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Entries Tagged ‘PS4’:

Famicom Dojo Podcast: The (PlayStation) Death of Consoles

Famicom Dojo Podcast 092: The PlayStation Death of Consoles

While the rest of the world is picking up the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One at an admirable pace (sorry, Wii U), the former was only just released earlier this year in Japan, and the latter is not yet on store shelves. The latest Nintendo Direct makes it seem like the company doesn’t understand that they need to support the Wii U over the 3DS with games like Smash Bros., but perhaps the situation underscores a deeper problem. Sean and Vinnk discuss what happened to all of the console gamers, where they went, and what it means for the future of game companies if it all goes away forever. Mayne Nintendo’s mobile strategy isn’t so short-sighted after all.

iTunes Chicklet

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Famicom Dojo Podcast: To E3 or Not to E3 (2013)

Famicom Dojo Pocast 77: To E3 or Not to E3 (2013)

E3 is over, but did anything of substance happen aside from Sony stabbing Microsoft in the side and twisting the knife? Everything of substance occurred before or after E3, including Microsoft’s “Xbox 180” announcement about its disc DRM and “always on” connectivity. In this digital world, has E3 outlived its usefulness as a press-only event? Sean and Vinnk unpack the reasons why Microsoft reversed course, and struggle with which next-gen console to get to compliment the Wii U. And Sean finally realizes that maybe he shouldn’t have passed over the PS3 last generation.

iTunes Chicklet

Leave your own voicemail at 608-492-1923, or just share your thoughts in the show notes at FamicomDojo.TV:

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Famicom Dojo Podcast: PlayStation Death

Famicom Dojo Podcast: PlayStation Death

One of the many interesting things about the PS4 is the name itself, since one of the Japanese words for “Four” is also the word for “death”. Prophetic, given the state of Sony and the PS3, or just a harmless pun? They’ll need a lot of killer apps to overcome that name, amiright? (Thanks to @Cheesemeister3k for that joke.) Sean and Vinnk discuss the PS4 reveal, the DualShock 4 controller redesign, and whether or not either of them will be getting one. Sony, y u no show console? Ah, no matter. What matters is the games, right? We try to find something to hold on to since we only have a list of titles and no price… or box… or…

iTunes Chicklet

Leave your own voicemail at 608-492-1923, or just share your thoughts in the show notes at FamicomDojo.TV:

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Famicom Dojo Podcast: Zombi Wii U

Famicom Dojo Podcast 70: Zombi Wii U

Rayman Legends is ready to ship for Wii U, but now won’t be released until multi-platform versions are ready. Wii U sales are down, but if games aren’t coming out that people want to buy, who’s to blame? Nintendo is offering a Wii U bundle with Ubisoft’s ZombiU (and Nintendo Land, AND a Pro Controller), but is it too little too late? Vinnk and Sean try and suss out Ubisoft’s strategy, and discuss what Nintendo can do today to get people to buy Wii U without dropping the price. (*COUGH*Wii U Virtual Console!*COUGH*)

iTunes Chicklet

Leave your own voicemail at 608-492-1923, or just share your thoughts in the show notes at FamicomDojo.TV:

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