Entries Tagged ‘Superman’:
by Crazy, filed in Comics, Events, Toys on Aug.03, 2007

Today brings us more news from the San Diego Comic Con concerning upcoming toy lines and exclusive figures. We’ll start pretty much where we left off yesterday. We’ll try to cover the following topics:
- Marvel Legends Icons and 2-Packs
- DC Universe/DC Superheroes
- Castlevania
So read on for more details…
[Read the rest of this entry…]
Tags: Batman, DC, Exclusive, Four Horsemen, Justice League, Marvel, Marvel Legends, Superman, X-Men
by Dru, filed in Uncategorized on Jun.19, 2007
Superman Doomsday – Official Trailer
Nothing terribly surprising in the trailer, but the link above has an interesting synopsis if you click through:
When Lexcorp accidentally unearths the intergalactic serial killer Doomsday, Superman battles the creature head on in the fight of his life…literally. The world collectively mourns their fallen hero; humanity realizes it will never feel truly safe again. Superman’s enemies rejoice – all but Lex Luthor, who grieves the loss in his own demented manner, setting off a chilling chain of events that even he couldn’t have foreseen.
Sounds like Luthor’s taking a major role this time around, which is a nice change of pace from orange-maned Luthor in the comics. That was a little weird to me, as I wasn’t too well-versed in DC lore when the story originally came out.
Tags: Animation, DC, Superman
by Dru, filed in Movies on May.02, 2007

The Superman: Doomsday DVD arrives this fall, on September 18th, but the website for the movie has just launched! Alright, I admit, that’s not really news in itself, but what IS news is that there’s a pretty telling, very interesting behind-the-scenes trailer that runs as soon as you enter. You can visit the site here and see the trailer in full. If you want a quick look at some some screencaps and analysis of what was said, then read on after the jump.
[Read the rest of this entry…]
Tags: Animation, DC, DVD, Superman, Trailers
by FakeTrout, filed in Movies on Apr.30, 2007

Good News: Superman looks like he did in JLU!
Bad News: Superman looks like he did in JLU!
I thought we were getting treated to some switch-up in the art style to go with these direct-to-DVD DC Universe movies. Since these DVDs aren’t part of the old DC animated universe, I woudl’ve liked to see that reflected. Some more comic-like designs would’ve been nice, if it ain’t broke I can’t reasonably expect them to change anything. The one major shocker in this whole thing is a bit of blood on Superman. This was one of those things they NEVER did in the show. Take a look.
Hopefully this will be better than the last few efforts from WB at the DVD market. Brainiac Attacks, The Batman vs The Dracula, and Mystery Of The Batwoman weren’t exactly anything worth writing a blog post to praise.
Whats your favorite home video superhero movie? I felt Batman: Subzero was underrated.
Tags: Animation, DC, DVD, Superman, Trailers
by Sindra, filed in Uncategorized on Apr.25, 2007
Ever wish something from the comics would just jump out into the real world to bite you in the ass? Well, your wishes could be closer than you think, or at least if you’re a Superman buff.
The BCC news reports that a new mineral was discovered in Rio Tinto, Serbia that has the same elemental properties as the fictional Kryptonite from DC comic fame. Dr. Chris Stanley of London’s Natural History Museum reports;
“Towards the end of my research I searched the web using the mineral’s chemical formula – sodium lithium boron silicate hydroxide – and was amazed to discover that same scientific name, written on a case of rock containing kryptonite stolen by Lex Luthor from a museum in the film Superman Returns.
“The new mineral does not contain fluorine (which it does in the film) and is white rather than green but, in all other respects, the chemistry matches that for the rock containing kryptonite.”
Read the full article here.
So rejoice, Lex Luthors of the world. Your quest for world domination and ridding yourselves of pesky flying strongmen in tights is one step closer to realization.
Tags: DC, Science!, Superman
by FakeTrout, filed in Movies on Mar.22, 2007

Bruce Timm is responsible directly for some of the best animated series I’ve ever seen. Batman: The Animated Series
and Justice League
are constantly called by any fan of comics the most faithful and respectful translations of the characters from the page to the screen.
Bruce is still animating DC Comics characters, but this time for direct-to-DVD movies. Newsarama has a 2 part interview up, the first goes over his history, but the second gets to the new stuff, specifically some lingering questions about the animated adaptation of the Death and Return of Superman comic
. The film will only run 75 minutes, cutting out all the fat of the 30+ issues of the original story and just sticking to the basics.
No League. No Supergirl. Not even any blood, since they’re aiming for a PG 13 rating. Still, he seems pretty confident they can deliver a good version of the comic original.
Beyond Doomsday, he’s directing an adaptation of New Frontier
and Teen Titans: Judas Contract
Tags: Animation, DC, DVD, Superman
by FakeTrout, filed in Comics, Movies on Mar.20, 2007

Returns, love it or leave it, did make a pretty big splash and made more than enough money for a sequel. Many were already pencilling in “Man Of Steel” for 2009. Now, Moviehole.net reports now that this movie may be scrapped to put Brandon Routh in the Justice League.
Lending some credence to this rumor is the fact that director Bryan Singer is moving forward with a World War II Era thriller with “Usual Suspects” writing Chris Macquarrie, which will film this fall, pushing any start date for Superman well into 2008.
Variety forced a comment out of Warners today, but it wasn’t much except that Singer is still attached to direct and they’ll do it after his other movie.
I’m of two minds of this. Firstly, I don’t know if its such a good idea to jumpstar the JLA movie by sacrificing a Superman
sequel… but on the other hand, Returns didn’t do that good and who’s to say theres even money on the table for another movie? Superman getting the League started could do great, especially if they league consists of heroes that don’t have their own movie deals (I doubt Christopher Nolan’s Batman
would work in a JLA movie).
Tags: Justice League, Superman
by Crazy, filed in Toys on Feb.23, 2007
I went by my local comic shop on Wednesday to pick up the final issue of Civil War and the new Immortal Iron Fist and to my surprise, I found DC Minimates! While I didn’t pick any up on this trip, I did manage to score a free poster showing some of the upcoming figures and when they are expected to be released. Start hunting DC and Minimate fans!
Tags: Batman, DC, DC Direct, Justice League, LEGO, Minimates, Superman