged ‘Terrax’:
by Crazy, filed in Events, Toy Fair, Toys on Feb.13, 2012

Image from
Toy Fair kicked off over the weekend a day early with a media event put on by Hasbro. This gave the company a chance to present their plans for the next year or so for all of their product lines. There was so much information in the presentation that we have broken it down into smaller chunks. Here is an update on the state of the Marvel Legends line and its glorious return to retail.
[Read the rest of this entry…]
Tags: Arnim Zola, Blade, Captain America, Hasbro, Hope, Hyperion, Iron Man, Marvel Legends, NYTF, Spider-Man, Terrax, Toy Fair 2012, USAgent
by Crazy, filed in Toys on Sep.20, 2011

Marvel Minimates Herlads of Galactus box set
From ArtAsylum’s blog:
A few months back, Toys �R� Us hosted a poll to choose who would be in their exclusive four-pack of Marvel Minimates spotlighting Galactus and his Heralds. And we are now pleased to reveal the lineup! Nova, Morg, Terrax and Galactus himself will be in the 4-pack, and each will be tricked out to the max. Nova will have a flaming flight base that connects to her fiery hair; Morg will have an axe and a flight base; Terrax will have his axe, a rock to ride on and a clear support stand; and Galactus will come with a teeny-tiny Silver Surfer accessory that hovers above his shoulder. Diamond Select is currently looking for a way to offer the two remaining characters, Airwalker and Firelord, in the regular Minimates line, but the Heralds of Galactus Box Set will be available at Toys �R� Us this winter! All of the Minimates in the set are 2 inches tall, and have 14 points of articulation.
Tags: Art Asylum, Diamond Select Toys, galactus, Minimates, Morg, Nova, Silver Surfer, Terrax, Toys R Us
by Crazy, filed in SDCC, Toys on Jul.20, 2011
ToyArk.com is apparently wandering the hall at SDCC a little early and managed to snag a picture of the first wave of Marvel Legends after their multi-year hiatus.
It is with great pleasure I can tell you the wave consists of:
Steve Rogers
Extremis Armor Thor
Hope Summers
Ghost Rider (I have no idea what version this is. New to me. Movie?)
and the previously announced Build-A-Figure; Terrax.
So we have 2 villains, a movie figure, an X-Man and the Avengers core team to round out the first wave. Seems pretty well balanced to me.
More images can be seen here at Marvelous News.
Tags: action figures, baf, build a figure, constrictor, extremis armor iron man, Ghost Rider, Hasbro, Hope Summers, Iron Man, klaw, Marvel Comics, Marvel Legends, SDCC 2011, steve rogers, Terrax, Thor, Toys