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Entries Tagged ‘EA’:

Join the Andromeda Initiave

We’ve heard precious little about EA/Bioware’s upcoming RPG Mass Effect:Andromeda, which is due next year. However EA’s twitter account for Mass Effect has revealed this short video with a link to a page where players can sign up for updates. Also it looks like something is coming November 7, which is next Monday.

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E3 2016 – EA: MAss Effect Andromeda, FIFA, and Battlefield 1

EA Held its press conference yesterday. They didn’t have much in the way of surprises, there was a few new looks at this year’s FIFA, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Titanfall 2 and Battlefield 1. As for Mass Effect, we didn’t see much, but it hinted at the story being about finding a new home for humanity. Another trailer for Battlefield 1 was shown, and we saw more of its melee-combat. With black and female protagonists, biplane battles, and melee combat, Battlefield I looks to give players a whole new look at WWI. FIFA 17 was the most intriguing title of the bunch. Not only will the game be powered by DICE’s Frostbite Engine, but the game will feature a storymode, in which you play as an up and coming kicker named Alex Hunter (the guy you see above) and take him to the top of the Primer League. Titanfall 2 looks to improve on its predecessor in every way, and will even include a single-player campaign mode this time! Finally, EA gave us a look at what it’s planning with the Star Wars franchise. Along with a new Battlefront for 2017 developed in cooperation with Motive (the new company formed by Assassin’s Creed’s Jade Redmond), Visceral and Respawn are also working on new Star Wars titles that will be released throughout the next couple of years. Check out the trailers below.
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Battlefield I Trailer and Info

Earlier this week we learned that the next Call of Duty will take gamers into space. Meanwhile, EA/Dice are looking towards the past to bring gamers the future of EA’s Battlefield shooter, WWI to be specific. Check out the trailer below, and a few tidbits after the jump.

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$20 Game of the Week: Kingdoms of Amalur – The Reckoning

Kingdoms_of_Amalur_Reckoning_coverIf you’ve been keeping up with the news this past week, you’ll know that we lost one of the greatest women’s wrestlers of all time along with one of the greatest musicians of all time. Before that however, former baseball player and would be video game mogul Curt Schilling got shitcanned from ESPN for being a hateful transphobe. This reminded me of when he was in charge of two game studios and a franchise, all of which ended up tanking. Pity too, because the game they released, Kingdoms of Amalur: The Reckoning was an excellent action RPG, and it could have been the start of the next big franchise. Sadly it would end up being a costly flop for all parties involved.
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Famicom Dojo Podcast: RETRO Magazine

Famicom Dojo Podcast 110: RETRO Magazine

Magazines have themselves become a retro medium, but what if someone could use that to their advantage in a dying industry? Double-win if you can tie it to retro video games. That’s exactly what we have with our guests this week! Vinnk and Sean welcome co-founders Mike Kennedy and Mark Kaminski of Retro Magazine to talk about their Year 2 Kickstarter, and their favorite retro games. They also stick around for Future Retro and Pile of Shame to share some really interesting games we (or at least some of us) haven’t played before!

iTunes Chicklet

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Famicom Dojo Podcast: The Price of DLC

Famicom Dojo Podcast 095: The Price of DLC

Physical game releases, and increasingly their digital versions as well, often get a hefty price cut as the game ages, but the price of the DLC never goes down. Should it? Vinnk and Sean backtrack on some earlier positions to talk about DLC they like, grapple with their feelings on DLC in general, and what alternatives publishers can pursue without giving up a revenue stream that helps to increase the software development tail of a game and its engine.

iTunes Chicklet

Leave your own voicemail at 608-492-1923, or just share your thoughts in the show notes at FamicomDojo.TV:

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$20 Game of the Week: Command and Conquer – The Ultimate Collection (PC)


Command and Conquer is one of gaming’s most respected RTS franchises. While it isn’t as complex as a Starcraft or as grandiose as a Total Annihilation, Command and Conquer set the standard for classic 4X (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit and eXterminate) RTS gameplay. The collection contains every C&C game released up until now, along with expansions. You’ll get the classic C&C Tiberium Dawn, the goofy Red Alert games, the realistic Generals, and even the FPS shooter Renegade. If you’ve never experienced this series before, this disc will give you the chance to witness the evolution of the classic RTS franchise. Although some of the games may have compatibility issues on newer hardware, it’s still worth the price of admission.

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Famicom Dojo Podcast: Xbox One

Famicom Dojo Podcast 75: Xbox One

Last week, Microsoft unveiled their next-generation gaming console, controller, and name. While the “XBONE” jokes are already flying, more is being made of what Microsoft didn’t say at this event than what they did say. (Or did. Or showed.) Which is kind of too bad, because even amongst the crazier ideas (e.g. cloud computing), there were some pretty cool concepts. Oh, and that whole pesky “used games” and “always online” messaging fiasco. Sean welcomes guests Zac Shipley (No Topic Required) and Justin Severson (Powet.TV) to talk about these missteps, try to focus at least a little bit on the positive aspects of the presentation, and speculate about Microsoft’s endgame in the console space, and if the Xbox One will really be “the one”, final console that Microsoft will ever make.

iTunes Chicklet

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