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Entries Tagged ‘LOST’:

SDCC 2011: Lost “LOST” clip of Jacob and Man In Black

San Diego ComiCon is full of surprises. Con-favorite show LOST always had a huge panel with exclusive clips shown every year. The show ended last May, but for some reason, there is still another clip for this year.

Watch above as a moment from the first season plays out with Jacob and his brother, the Man In Black, looking on to discuss the castaways ultimate fate. Its directed by series regular Jack Bender with Mark Pellegrino and Titus Welliver reprising their roles.

This clip was presented at SDCC by Executive Producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, who did hold a “One Year Later” panel. Hit fix has a full description of their comments and answers to fans.

Barry’s story needs to be told…

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Person Of Interest has JJ, Nolan, Ben Linus, and Jesus.

You heard me. Jonathan Nolan (screen writer for The Dark Knight) writes and JJ Abrams (Lost, Alias, Star Trek) produces. Michael Emerson (Emmy Award winner for Ben Linus on Lost) and Jim Caviezel (The Passion Of The Christ) star.

Emerson plays a wealthy surveillance expert who pulls Caviezel out of his homeless beard to use him as a blunt force in a mysterious crime fighting operation.

This show better not suck.

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Powet Alphabet: D is For Delay

Tom Delay

Delays are something geeks have to live with. As the hype for a movie, game, or book grows we get more and more excited and upon release its a moment of true excitement. We have to temper our expectations before we get that new thing in our hands, knowing that until its there, we have nothing and that it could be delayed or cancelled.

Delays are always with the best intentions. I mean really, if Portal 2 wasn’t ready for release in November 2010, then it wasn’t ready and it wouldn’t have been worth playing. And when it wasn’t ready in February 2011, it wasn’t ready and it wouldn’t have been worth playing. And now that its been released, some might say wasn’t ready and it its not worth playing, but that OK because they can patch it. [Read the rest of this entry…]

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Cool Beans: The Best (and Worst) Beans of 2010

We look back at 2010, and talk about our top 5 favorite (and bottom five not-so-favorite) items that we talked about during the course of the year.

Direct Link: Cool Beans – The Best (and Worst) Beans of 2010

Audio Netcast Details
iTunes Chicklet Subscribe to the Powetcast on iTunes

(Leave your comments below!)

Show notes after the jump

[Read the rest of this entry…]

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Powet Alphabet: T is for Time Travel

Time is often referred to as the fourth dimension of the space-time continuum. Unlike the three dimensions of space that we keep trying (with varying degrees of success) to recreate in entertainment media, it is often likened to a straight line. The chagrin of would-be time travelers everywhere, it also appears to move in only one direction. General Relativity may allow for time to pass more quickly or slowly under certain conditions, but it always marches to the inexorable end.

But what if we could break “the arrow of time”, and turn it back on itself. What would that mean? How would it be done? And what would the consequences be?

Many geek interests have tackled this subject, and more than a few have seeped into the minds of the 18-35 general audience. Come on a time journey with us…
[Read the rest of this entry…]

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Powetcast 34: Long Live President Koopa


Powetcast 34: Long Live President Koopa

King Koopa is Dead; Long Live the King. We talk about Season and Series finales, comics made into movies, games made into movies, comics made into games (and back into comics). Waiting for our LOST thoughts! They’re coming in a special Cool Beans! Listen on, dear Poweteers.

Direct Link: Powetcast 34: Long Live President Koopa

Audio Netcast Details
iTunes Chicklet Subscribe to the Powetcast on iTunes

(Did you even SEE the Super Mario Bros. Movie. Mario Mario and Luigi Mario? What’s THAT all about? Leave your thoughts below!)

Show notes after the jump!

[Read the rest of this entry…]

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Powetcast Episode 31: Pokewalker, Monster Ranger


Back into the swing of things after PAX with news… and Cool Beans? Find out what you’ve been missing on LOST, what you can expect in Doctor Who, and just what the heck a Pokewalker is for, anyway.

Direct Link: Powetcast Episode 31: Pokewalker, Monster Ranger

Audio Netcast Details
iTunes Chicklet Subscribe to the Powetcast on iTunes

(Did you go to Anime Boston or Boston Comic Con? Enjoying the direct of LOST or Doctor Who this year? Do you have a Pokewalker? Leave a shout out below!)

Show notes after the jump!

[Read the rest of this entry…]

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Powet Alphabet: J is for JJ, Joss, and Judd

Since the alphabet is the building block of our language, the Powet Alphabet is the building block of what makes us geeks.


What is this composite, amalgamated entity? If you’re a fan of anything Science Fiction, Science Fantasy, or generally geek, you’ve seen movies and/or TV shows by at least one of these three gentlemen — if not all three — even if you don’t know their names. Of the many things they have in common, the most obvious (and least important) is that all of their names start with “J”. I frequently can’t think of one without thinking of the other two. Together they are like some triune entity, the three faces of a Geek (not “Greek”) god.

Let’s explore their credentials together.

[Read the rest of this entry…]

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