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Entries Tagged ‘Metal Gear’:

New Metal Gear – Survive

While Hideo Kojima may have had parted ways with the studio and the series he helped make famous, that hasn’t stopped Konami from making new Metal Gear titles. Metal Gear Survive is a multiplayer co-op shooter with survival horror elements. Taking place after the ending to Ground Zeroes, MGS puts players in the role of a former Motherbase soldier who was sent into another dimension after the attack on the oil rig. In this new dimension, players will be besieged by zombie-like creatures as they fight for survival. In short, Konami is basically making Metal Gear Solid: Umbrella Corps. Hey, it might be insane enough to work. At any rate, Survive is an appropriate subtitle for this game, as it’s success and reception will determine if the franchise can survive without Hideo Kojima’s involvement. The game will be arriving in 2017 for PC, Xbox One, and Playstation 4.

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$20 Game of the Week: Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (PS3, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PC)


Next Tuesday, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Kojima Productions’ swan song, hits both current and last gen systems. As of right now, you’ve got 4 more days to experience, or revisit, this prologue. And experience it you should too, because it will introduce players to the new direction that the series is going in, or at least would have gone in had not Konami axed Hideo Kojima.
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The videos that Konami doesn’t want you to see

We’re a bit late, but better late than never.

As you heard, Metal Gear Solid producer Hideo Kojima is leaving his longtime employer after the release of Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. One of the many causalities of this split was a planned Silent Hill game starring Norman Reedus and co-produced by Guillermo Del Toro (Pan’s Labyrinth, Blade II, Pacific Rim). There had been rumors of issues brewing between Konami and Kojima, and youtuber Super Bunny Hop made the above video based on contact he had with an anonymous source following an inquiry he made into the issue. While I personally believe that this person has no reason to lie, he is an anonymous employee as noted in the video, so you can take what it says with a grain of salt. The video contains interesting stuff, such as a possible feud between Kojima and Konami CEO Kagamasa Kozuki, tales of employee mistreatment, gambling, and politics. However, there is more. Check out after the jump:

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Powet Top 5: Top 5 Bastard Stepchildren of Famous Gaming Franchises (And why they weren’t all that bad)

Welcome to the Powet Top 5, where we explore the top (and bottom) 5 items we think are relevant to any of a variety of topics that span the imagination. Sit back, read, and respond.

Resident Evil 6 was panned by critics and fans alike.  But was it really that bad?

Resident Evil 6 was panned by critics and fans alike. But was it really that bad?

Everyone has that one member of the family they’d rather not talk about. You know the type, they just can’t seem to get their shit together. If they’re not at home all day watching Real Housewives/SportsCenter/Jerry Springer, then they’re out partying and getting inebriated. They’ve been in and out of jail like it’s got a revolving door, they couldn’t hold down a job if they had a 2-ton paper weight, and they’re having more babies than they really can afford.

Then there is that other type of family member that isn’t mentioned, but perhaps mom and dad are being a bit too hard on them. You know the type. They’ve made one bad mistake and are trying their hardest to turn their life around, but the older heads in the clan aren’t making it easy for them. Or maybe it’s the girl in your all white/Asian family that married a black man. Or maybe it’s the gay/lesbian/atheist/Muslim in your Evangelical Christian household. Or they’re a fan of Lebron James and the Miami Heat…..and your family lives in Cleveland.

Well, with video games, it’s kinda like that too. Every great franchise has at least one title that is horrible. Zelda: Wand of Gamelon. Mario is Missing. Street Fighter: The Movie: The Game. Mortal Kombat Advance. Every great franchise also has at least one game that’s not terrible, but for some reason it’s looked down upon compared to others in its franchise. You know, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories. Final Fantasy XIII. Silent Hill: The Room. Maybe they had some gameplay issues that bought it down. Or maybe we grown to expect too much of our favorite franchises. Or maybe jaded fanboys were all too happy to pick apart its flaws. Either way, this week’s top 5 celebrates those games that get a little more hate than they should.
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Famicom Dojo Podcast: Video Game Videos

Do you watch video game videos to find out which game to play next? Or do you watch the videos so you don’t have to play those games? Or, GASP, do you not watch video game videos at all?

Sean and Vinnk answer more listener calls, launch the “Vinnk Was Wrong” segment, and announce their weekly video release schedule for the summer! Get an inside look at the newest episode, and find out why it took so long to make!

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Famicom Dojo Podcast 55: Video Game Videos

Show notes after the jump!

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The Powet Top 5 – Video Game Surprise Substitutions

Welcome, Poweteers, to a brand new original column where we explore the top (and bottom) 5 items we think are relevant to any of a variety of topics that span the imagination. Sit back, read, and respond!

David Beckham is being substituted for Wayne Rooney. What this has to do with video games, I have no idea.

Sometimes in video games, the best way to experience a story is through the eyes of someone else. It’s even better when it’s unexpected. This top five celebrates 5 of the best surprise substitutions in video game history. It goes without saying that there are major spoilers ahead. To qualify, the substitution must not be hinted at early on (a’la Big Boss in metal Gear Solid 3), and must be part of the game’s canon storyline. So games where you choose between two people from the start (Resident Evil 1) don’t count, neither do secret characters (such as Richter and Maria in Castlevania: Potrait of Ruin).
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$20 Game of the Week: Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)

mgs4Hideo Kojima’s masterpiece is most likely the reason you bought a PS3, and for good reason. Like its predecessors, Metal Gear Solid 4 bends the rules of video game convention to become a landmark for its generation of gaming, and like its predecessors, it deserves a space on your shelf.
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Top 10 Best Trailers Of E3

e3.jpgIts the last day of E3, and all the publishers, studios, businessmen, designers, and artists have played their best hand of the year. There is no comparison in any other industry. Imagine if Hollywood showed a trailer for every movie of the next year on the same weekend. Thats crazy! And yet its E3.

In that spirit, those of us who follow at home don’t get hands on impressions, we just get 2 minute snippets of the games we’ll be playing from now until next E3. Who had the best?
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