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Entries Tagged ‘Indiana Jones’:

Famicom Dojo Podcast: LucasArts and Crafts

George Lucas recently sold all of LucasFilm to Disnet for $4 billion.
Not only does that mean there will be a new Star Wars movie in 2015, but all of
LucasFilm’s ancillary businesses came with the deal: the graphic effects powerhouse
Industrial Light and Magic, used by almost every major motion picture studio for
photorealistic effects; Skywalker Sound, which does for audio was ILM does for video;
and the once-mighty Graphic Adventure game shop LucasArts.

Sean and Vinnk reminisce about their favorite LucasArts games from their childhood —
such as Loom, Maniac Mansion, Day of the Tentacle, the Indiana Jones Graphic Adventures,
and more — trace through its more recent games to see what the studio has become,
and speculate what will become of its talented game designers once faced with Disney’s
own powerful video game publisher, Disney Interactive.

iTunes Chicklet

Leave your own voicemail at 608-492-1923, or just share your thoughts in the show notes at FamicomDojo.TV:

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Movie Posters: Cowboys & Aliens

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Powet Alphabet: L is for Shia LaBeouf

Shia LaBeouf in the Even Stevens episode "Lucious Lou"
Since the alphabet is the building block of our language, the Powet Alphabet is the building block of what makes us geeks.

Shia LaBeouf, the greatest actor of our time, has done many amazing things, yet is constantly the butt of fanboy’s jokes as they accuse him of having raped their childhood. Let’s take a look at the life of this amazing man!

Shia LaBeouf eating a banana

Shia LaBeouf eating a banana

Shia was born in a Jewish hippy household in 1986. His family name “LaBeouf” is a spelling nightmare of the French “Le Boeuf” or “The Bull”. With parents that were free spirited performers it’s no surprise he made the career choices that he did. LaBeouf, who has a natural comedic talent which is often overlooked, began performing at comedy clubs as young as the age of 10, and pursued various shitty roles in TV shows until his big break.

Young Shia LaBeouf in the Even Stevens pilot

Young Shia LaBeouf in the Even Stevens pilot

In 1999 Shia landed the lead role in the Disney Channel comedy series Even Stevens. This was a hilarious show which to this day is the only thing to fully exploit his vast array of comedic ability. Even at 13 years old right from the first season this show featured some hilarious episodes like “Battle of the Bands” and “Movie Madness” which are full of top notch performances by Shia.

Shia LaBeouf in the Even Stevens episode "Battle of the Bands"

Shia LaBeouf in the Even Stevens episode 'Battle of the Bands'

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aDam guest stars on Evil Avatar’s Shotgun Podcast

Evil Avatar - ShotgunThis week I guest starred on Evil Avatar’s Shotgun Podcast, a podcast about the wonderful world of video games! I first met up with Ben from Evil Avatar at PAX East 2010 when I tried to smash him over the head with a wrench while dressed as a Bioshock Splicer

This latest episode covers games like Limbo, Lego Harry Potter, Infamous, Transformers: War For Cyberton and Deathsmiles.

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Powet Alphabet: I is for Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Since the alphabet is the building block of our language, the Powet Alphabet is the building block of what makes us geeks.

Surely Indiana Jones belongs in any list of the greatest characters ever put on film. Aside from the role as the (also list worthy) Han Solo, Indy is what defines Harrison Ford as a tough, charismatic actor.
He was introduced in the film “Raiders of The Lost Ark” and thats a great movie. But I’m going to focus on the movie where the character’s name actually appears above the title, “Indiana Jones and the Temple Of Doom”
I know this article series is supposed to focus on a lot of stuff that we as geeks either do or should respect. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is maybe the antithesis of that. We must know it so that we may learn its mistakes.
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Powetcast Episode 10: War of the Prequels

powetcast We’re facing a prequel-heavy year in entertainment: Star Trek, Wolverine, Terminator: Salvation, the upcoming Caprica (based on the new Battlestar Galactica), and shows that involve so much time travel it’s hard to say which is the beginning or end. Some of those shows won’t even be coming back next year, thanks to a slew of announced cancellations.

Rock it out with us in the Powetcast for the week of May 18th, 2009!

(Are there any prequels you have an opinion about? Angels and Demons turning your crank? Huge fan of Dumb and Dumberer? Leave a comment below!)

Audio Netcast Details
iTunes Chicklet Subscribe to the Powetcast on iTunes
Direct Link: Powetcast Episode 10: War of the Prequels

Show notes after the jump!
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Review: Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull

Zac Shipley and Sean Orange took in the latest Harrison Ford epic and wonder aloud if it was all worth it, and if we deserve another.



Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull trailer

After showing on Good Morning America this morning, and set to run in front of Spiderwick Chronicles all weekend, the anticipated first teaser for the 4th entry in the Indiana Jones series is on the web.

Get it on yahoo, and in HD!

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