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Entries Tagged ‘Iron Man’:

Shaun Toub As Iron Man Movie’s Mandarin

Iron Man Movie
Shaun ToubShaun Toub has been previously announced as a cast member of the upcoming Iron Man movie, but news sites are now saying that he’s been cast specifically as Mandarin, Iron Man’s enemy in this movie (much like in the recent animated feature). For those of you who don’t know, Mandarin’s super-powers involve being Chinese and wearing rings that shoot crazy beams (ranging from “ice blast” to “matter rearranger” – I’m betting they don’t keep “matter rearranger” one for the movie). Personally, I’m just surprised James Hong wasn’t cast for the role. I thought it was his job to play every Asian character in every American film.


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Comic Movies – Justice League and more

  • JLA LogoThere’s minimal to report at the moment – just lots of room to speculate – but Warner has hired Kiernan and Michele Mulroney (who and who?) to write a script for a Justice League movie. I wonder, if they actually get those Wonder Woman and Flash movies out the door, are the leads (like Brandon Routh and Christian Bale) going to be up for parts in it? I’d imagine the budget couldn’t allow for it, but it’s fun to think about. Ooh, but if we’re lucky, maybe we’ll get Giffen, Dematteis, & Maguire’s Detriot League! (Dare to dream, friends, dare to dream.)
  • In case you missed that animated Invincible Iron Man movie, you have a chance to see it for free on Cartoon Network on Saturday, March 3rd.
  • Again we turn to Cartoon Network, which will be premeiring the second Hellboy animated feature, Hellboy: Blood & Iron on Saturday, March 10th. I missed the first one, but hopefully I’ll be a little more on-the-ball for this one.

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The Invincible Iron Man on DVD

ironman.jpg Marvel has recently put out a number of straight-to-DVD animated features including the Ultimate Avengers and the Ultimate Avengers 2. The latest in this series is The Invincible Iron Man. It only makes sense for Marvel to choose Iron Man to get his own animated feature with a full length live action feature film currently in the works. While the Ultimate Avengers films were based on Marvel’s Ultimate universe canon, the Iron Man story is taken from traditional Marvel continuity updated so that it makes sense for audiences of today.

Read the rest of the review after the jump. No spoilers are in the review. Beware the comments, though.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

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Captain America, Iron Man – Post-Civil War Spoilers

cap_crop.jpgUpdated – 1/22/2007, 8:20 PM

Recently, forum member Blanktoe brought some spoilerish information to our attention, thanks to Amazon’s early-solicitation schedule for trade paperbacks. Continue reading after the jump for a screencap of the listing, a copy of the image it revealed, and some discussion on how believable it may or may not be.

I repeat, last chance to abandon ship –

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Gwyneth Paltrow in Iron Man

Gwyneth Paltrow in Iron ManNumerous sources confirm that the unattractive and untalented Gwyneth Paltrow will star as Iron Man’s love interest Virginia “Pepper” Potts opposite on again off again drug addict Robert Downey Jr. Some people consider this stain on the film industry to be talented since winning an Academy Award for her performance in the unforgiveably bad Shakespeare In Love. This does not change the simple fact that with nearly 40 sub par film performances under her belt she has only managed to make a single good movie.

Here’s hoping for #2!

Who the hell calls their kid Apple? Seriously?

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Powet Toys: Art Asylum’s Marvel MiniMates

Don’t forget to check after the jump for more information on minimates and lots of additional pictures of other properties with the minimate license!
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Trailer Park

From the Shaun Of The Dead team, here’s “Hot Fuzz” and looks to be about as funny as SoTD was. Watch the embedded video below, or check out a larger quicktime version.

David Fincher, director of Fight Club and Seven, has a new movie about the investiagtion of the Zodiac serial killer, starring Robert Downey Jr, Mark Ruffalo and Jake Gyllenballs. Watch the trailer at

Those who’ve been following the Ultimate Avenger direct-to-DVD movies will want to see the trailer for The Invicible Iron Man.

Also, I found some trailer for a movie about some kid who does magic or something. I don’t know, someone might this think this is cool…

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Iron Man game coming from Sega

Iron ManGaming Age is running a story reprinting a press release announcing Sega has grabbed the rights to make games based on Marvel’s Iron Man movie. All they’re saying now is “next-gen” which says to me “Xbox 360, PS3 if we have time, PSP port, halfassed DS, and completely different game for Wii”

But maybe I’m just a little jaded when it comes to license games. And Sega games.

Like a lot of superhero games, theres a lot of potential, especially if they draw from the vast arsenal Tony Stark’s used in comics. This will be a shooter and it will shoot everything. Press release after the jump.

[Read the rest of this entry…]

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